Chapter 3295 King Mesa’s Garden (4)

During this trip to Belgium, they also separated halfway. Bonaparte went as far as Koblenz on the Rhine.

We have reached the edge of the "Boundary River" there, although there is no bronze equestrian sculpture of William I as the symbol of the German Horn yet.

He tried to move the tomb of a general named Marceau back to France. The general was said to have been cremated and his ashes placed in the pyramid designed for him by Kleber.

She sat in the carriage, holding the pink box containing Bonaparte's clothes, not knowing what she was thinking.

First, Napoleon Bonaparte is indeed dead, and his coffin lies in the Invalides in the 20th century.

Second, he is Josephine's husband. If one day he is Josephine who has to accept this.

But history says that Josephine died before Napoleon, and when it was his turn to die, the Austrian princess he married...

Her mind was in chaos, but the carriage had already begun to move forward slowly.

When the gate of the Seine River Management Bureau opened, there were actually a lot of people standing outside. At first, they all leaned forward, and when the carriage approached, they moved back to make way for the carriage.

"What are you doing?" Polina asked.

"A peaceful burial," said Katharina, wife of the Batavia ambassador to Amiens.

Georgiana's face was expressionless.

The historical "Peace of Amiens" only lasted for one year. One year was just enough time to calculate the costs and benefits of maintaining peace. As Bonaparte said, "profitable wars" and "unprofitable wars" Peace".

The result was not peace but a truce, even if the pope intervened to witness the signing of the peace treaty.

When a person has power, he or she does not feel that he or she lacks anything. Whatever he or she wants, someone will give him or her what he or she wants at the next command.

The crew of the Bundy fought each other for more mates, food and resources on Pitcairn Island, until only two men remained. Only then did the two crew members remember to take out their Bibles and vowed not to hurt each other again. But soon, one of the crew members died, and only one survived. Then the island was discovered by a passing American ship.

She has no interest in the Superman who saves the world in American comics, and the alien Clark does not even have the courage to write an article to uphold justice.

The British king did not want peace, but the British people were tired of the 10-year war, and peace negotiations were forced by public opinion.

Whether it is a Muggle war or a peace, wizards should not be involved. When the American Revolutionary War broke out, the British Ministry of Magic and the American Ministry of Magic did not participate. Instead, Henry Potter threw the International Statute of Secrecy aside. Actively participated in the First World War.

What is the essential difference between him and Grindelwald? They all have valid reasons, don’t they? Later, the wizards who participated in World War I also participated in the European battlefield.

So Georgiana is also a nosy person. Others in France themselves are not worried about the safety of drinking water. She should write a letter to the "good people" and ask them to stop giving out medicine packets containing cinchona bark powder to the poor. . There was no famine when the Black Death broke out, simply because so many people died that the demand for food decreased, even though food production also decreased because there were fewer people.

When half of a city's population dies, it will be like the noble men and women in the Decameron. Everyone will flee the city and seek refuge in the countryside.

When the carriage passed through the people on both sides of the road, they almost reached the turning point. They moved along the riverside road and soon they could see the roof of the church of Les Invalides.

Before she could have any thoughts, she saw a soldier on crutches standing by the road.

The further you go, the more people you see, and the honor guard composed of disabled people is not pleasing to the eye.

When they passed the central axis of Les Invalides, they could see a newly built house, the Beauharnais House, Josephine's residence in the city.

She still didn't want to live in the Tuileries Palace because of Marie Antoinette's ghost, but she couldn't live in Malmaison by herself and let other women take advantage of it.

Marie Antoinette originally came with peace...she looked to the other side, which was the Place de la Concorde and the Pont de la Concorde.

Once she had a dream in which she was kneeling in front of the guillotine, thinking about how to get out of trouble. Could it be that she also used a hiding spell to hide her neck?

She subconsciously touched her neck, where there was a chain with an eye-shaped pendant on it.

There is no obelisk on the Place de la Concorde now, and Egypt was not sacked.

"Look at the window of the Hall of Flowers," said Polina.

"What are you looking at? I'm not looking." Georgiana looked away from the window.

"It's not like we won't see each other again in the future, don't act like we are parting from life or death." Katharina said sarcastically.

Many people feel that Georgiana will come back, but aren't they worried that she will drag others down?

Napoleon no longer even ruled for life.

Love breeds favoritism. The French did not take back many of their colonies. Instead, the British occupied the colonies one after another and provided France with colonial products.

Sugar is the most important. During this period, nearly 10,000 tons of raw sugar were transported in Le Havre alone, because both it and silk are free trade and are completely unrestricted.

Sugar cannot make you feel full, but it can make hunger less uncomfortable. It is a scarce commodity during any war.

During the Revolution of 1792, there was a sugar riot in the suburbs because there was suddenly "no more" sugar.

People thought there was hoarding, and the first was the Santo Domingo uprising, where many coffee and sugar plantations were destroyed.

In fact, the area of ​​Saint-Domingue is not much different from that of Belgium. If Saint-Domingue can provide enough sugar for France, then Belgium can too. After all, once the sea route is blocked again, sugar can only be produced from beets on land.

Georgiana told him that using the excise tax on sugar as a subsidy or incentive for growing sugar beets would be better than tax exemption, but Bonaparte would not listen, or it would not work if he did.

When the Treaty of Paris was signed in 1783, France was not without any benefits. They recaptured 5 cities from India, including Pondicherry.

Pondicherry is the headquarters of the French East India Company. In fact, its accurate name is the French Oriental and Indo-China Company. It was newly built after the bankruptcy of the "East India Company" in 1769. It monopolizes almost all trade east of the Cape of Good Hope. Its fleet of ships traveling between India and France has expanded to 20 ships each year, and its profitability is also very impressive.

When the French Revolution broke out in 1789, the National Assembly declared that all trade east of the Cape of Good Hope was free for all French people. However, until the fall of the monarchy in 1792, the East India Company still had a monopoly on trade east of the Cape. After the fall of the royal power, the Legislative Assembly did not pass a proposal to tax the company's circulating stocks. After Danton and others came to power in 1793, the National Convention accused the company of profiteering and seized its warehouses, which cost nearly 30 million livres. German assets and fleet were confiscated. The East India Company ended completely in 1794 because it was unable to carry out normal business activities.

The British regarded India as the jewel in their crown, so how could they let France get involved?

After combing through the timeline of the French East India Company, Georgiana discovered two clues: one was pirates, and the other was a treaty.

In the early days of its establishment (1600), the French East India Company did not have an official background. They used the port of Saint-Malo and Dieppe in Normandy as their base camps, and relied on pirates and explorers to connect the routes from the mainland to Southeast Asia. The East India Company at this time was composed of the French East China Sea Company, the Montmorency East India Company and the Moluccas Company.

They soon encountered the Dutch East India Company, which robbed French ships on the route, resulting in negligible trade generated by these companies.

Then Henry IV was busy with religious wars, and France was unable to expand overseas. When Louis XIII came to the throne, many affairs were handed over to Cardinal Richelieu, and Richelieu found an opportunity for a breakthrough in diplomacy.

The Netherlands intends to leave the Holy Roman Empire, whether it is the Habsburgs in Madrid or the Habsburgs in Vienna, and seek independence. If they get the support of the Netherlands, or they do not rob French merchant ships, France can develop externally.

The trouble was that the Netherlands was a Protestant country, France was Catholic, and the Protestant country represented by Sweden was waging the Thirty Years' War.

In the end, Richelieu decided to support the Netherlands and compete with the Habsburg Holy Roman Empire for continental supremacy. At the same time, Richelieu signed the Treaty of Compiègne with the Netherlands.

Extending along the north-south central axis of the Louvre, you will see a Protestant church on the east side. There is the Louvre. It was built during the Louis XIII period and was part of the Louvre expansion plan. The Royal Chapel, where the funerals of Louis XIII and Richelieu were held.

Napoleon renamed it the Temple of Ortoire, oratoire means prayer in French.

He sent a doctor who worked here to come over and didn't know what it meant.

Four years after the signing of the Treaty of Compiegne, France re-opened the route from the Cape of Good Hope to Persia and the East Indies. In 1629, Louis XIII issued the "Edict of Michaud" to encourage the French, British, and Dutch to flock there. East.

The French established the French Oriental Company in Madagascar and the Mascarene Islands, but they enjoyed a 15-year trade monopoly in the Western Indian Ocean. The exploration and trade of the East Indies was organized under the leadership of the French Jesuits.

Then came Louis XIV, who appointed Colbert as chancellor of the finance, and Colbert merged the Oriental Company of Madagascar with the previously neglected Indo-Chinese Company to form the French East India Company.

Louis XIV gave the company many privileges, but with the issuance of the abolition of the Edict of Nantes and Louis XIV's war intention of annexing Flanders, the relationship between France, the Netherlands, and Britain became increasingly tense. Britain and the Netherlands were not just plundering The merchant ships of the French East India Company also captured Pondicherry. From then on, the French East India Company was in a state of decline until the Treaty of Utrecht was signed.

This not only ended the war between France and the Netherlands, but also recognized the status of Pondicherry and established strongholds in Surat, Kaleka, Yanam and Mahe. French India has since been united. The French East India Company thus established a position that rivaled the British East India Company and the Dutch East India Company.

Then France entered the Regency of Orleans, and the Duke of Orleans appointed John Rowe as finance minister. He merged and reorganized the French East India Company, the Senegal Company, and the Mississippi River Company, and established the India Permanent Company. The company issued a large number of shares and cooperated with France. The national debt was tied up like waste paper to fill the treasury deficit left by Louis XIV.

After the Mississippi River Bubble burst, the French East India Company became independent again. At this time, Prussia rose, and the conflict in Europe changed from Anglo-Dutch and France to Prussia and surrounding countries. Since Prussia had to pay a lot of military expenditures, Frederick the Great had no intention of developing a navy. It would be useless if he did. The Netherlands, Britain and even France would harass the Prussian navy, and the French East India Company took advantage of this opportunity to develop rapidly. Then there was the British East India Company's excessive involvement in the internal affairs of the Mughal Empire. When the Leviathan discovered that France was growing bigger in India, it went to war with the French East India Company during the outbreak of the Seven Years' War.

Pondicherry was almost razed to the ground after being captured by the British army, and France's carefully managed power in southern India was completely lost. Coupled with the failure of North America, the French colonial system collapsed, debts continued to accumulate, and the company began to become insolvent. In a vicious circle, it went bankrupt in 1769 after the signing of the Peace of Paris. This ended the French East India Company's history in foreign countries.

But the French themselves didn't think so. Then when Louis XVI reestablished the East India Company, Pondicherry provided spices and gems. During that time, the French perfume manufacturing industry developed rapidly. At the same time came the Eden Agreement, and the French weaving industry collapsed.

If Napoleon wanted to give Malta to the Tsar, and the Tsar wanted to accept this "gift", Georgiana could not stop it, nor could Talleyrand. She hoped to "conditionally" exchange for reciprocal freedom of navigation. This was the message she sent.

The first Governor-General of French East Indies was Francois Caron. He was a Hugollot. Compared with the direction set by Colbert for the East Indies, the Dutch mainly dealt in pepper, cinnamon, etc. in the Spice Islands. Business, more towards textiles.

Weaving requires warp and weft threads. It was originally a job for women to take care of their children to supplement the household income. The oil paintings depict this scene in warm tones.

When the carriage passes the Île Saint-Louis, you can see the Canal Saint-Martin. Many canal workers stood on the shore looking in this direction.

At this moment, she was no longer jealous of Lily. Just like the priest Talleyrand said, to improve the status of a priest, he must remain celibate and cut off all secular ties.

She came to this world wearing a red dress, and there was a ghost in her college who was wandering around the world because she didn't wear a red dress.

So she found a biography about Richelieu and read it alone in the carriage, no matter how animatedly the girls chatted.

As she looked at it, she felt a little head coming towards her.

"Do you want to see it too?" Georgiana asked Delmid.

"He is illiterate and is worried that his eyesight will be damaged," said Polina.

"I'll read it to you," Georgiana said to Delmid, telling a 4-year-old boy an uninspired, boring, non-fairy tale.


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