Chapter 3402 The troublemaker (Part 7)

According to the measurement data, Lake Como is located 50 kilometers north of Milan, but this is only a straight line data.

There are many rugged mountain roads around this glacial lake, so they had to take a detour, and the actual distance is much more than 50 kilometers.

Napoleon won in Piedmont by running with infantry. The French marched for seven days in the Battle of Mantua. Napoleon did not sleep and changed three horses, which severely damaged Wurmser.

Placing gunpowder is not absolutely safe. Even a spark may ignite the explosives and make the gun or cannon explode before firing.

In short, Georgiana returned to Milan after dark. Everything seemed normal in the city. There was no martial law or chaos because of her disappearance for a day.

The reason why she planned to take a car back to Milan instead of teleporting was because she wanted to see the castle in the north of Milan used to judge witches. As a result, time was so urgent that there was no time to take a detour.

Dumbledore often told her the rules of the house, such as patience and revenge afterwards, but you had forgotten them by then.

Not everyone is a forgetful fool who forgets revenge, but the perpetrators are often forgetful, or they hope that the victim forgets.

In addition to the Unforgivable Curse, there are other unforgivable things. Sirius attributed the past "joke" to the fact that he was a stupid boy at the time, but Snape didn't think so.

Draco was attacked by the Hufflepuff children on the train back to London in the fifth grade. In addition to the grudge that he used to be Wumulich's subordinate and Hannah was a member of the Order of the Phoenix, it was also because Draco had been bullying the lower grades.

Those children were much smarter than her, so they were not bullied.

She always hoped that someone could protect her. From a certain perspective, she was a bit like Peter. No one bullied him when he was with the robbers.

However, when James bullied Peter, Peter was at a loss, or it could be said that James did not want to bully him maliciously. As the captain of Quidditch, James never tried to give Peter a chance to join the team. Harry helped Ron as a goalkeeper once.

James, the "Quidditch boy", always likes to monopolize the limelight on the field. Sirius doesn't compete with him. After all, no matter how good James is at sports, he is not as popular with women as Sirius.

Zabini is the second person who said "you are pitiful" to Georgiana. Nietzsche divides art into Apollo's dream and Dionysus's drunkenness. Dionysian art should also make us believe in the eternal joy of existence: but we should not seek this joy in the phenomenon, but behind the phenomenon.

From an objective perspective, she, the "Cleopatra", may not be as good as the tailor's daughter in Egypt.

Maybe Bonaparte compensated the officer in other ways, but "Mr. Smith" is not Bonaparte's subordinate. Rumor has it that he is a tourist visiting France.

If Georgiana is a woman who likes jewelry and social life, it can be understood, but she usually stays at home. Is there any other reasonable explanation besides being a spy?

Oh, and the crime of undermining stability must be added. She almost messed up several suggestions.

It seemed that the only way that suited her was to "keep a beautiful woman in a golden house", and Bonaparte almost did that, putting her in the Paris Botanical Garden, just like the bird of paradise "Mango".

But he was not Causus Strange after all. The first thing he did after arriving in Milan in 1796 was to change the uniforms of all the French troops, asking them to take off their ragged old uniforms and put on new uniforms.

He was still a man who wanted to be decent and have a sense of honor, so he still left her a way out, and she could leave the Botanical Garden by wearing a badge representing him.

But soon after, he "abandoned" her and let her go to Italy. Generally, a normal single life can make friends of the opposite sex, but she was not considered to be "single again", so she had to go out to play and return to the Marino Palace before the "curfew".

She herself felt angry, not to mention those who love freedom.

In fact, there was nothing wrong with her previous life. Severus made her very happy, as long as Lily Potter did not appear in their lives.

Petunia was jealous of Lily, and Harry suffered. Like the ugly duckling on the farm, he didn't know why he had to go through all that.

Aeschylus wrote a play about the god of revenge:

Whoever can consciously respect justice,

He will enjoy happiness for life,

and misfortune will never befall him.

The arrogant man is like a sailor,

He wickedly gathered countless treasures,

He finally had to put down the sails,

The sudden storm came,

and broke the towering mast.

The sailor fell into the vortex of the storm,

He shouted for help, but no one heard him,

The gods laughed at him for despising the laws of heaven,

He stopped boasting, and saw that he

could not resist the raging waves.

He had not been able to enjoy happiness in his life,

and he hit the reef of justice,

and died quietly without crying.

Is Pomona's so-called "justice" really on James' side? Or is it out of her jealousy?

If "whoever can consciously respect justice will enjoy happiness for life and misfortune will never befall him", then the lucky James has fallen into the current situation.

And herself.

She always hoped that her own shadow would appear in those black eyes, and even had a desire to win, thinking that she "won Lily".

She could give him what the dead Lily could not give him.

She did not respect justice as much as she thought, so she ended up like this.

What do you mean by "let it go for the sake of saving his life", Lily? Murder is no joke, and all the participants will go to Azkaban. Of course, if James went to prison, Lily could not marry him, and there would be no Harry Potter.

It was "you" who wanted to let it go.

Epicureanism is often confused with hedonism. Hamlet also had a choice, revenge or not. When you spend your whole life on revenge, you choose darkness, and Voldemort is such a person. When the news of his death came, everyone was celebrating, not only getting drunk, but also violating countless international confidentiality laws.

People in the Dionysian intoxication that Nietzsche talked about not only have the barriers between people broken down, but also feel happy and integrated, just like the underground taverns during the Prohibition period.

So, why didn't Voldemort choose another way?

Zabini asked her just now, how did she answer?

Hufflepuff is a college that people go to as fools and idiots, and it accepts everyone.

But what if one day, the Sorting Hat says that you have no tolerance and can't even go to Hufflepuff?

She once thought that Severus was "us", but he left in the end, and she became lonely again.

No one wants to be bullied forever, but isn't the earth meant to be trampled on?

She placed the "gift" on the desk in the suite.

It was a dragon bone dagger. This kind of dragon was not a fire dragon. It lived more than 2,000 years ago and is now extinct, but the dagger still has magic left. The table was made of wood, and the dagger sprouted when it was placed on it.

"No wonder it has to be placed in a stone box." Georgiana said, putting the dagger back into the box that contained it.

Fire dragons are so irritable that they are almost extinct, so a fire dragon protection zone has to be set up, let alone dragons of other elements.

Then she put the dagger aside, picked up a pen, and sketched on the paper beside her.

She still hasn't seen the birdcage-like elevator in the French Ministry of Magic that Scamander mentioned, through which she can reach the underground Ministry of Magic.

Since matches can turn into needles, how can "needles" not turn into vines?

This was the inspiration she got when she saw the fountain working today. The swimming liquid metal looked like snakes and growing vines.

But real vines need herbicides... For example, seeds will grow into wheat when they grow up. They will not be like people who drink shrinking potions. Their appearance will not change, but their size will change.

As she was drawing, she thought of Neville's toad, which turned into a tadpole because of the unsuccessful shrinking potion.

This is a failure for the potion class, but who says it can't be applied to other fields?

The truth of things is often not what you see.

It is possible that what you see as a plant is actually made of ceramics.

Georgiana smiled and put her hand on the table where the sprouts had just grown, and those sprouts soon withered.

When she was almost done drawing, there was a knock on the door.

"Please come in." She said without raising her head. It was probably that someone else had come to "condemn me."

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