Chapter 3291 Annoying Traveling Companion

Elba is very close to Corsica on the map and is also the main island of Tuscany. It is precisely because it is so close to Tuscany that Napoleon was able to take advantage of the guards guarding him to go to Tuscany. He ran away when he saw his mistress.

When she came to the door of the Botanical Maze, two detachments of cavalry were guarding it.

One group was the French cavalry led by Bersier and Augereau, and the other group was the British cavalry led by "Captain Nightingale". They were wearing red coats, and they were so distinct that they chatted in a circle across a black painted carriage.

Seeing Georgiana coming out, they all threw away their cigarettes and got on their horses together.

How is this going?

She thought to herself as she watched the scene.

Just as she was about to ask, the carriage door opened - bearing her emblem, a golden cow - and Polina was waiting inside, looking impatient.

"Come on, I'll be waiting for you." Polina said.

She was so stunned that she got into the carriage and found that Delmid was also inside. The mother and son were sitting on the sofa opposite Georgiana. There was no "guardian" in the car.

In fact, in retrospect, she also had her own carriage in Belgium, but this right was deprived of her after arriving in Paris.

"Remember to pick me up tomorrow." Polina said, stroking Delmid's head. He had the same blond hair as his father.

Her feelings for Delmid suddenly became complicated.

Napoleon was in mourning for his brother-in-law, but others didn't see it that way.

Severus had told Pomona that mercy was the right of the victor.

When he was hung and humiliated by James Potter, he didn't ask James to let him go. What's more, if he said it, would James, who was "punishing evil", listen?

Slytherins crave power, power that prevents them from asking for mercy, except when facing the Dark Lord.

Grotius believed that if a country becomes a kingdom, the treaty will continue to be valid, even if the head of the country changes, the country itself does not have the sovereignty of the people exercised by the monarch.

If the people don't like it, even the king cannot rule regardless of public opinion. Even the king and the kingdom have been overthrown in France.

In the 4th century BC, Macedonia was still a poor country and a barbarian in the eyes of the ancient Greeks. But before Alexander could carve out an empire across Europe, Asia and Africa, it was his father Philip II who laid the foundations.

Philip II spent most of his youth as a hostage in other countries. When he returned to his country, he was not the first in line to the throne. He also had an older brother. Fortunately, they did not need to stage the drama of palace intrigue. His older brother After dying in battle, Philip inherited the throne and began to reform the country.

In addition, he also signed treaties with surrounding countries. Grotius used these treaties as an example. Alexander the Great refused to implement those treaties that maintained peace on the grounds of the outbreak of war.

From a certain perspective, George III promulgated the new Habeas Corpus Law based on the laws of Charles II, which emphasized the identity of the legal heir, although Hanover was a descendant of James I's granddaughter, not a direct male descendant.

According to the Roman law of nations, asylum seekers were to be admitted and protected, but only to those who suffered as a result of misfortune rather than crime.

Pishegru was deported, not extradited, which would have required an extradition hearing under British law. If he pleads in court, the investigation of the real culprit will cause other troubles, not to mention how he himself ran back to Europe from Cayenne needs to be explained. He can identify him at will, even France himself, but not the United Kingdom, because British ships cannot Landing in South America. But Britain has also declared sovereignty over the Saint-Malo Islands, which are already so far away from the South American coastline.

The continental shelf is hidden under the sea and is not exposed by the tides. Oceania is made up of many small islands, but these islands share a continental shelf with Australia.

There was an explorer named Nicholas Balding who took 30 botanists, geographers, zoologists, draftsmen, doctors, etc. to explore this vast area. Last time Bougainville just crossed it and completed Traveling around the world, many areas had already been explored by Captain Cook and occupied by the British.

Nicholas also went to Egypt, but did not return to France. He sent many plant seeds and specimens back to the Paris Botanical Garden, like a captured battle flag.

In fact, Beauharnet is no longer in this world, but she still exists in other people's mouths. On the contrary, Bonaparte just said that she does not exist.

She did not exist in 19th century France, she only existed in this dream. In the 20th century, she just quickly read his biography, which was written by an Englishman. She didn't care about the authenticity of the content of the biography. What relationship does a Muggle emperor have with wizards? Memorizing his history will not give you extra points in the exam. .

According to Paulding's reply, the British, who had lost their penal colony in America, deported the undesirable population to this coast and put military officers in charge of managing them.

Louis XVI once sent a man named Perugia to explore this sea area, but he was lost on the coral reef and never appeared in human society again. Louis XVI missed him before going to the guillotine.

Lost because you are wandering in a place that does not belong to you.

In the "Attica Law", if a person dies due to violence, his close relatives and relatives have the right to seize hostages until the other party pays a fine or surrenders the murderer. The number of hostages captured cannot exceed three.

The seven-year-old Hostage Law of the Republic stipulates that for every "patriot" killed, four hostages must be exiled. Those who participated in the riots, except for the leaders, will not be convicted as long as they surrender or lay down their weapons.

However, all of Chateaubriand's relatives were killed. Although he did join the army in Belgium, only a few people knew about it, and most people thought he came back from the United States. He put aside Rousseauism and studied English law, where he thought he found freedom and dignity.

It is a pity that Chateaubriand never stayed in London or an industrial city. He always stayed in the idyllic countryside.

He did not settle there and become Mr. de Combong, but chose to "go home."

Animals will be caught in traps when they see food. "Home" is a temptation for some people, while others are eager to leave home and go out to explore.

Albus said that what determines who a person becomes is his choice.

She thought so for a while, until she found that someone had already chosen the clothes in the wardrobe for her, or she thought she could choose between starting from Marseille and going to Milan.

Elba is said to have been formed when the fragments of the necklace worn by Venus fell into the sea.

The brooch she gave him, which was supposed to protect him, broke.

When she saw the British cavalry outside the carriage, she remembered that she had also planned to protect Severus' heart, hoping that he would always have a trace of youthful innocence.

She didn't want to hurt anyone, but she didn't know whether she should continue racking her brains for this purpose.

She had thought of other ways to undermine the Treaty of Methuen and let Bordeaux wine and Porto compete fairly, but she forgot about other inequalities.

Love not only makes people blind, it also makes people partial.

But before she felt remorseful and felt that she couldn't do anything well, she thought of Rome. Although Carthage could pay off its war debts in advance, Rome deliberately did not allow Carthage to do so to facilitate them every year. Remind Carthage.

"Loser" always doubts himself, doubts and doubts. Not only does he doubt his own existence, but the people around him also treat him as if he does not exist.

Do the right thing because it's the right thing to do.

At least she was now sure that she couldn't use "home" to seduce Bonaparte. He had let Josephine take control of everything because he was afraid that no one would love him.

She found a piece of paper in the carriage's storage box, drew a coordinate system on it with a pen, and then casually drew a heart-shaped pattern.

This looks like Descartes' cardioid function, but it actually has no solution.

She folded it and handed it to the French cavalryman outside the carriage window.

"Give it to the First Consul," she said to the soldier.

He put it in the gun case and turned the horse around.

After doing all this, she felt a lot more comfortable, and then looked at Polina.

"I love your brother," she said shamelessly.

"I know." Polina said expressionlessly, "That's why I think being in the same carriage with you is bearable."

"I want to go to Elba before going to Corsica, is that okay?" Georgiana asked.

"Where is that place?" Paulina asked.

"An island opposite your hometown," Georgiana said.

"What are you doing there?" Paulina asked.

Yeah, what are you doing there? Maybe this time as a prisoner, I won't be locked up there.

"I just want to go," she told Polina forcefully.

"What a weirdo." Polina complained, but did not refuse.

"We will be companions from now on." Georgiana looked at Polina and smiled bitterly.

"In addition to us Delmid." Polina held Delmid in her arms. "Right, son."

Delmid looked at Polina and then at Georgiana.

"I don't play with girls." He said seriously.

"Oh." Georgiana and Polina complained together.

Delmid looked at the cavalry outside the window with longing, as if he wanted to be one of them, completely ignoring their complaints.

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