Chapter 3293 King Mesa’s Garden (2)

The king of waltzes, Johann Strauss Jr., once wrote a piece called The Blue Danube. Legend has it that it is like a blue streamer, connecting more than a dozen countries in Europe.

It was indeed a beautiful river, not only beautiful but also capable of shipping. However, in Alexander's time, this area was not peaceful. It had been occupied by many tribes. Herodotus once traveled here, but only one left There are no descriptions, no maps, and many place names cannot be verified in modern times.

There was a country named Scythia, and their king Attias had considered adopting Philip as the heir to the kingdom of Scythia.

The Scythians lived in the lower reaches of the Danube River and were famous for their horsemanship and archery. According to Arrian's records, Alexander's vanguard of the attack on Thebes seemed to be a light cavalry force. They rushed into the city before the Thebans closed the city gates, causing the Thebans to resist in the arena.

This force was ruthless, but the Greek states did not condemn them, because during the war between Greece and Persia, Thebes betrayed Greece many times. During the truce, he also occupied Plata and demoted the entire city to slave. During the Peloponnesian War, Sparta proposed to demote the entire population of Athens into slaves, and Thebes voted in favor.

Therefore, people say that the coming disaster in Thebes was foreshadowed, but people did not notice it at the time.

Scythia was divided into kingdom Scythia and nomadic Scythia. They probably lived on the east bank of the Dnieper River flowing through Kiev, while Thrace was located to the south of the Danube. After Philip was assassinated in 335 BC, many tribes rebelled, and the Thebans thought this was the northern frontier.

The rebellious areas were mainly concentrated in the Thracian free tribes and the coastal areas of what is now Albania. Alexander had two roads to choose from: one was to go north along the Axius River and enter the territory of the Agyrians who were loyal to him; The other route ran along the eastern coast through the territory of the Thracian free tribes, into the Heburs valley and the Haimos Mountains, and directly attacked the Tribali from the east. Alexander chose the latter because this road passed through the territory of the Eudrysians and could appease this hesitant nation along the way. Alexander also ordered a fleet to set sail from Byzantium and prepare to go up the Danube to meet up with his own army at the appropriate time. In the early spring of 335 BC, Alexander embarked on a journey, determined to resolve once and for all the troubles on the Danube and the Illyrian borders.

Philip's diplomatic plan was probably "diplomacy far away and attack close". There is no historical record of how good the relationship between Scythia and Macedonia was, but if Scythia wanted to cross the border river to support Macedonia, it would have to go through the territories of multiple tribes, otherwise it would have to be done by sea. They left, but Alexander did not send the Byzantine navy to pick them up. No matter how good your uncle is, he is still an outsider. Wasn’t the origin of the Hundred Years War between England and France because Edward III wanted to inherit the throne as his nephew?

There are many castles along the Danube River. These castles are not all used to stage love stories between princes and princesses. They have military purposes. Some were used to protect against Attila and the Mongols, and some were used to protect against neighbors. In short, it was an international river. At the end of the 18th century and before the French Revolution, countries that passed through international rivers were called riparian countries. In countries without special treaties, In such circumstances, foreign vessels may be completely denied access to that part of the river passing through its territory, or may be admitted subject to any prescribed conditions.

This is like a person who is over 18 years old and is considered a legal adult. However, in the Holy Roman Empire, a parliamentary confirmation is required before a noble boy can be allowed to become an adult. Even if he is 25 and does not meet this condition, he is still a minor.

The Scheldt was completely closed in 1648 due to the Treaty of Münster between the Netherlands and Spain. Then in 1792, the French National Assembly ordered the Scheldt and Meuse to be opened to ships from all countries along the river.

Then came the Treaty of Amiens, and the Cape of Good Hope was completely opened to the international community.

Only the United Kingdom and the United States have freedom of navigation on the Mississippi River. In addition, before the Louisiana Purchase was completed, it also served as a boundary river. It is a boundary river that passes through several countries and is not a domestic river. The riparian countries can each claim that part of the river they own. , to regulate navigation on rivers, they can certainly completely deny entry to ships from non-coastal countries, unless there are special treaty restrictions.

England was not a country on the Scheldt, but it still sailed into Antwerp, but they could not enter the inner river.

Coal mines are non-renewable resources. It takes many years for an oak tree to grow into a mast, let alone a coal seam.

If Louisiana is sold with the Missouri River as the boundary, then the area from St. Louis to New Orleans will still belong to France. "Unless there are restrictions in special treaties, they can certainly completely deny the entry of ships from non-coastal countries."

The United States is a country along the Mississippi River. In theory, they can come and go freely, whether they need a pass or not.

However, France has set high tariffs for them. Unless they use continue voyage, anchor in a neutral country, and then transfer to Europe, the tariff barrier will be enough to stop them.

With a Spanish pass, they can fill it out themselves. The King of Spain sold blank charters and the sales were very high. The blank charters issued by Spain were used to transport silver coins, but the "blank" meant that there was no word on what to transport. Gabriel also added a condition that the King of Spain would bear all risks. His own silver ship can also carry one-third of the private goods.

The British shouted stop. They didn't recognize any charters. If they were caught, it was smuggling. Home Popham was still in the British Navy at the time, and his ship was impounded. The 50,000 goods were returned to him with 25,000.

Fishing vessels, small craft used in local trade were exempted as was customary in the sixteenth century, as well as exploration ships, whether Bougainville's HMS Budas and HMS Star or Captain Cook's HMS Resolution and HMS Discovery, England and France have granted exemptions.

However, the immunity of fishing boats went back and forth many times in the 17th and 18th centuries. Sometimes this immunity was revoked due to war, and sometimes the restrictions were relaxed for humanitarian reasons.

The British followed the instructions of the Admiralty, which could be captured or revoked. But French fishermen are not fishing in the deep ocean. This involves the issue of territorial waters and high seas. If France wins, the United Kingdom will release the French fishermen arrested in French territorial waters.

Are British Aurors Interpol? If not, what authority do they have over the internal affairs of France?

Capture Grindelwald? Grindelwald has been operating secretly, except when giving speeches. If it is reasonable to capture terrorists, the French can also go to the UK to arrest Pishgru, and the UK must fully cooperate.

He ran away from Cayenne. Where did he go? Others said he was in Hamburg.

Georgiana didn't need to see it with her own eyes, she could imagine how ugly the people from the French Ministry of Magic looked when they "received" the British Aurors.

Georgiana is assumed to be British by default, but there is no identifying information about her except the passport given to her by Sir Merry.

If she is of no use, this passport can be treated as if it does not exist, and England will not care about whatever happens to her in the future.

It is easy for her to obtain French nationality. She just needs to marry a Frenchman. From now on, everything will have to be arranged by the "king", just like the king's mistress in the old days, marrying a noble who wants to be promoted to a higher position, or A knight who wants to obtain a rich fiefdom.

After she woke up, there was a document on her desk. She might have put it on it after she fell asleep last night, inquiring about where the morgue from Daxiatlai had been moved.

When reading the history of the construction of the Panama Canal, she came across a record in which people put the bodies of dead workers in large barrels and marinated them. After a few days, no one claimed them and then sold them to medical schools in various countries.

Illyria has the custom of urn burial. When you open "Pandora's Box", what you see may not be hope, but a bloody heart.

She picked up the pen and wrote on the paper:

1. The body will be announced for 10 days after it is found, including physical characteristics, and will be preserved on ice during this period.

2. If no one claims him after 10 days, he will be sent to the medical school for autopsy and buried as a contributor to human scientific progress and medicine.

After she finished writing, she called Feryl over and asked her to give this thing to the person who needed it.

She could ask for a fiefdom on Elba, and study Humboldt's information on that isolated island. The island's meager tax revenue would not allow her to live a luxurious life, but she should be able to fund the expedition. She would not have to be harassed by anyone in the future. Rushing back and forth.

It had nothing to do with her as to where Napoleon would be imprisoned after she occupied that area. There were so many Tuscan islands, so she could just pick one.

After finishing this last thing, she left the Seine River Authority, but before leaving, she called a clerk and asked him to go to the First Consul to pick up a set of clothes and a three-cornered hat that he was wearing, and wait for him to pick them up. She would leave as soon as he came. She would be waiting for him in the carriage.

She took nothing with her except the sword Napoleon gave her.

Before Alexander went on an expedition to Persia, he distributed all his property to his ministers. The minister asked him, Your Majesty, what are you taking with you on your journey?

Alexander said, leave wealth to others and leave hope to myself, and she will bring me endless wealth.

If the mountain does not come to me, I will go to him.

Mountains never meet, people always meet. Let's see what people and things she will encounter this time.

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