Chapter 3294 King Mesa’s Garden (3)

She said she didn't bring anything, but when Georgiana saw the carriage she was going to take in the yard, it was filled with large and small bags.

But compared with Polina's, she is really far behind.

"Is it necessary to bring so many things?" Georgiana said, looking at the luggage in the car.

"It's not like we are fleeing, so why panic?" Polina said angrily.

Polina had a whole box of shawls alone, but Georgiana had a carriage specifically for loading books, which were also heavy items. They had to go over mountains and ridges all the way, and the horses might be exhausted.

Seeing that they were still packing, Georgiana found a quiet place, ordered a cup of black tea, and sat waiting.

In fact, Prussia also had a navy, which was established by Frederick William. He sent people to the Netherlands to recruit sailors. A seaman named Rierle enlisted, became an admiral of Prussia, and became Frederick William's naval adviser.

Home Popham also had the trust of the Tsar, and Paul I gave him 10,000 men to try to recapture the Held Peninsula. But the continental campaign ended in failure, and the Tsar never saw him again.

Rierle integrated the naval forces of the fragmented German states under his own command and wanted to take advantage of this opportunity to form a real navy. However, he did not get the support of Frederick William. They used the model of the East India Company to It carried out various navigation, astronomical surveying and mapping activities, and also actively developed overseas colonies and established several supply stations in West Africa.

After the death of the Elector, Frederick I succeeded to the throne, but due to financial constraints, he had to reduce the number of ships, so that by 1700, the entire navy had only 5 small commercial ships left. When the king finally died At that time, the Prussian navy actually had no usable ships.

Frederick William I denounced all maritime affairs as "delusions", so during his reign, the Prussian navy did not receive any development. When Frederick the Great came to the throne, he initially refused to develop the navy, but by the time He acquired East Flanders and West Prussia, whose long coastlines laid the foundation for Prussia's naval construction.

At least Frederick the Great once established a "coastal rampart" force to repel Swedish ships.

The strength of the Kingdom of Sweden can be seen from the records of Grotius, who was the Swedish ambassador to France. However, when the Peace Treaty of Campo Formio was signed, Bonaparte believed that Sweden was not qualified to arbitrate.

Alexander Humboldt's brother Wilhelm Humboldt tried to establish a new educational system in Prussia. During the conversation that day, Alexander Humboldt talked about him. He admired this brother very much.

William Humboldt believed that primary schools need teachers to teach, and middle school teachers feel that they are dispensable. University teachers should not continue to play the role of primary school teachers. College students are not children and can carry out their own research. Professors only supervise and support. Because college students will know that they are individuals doing research and exploration.

Georgiana had reservations about this. Fresnel could do it, but it did not mean that everyone could do it. In particular, she was worried that Humboldt's system would be used by the king like Haller's system. She We don’t want war orphans to be involved in war again.

Without joy and happiness, children would not try to protect Hogwarts, or, like Harry and Ron, drive a flying car to school in order to go to school.

Normal children should hate going to school, and holidays are what they look forward to.

Then she thought of the Arnold Mill case handled by Frederick the Great. A dam was built upstream to intercept the water, causing the mills downstream to have no water power.

She was afraid that the French would build a dam on the Mississippi River. Once the water flow stopped, the "freedom of navigation" would be empty talk.

River water is also a resource, but Louis XIV enclosed a spring specifically for drinking water for himself and the court. The advantage of doing this is to protect the spring water. If the Bishop of Liege had not banned export, how could there be so many coal reserves for them to dig.

The other thing is brass. Although the Low Countries are famous for textiles, metal processing is equally excellent. The buildings in many cities are even silversmith-style.

The massive deforestation during Cromwell's administration allowed the British Navy to grow, which later led to the British Navy being short of wood to build new warships and having to go to the colonies to find suitable wood. It was also during this time that the American shipbuilding industry began to develop and grow. .

Such unbridled free development is indeed a moment of pleasure, just like the ancestors of the Gaunt family who squandered all their money and left the descendants with only a dead snake nailed on the door. It seems that they didn't even have the money to make a silver snake badge. .

It's really not possible to use transfiguration to turn wood into iron. How could there be any beauty in that?

Just when she was about to finish a cup of black tea, a middle-aged man came to her under the guidance of Bersier. He had a box in his hand.

"Madam, what you want." The middle-aged man said, handing the box to Georgiana with both hands.

She took the box. It was pink with a gold rim on the outside.

Although the thought was ominous, she did think of the urn.

Then she opened it.

Bonaparte had many hats, and now it was flattened inside. Underneath the hat was a red sash, a gold buckle for his sword, and a chasseur's uniform.

He may have misunderstood. Georgiana didn't want these things for memories. What she wanted more was the clothes David wore when he painted a portrait of him riding a horse across the Alps.

In addition to ashes, there is also a tomb...

She covered the box again and took it to get into the carriage.

"Wait, ma'am."

Just as she took a few steps out, the person who brought the things stopped her.

"This is my letter of introduction. I am the doctor accompanying this trip." The middle-aged man took out a letter from his coat pocket and handed it to her.

She took the letter and read it:

Our country is not yet solid enough to need to fight for victory, and all European countries do not like us. I asked Talleyrand to go to Brussels to make him understand this, lest he live too happily in his small circle.

In countries that are eager to sign contracts with us, the old habits are an auxiliary to their power. In our country, on the contrary, these old habits are an obstacle. The France of today will not be the least similar to everything around it. Sooner or later it will be seen as an obstacle by its neighbors, so they will be eager to sweep us away and change the outcome of the war.

In our situation, either the institutions of our neighbors must be like ours, or there must be some harmony between our political institutions and theirs. In old monarchies and in new ones there will always be thoughts of war, and this is the root cause of the discord in Europe.

But my victory is not a good solution to the root cause. Every day that passes, the glory of our victory will be weakened day by day, and so will the impression of defeat. In order to consolidate its rule, a new government like ours needs to be admired and shocked.

Regarding the future, I can't answer you. What happens in the future depends on the situation. You seem to like impromptu performances very much, and I will fully cooperate with you. Bouillon-Lagrange, who works at the apothecary of the Temple of Otois, will bring you my clothes, and I asked him to bring an ambulance with him.

Peace is a marriage based on voluntary union. You should feel my thoughts towards you.

Georgiana put away the letter and looked at the new doctor.

"Nice to meet you, Doctor Bouillon."

"Nice to meet you too, Madame Sèvres," said Bouillon-Lagrange.

The current metric unit was determined by Lagrange based on the meridian passing through Paris. If Laplace redetermined the length of the new meridian in Paris, would it still need to be changed?

Perhaps, as Bonaparte said, the future will depend on the situation.

"Madam, look!" Ferrell stood on the carriage and pointed into the distance.

She looked in the direction that Philiel pointed, and the Sharp system in the north tower of Saint-Subiers Church was glowing.

This system can only be used during the day, which is enough for them to discuss whether it has passed or not in one night.

She stopped looking in that direction and turned around to get into the carriage. Polina's luggage was finally packed.

The love given by one party will not grow. Isn't a consensual marriage based on love?

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