Chapter 3290 Wolf and Shepherd

Such a story is told in La Fontaine's collection of fables.

After a thousand years of war, the wolf country and the sheep country finally made peace. This is obviously a win-win situation. Although the wolf ate many stray lambs, the shepherd also used the wolf skins to make many clothes.

Whether the sheep are eating grass or the wolves are looking for meat, both parties are never free, and eating is always in fear.

Now the hostages are exchanged, the wolf country hands over the wolf cubs, and the sheep country hands over the sheepdogs. The matter was mediated by representatives of both parties, and the exchange ceremony was carried out as usual. But after a while, the wolf cub grew into a big wolf. They took advantage of the absence of a shepherd in the sheepfold and killed half of the fattest lambs. They carried the lambs into the woods. They had secretly colluded with their accomplices. The sheepdog believed in the wolf's guarantee in the wolf country and rested peacefully, but lost his life in his sleep.

There is also a story about a wolf that was starved to the skin and bones. It met a big dog. The big dog accidentally got lost. He was handsome, strong, fat, and had shiny fur. The wolf really wanted to attack the lost dog and tear him into pieces. But this is bound to be a fight, and the shepherd dog is so big, he will definitely have to put up a strong resistance. Master Wolf had no choice but to step forward and play tricks, bowing his head and complimenting him a few words, saying that the dog's wealth made him envious.

When the shepherd dog heard this, he liked it in his heart: "Dear sir, it is entirely up to you to be as strong as me. Leave the woods, you will be very different. How miserable your compatriots are in the woods, just because they have no protection. There is no one to feed or drink, everything must be taken by force. Come with me, you can live a good life."

The wolf asked: "What do you want me to do?"

The dog replied: "You don't have to do almost anything. You just drive away the beggars with sticks, cater to the family, and please the master. You will also get the corresponding wages, which are all kinds of leftovers, not counting what you can get." How much caress."

The wolf had begun to yearn for this happy life, and was so excited that he shed tears. While walking, the wolf found that the hair on the dog's neck had fallen off, and asked him what was going on?

"Nothing," said the dog.

"Why is there nothing?"

"This kind of thing is not worth mentioning."

"What on earth is that?"

"The part you see may be abraded by the collar I wear."

"Wear a collar?" the wolf asked again,

"Can't you just run away?"

"You can't run around all the time, but what does it matter?"

"It's very important. All your meals are related to this collar."

"I don't want anything, even if it's for a treasure, I won't do it at this price."

Mr. Wolf said that and ran away.

Even after what happened, Pierre Rode's name is listed in the conservatoire's register as "travel" rather than "exile".

Today's long-distance travelers know that it is impossible to reach your destination in one day. It took Humboldt 88 days to reach South America. There are many places to stop and supply supplies on the route, such as St. Helena Island, which is a water supply station of the East India Company. There is no beautiful scenery there, except for merchant ships.

Another meaning of Continuous voyage is, as written in the Treaty of Utrecht, to ensure the smooth progress of East-West India Company trade and to repair damaged ports to facilitate navigation. It can also be extended to other maritime trades, where land is not always encountered on these trade routes.

If we follow the principle that the earth rules the sea, we must first determine land sovereignty. For example, Pirin Island in the Red Sea, although it is a piece of land, it has no water, and unlike Saint-Malo Island, it has water, plants, animals, and peat for fuel.

Because it cannot support human survival, the British claim to sovereignty over it is invalid. Just like those reefs, the sovereignty of these "lands" no longer exists, and the territorial waters no longer exist.

During the time when the Peace of Westphalia was signed, there was a Swedish ambassador to France named Grotius. He wrote a book called "The Law of War and Peace", which mentioned this content .

According to the distinction of natural law, treaties can be divided into two types: "satisfactory" and "unsatisfactory".

Satisfactory treaties are based on equality and are designed to promote the common good.

A nasty treaty is one that places too many burdens on the other.

The "Badajoz Peace Treaty" signed by France and Portugal is an unequal treaty. This is due to the unequal strength of the contracting parties, and the strong one forces the weak to accept the "sovereignty infringement" caused.

Portugal signed the Treaty of Methuen with the United Kingdom in 1703. On the surface, Portugal gained benefits and occupied the British wine market. French red wine has never really entered the United Kingdom, even if the tariff is already very low.

There are also beers, whiskeys, and rums in the UK. In addition, many people drink spirits instead of "sipping" them with goblets.

French wine can be stored in cellars for many years. Some people see the opportunity and think that this low tariff will not last long, so they buy barrels by barrels, store them, and then sell them when the tariffs are restored.

Even so, Port wine still cannot be sold. Bordeaux red wine is generally said to be the first choice of the court and the nobility. Charles II loved to drink it. During that time, France exported a lot of red wine to Britain, but this situation did not last too long for the French. For a long time, because of the consumption tax on red wine. No matter the production area or technology, the alcohol concentration cannot be compared. The consumption tax of spirits and light wines is different.

Rome allowed Carthage to govern itself many years after it destroyed it. It was the "people" who were free, not the city, so Carthage received limited freedom.

It seemed like a good idea for the Portuguese to cede an unexplored land, since no humans had ever settled there.

The longitude and latitude of the Saint-Malo Islands have also not been measured. Now there is a territorial dispute. To determine its coordinates, who will be responsible for arbitration and measurement?

This involves the "suit of fact" in Roman law. The surveyor measured the land that originally belonged to the owner and found that it no longer belonged to him. It was like throwing away a ring that originally belonged to the owner. The surveyor did not own the ring. Ring, but the ring is also not under the control of the owner.

According to the content of the Declaration of Independence in 1782, Americans should enjoy the same rights as the British in the past. Adams confirmed this in the Treaty of Paris. Then the United Kingdom and the United States should share fishing rights in the North Atlantic fisheries, and the United States cannot alone It enjoys the right to coastal fisheries. As for whether the United Kingdom will invade the territorial waters sovereignty without the consent of the United States, it is not foreseeable. After all, who would have thought that a British warship would impound a French fishing boat.

According to Grotius, interpreting a treaty, whether for "purpose" or "text," must achieve a certain "just result."

George III wanted to be the protector of the exiles, Alexander was said to want to be the protector of Europe, Napoleon... He put the black clothes back on, but he took off the scarf, as if he saw that it made her Bad mood.

"You have to be careful." He helped her tidy up her hair. "Remember to use your little wooden stick and forget about the confidentiality laws."

She didn't have the strength to correct him, it wasn't a stick, it was a wand.

The way he looked at her was pained and pitiful, as if he were looking at a corpse lying on the ground.

She held his hand.

God really shouldn't have given him a good memory, so that his memory wouldn't be everyone's grave.

"You looked at the map and what did you see?" he asked calmly.

"Iron Curtain." She said softly, "It still lacks the Trieste part."

He had that deer-like expression on his face.

"I wish I was half as smart as you, Ren."

She didn't know what to say, all this could be her dream, real history...

"Talleyrand said I was crazy and wanted to give you the Great Seal of Italy. He is the fool." He sneered sarcastically.

"I don't need it. You gave me the sword, the bronze sword inlaid with the other half of the Regent's diamond." Georgiana said.

"It would be nice if you were real." He said suddenly.

"Of course I am serious!" she said inexplicably.

But he stood up and left, as if leaving behind some attachment.

But when he reached the door, he stopped again.

"Will you take my heart?"

"You mean putting it in the chest like Leclerc did?" she asked. "Wouldn't it be better to put it in the chest?"

He snorted coldly and really left now.

When his footsteps went away, she lay back on the bed.

In the Louvre, she saw a painting of Pandora.

In Greek, the "magic box" is actually an urn, which is placed in Pandora's hand.

She wanted to read the letter again, but only after returning to the Seine River Management Bureau. After working for a long time, she didn't know who the guardian was today. How could she go back after dark without a carriage?

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