Chapter 3403 The troublemaker (VIII)

He just changed his clothes, as if he was a completely different person.

"How is it?" asked the person standing in front of the mirror.

Malfoy Manor set up this mirror at the guest entrance. Pomona looked at himself and Severus in the mirror and felt as if he was standing in front of the Mirror of Erised.

"Great." Pomona said with a smile. The moment he turned around, he helped him brush off the cigarette ashes on his shoulders, which he had gotten when he came out of the fireplace.

Although it was just a "flaw", he is a "star" that is noticed today.

"You're finally here." Lucius Malfoy came over. Although he was 40 years old, he was still very handsome. His platinum hair was carefully combed and spread loosely, exuding a kind of classical beauty. "I was worried that you wouldn't coming."

"You told me to come later." Snape said expressionlessly, as if he was another person standing in front of the mirror just now.

Lucius didn't care. He glanced at Pomona and just nodded. He led them to the party without even asking who she was.

She didn't know whether she should say he was too careless or too impolite. In short, Lucius didn't bother to make up an identity without asking her, although she had already thought of it on the way here.


"Come in," Georgiana said, and as soon as she finished speaking, the door to the suite was opened.

The first person to enter was Luigi, who was too tall to hide the man behind him, who had the same white-blonde hair as Malfoy.

For a moment, she thought it was Lucius appearing, or a grown-up Draco. But when Luigi stepped aside, she saw Cyptimeus Malfoy, whom they had dealt with in Normandy.

"The news spreads so fast." Georgiana looked at Septimus and said, "It only took a few days for it to reach England?"

"I don't know if anyone in England has received the news, but I'm on vacation in Italy." Septimus said with a smile. Except that his chin was a little squarer than Lucius's, they were almost identical. "I heard you were coming, so I came here specially." Goodbye."

Georgiana glanced at the gilded clock.

Two o'clock in the morning was not a good time to visit, unless Septimus, like Lucius, had a penchant for visiting the girls' dormitories in the middle of the night.

Luigi closed the door slowly, as if he didn't intend to exit.

She rolled her eyes secretly when two Englishmen spoke in French because of his presence.

"Would you like some tea?" she asked casually.

"As people get older, they sleep more lightly. I'm afraid drinking tea will affect my sleep. Can I sit down?" Septimus pointed to the sofa with his cane.

"Please have a seat," Georgiana said, and Septimus sat down in front of her.

"I'm not here to talk to you about goblin treasures today." Septimus said, "I have a trading company and run some 'small businesses.'"

"What a big boss like you calls a 'small business' probably affects the livelihood of tens of millions of people." Georgiana grabbed the cigarette case on the table and took a cigarette from it.

“I have some friends in Parliament, and because of last year’s tariff adjustment, French wine sales doubled,” Septimus said in an encouraging tone.

"But?" Georgiana asked next.

"But what?" Septimus said, pretending to be dumbfounded.

"Nabooni told me that France lost." Georgiana took a puff of cigarette. "If the sales doubled, where did the loss come from?"

"Cognac, Armagnac and Sauternes, the sales of these wines have doubled. As you know, these are high-quality wines." Septimus looked at her and said, "And the origins of these wines Almost all are fiefdoms of Napoleon’s confidants.”

She remained silent.

"Do you think I'm right?" Septimus said, looking at Luigi.

Luigi smiled and did not answer Septimus' question.

"Ordinary wine doesn't have much change in income, and there is silk. I think you should have heard about it." Septimus said with a hypocritical smile.

"I think people don't choose Lyon silk because they are cheap." Georgiana looked at his coat expressionlessly and said, "You are also wearing French silk, Mr. Malfoy."

"I agree, so my trading company does not import silk threads from Italy, although some people think that the price will be lower when purchasing from the country of origin." Septimus said slowly.

"Then what kind of business does your trading company do?" Georgiana asked casually.

"Pig iron." Septimus said, "Do you know why France's steel production is not increasing?"

"I'd love to hear more about it," said Georgiana.

"Nobles will wear armor produced in their own territory when going to the battlefield. If it is shoddy, it will be irresponsible for their own lives, so French nobles have always had the habit of supervising work in the workshops." Septimus said, "But, I heard that they all 'Temporary stay' in Paris."

"There's no way I'm going to let them go back to their fiefdom," said Georgiana.

"What do you want Savoy's helmet for? A collection?" said Septimus.

She didn't want to discuss this topic. She hoped that she could be like the girls of the Bennett family in Jane Austen's novels. While screaming, she found a new dress from the gift box brought back by her father and gesticulated on her body with her sisters. They were all in high spirits together.

Then I met a somewhat arrogant Mr. Darcy at the ball.

A woman's happiness can be very simple.

"Nabooni asked me to restore the industry of Turin," said Georgiana in a smooth voice.

"I don't think you would go out of your way to tell people where the pig iron comes from, right?" Septimus said. "The UK is not like France. If the king wants to start a war, he needs parliamentary approval to approve the budget. There are still many people who want to peaceful."

"Profitable peace." Georgiana sighed. "Profitable war."

"That's right," Septimus said calmly.

"But these two conditions cannot exist at the same time." Georgiana said.

"No, peace between us and the French, war with other places like..."

"No!" Georgiana refused immediately.

Septimus was a little angry, but he still maintained his grace and smiled hypocritically.

"Can I ask why?"

"They are human beings, Mr. Malfoy, not bargaining chips in your calculation of profit."

"Who said that? Let's deal with the threat together, eh? Georgiana, are you going to accept it while crying like Maria Theresa?" Septimus said in an angry tone.

"It's late, sir. I think your message has been received." Luigi said. "Please."

Septimus stared at her for a long time, then stood up and walked towards the door.

"Oh, right." Septimus stopped when he walked to the desk. "I heard that cotton can be grown in Naples. Is this true?"

"Of course it's true," said Georgiana.

Septimus turned to look at her, then looked down at the "birdcage" painted on her table, and then walked away proudly, and Luigi saw him out the door.

Georgiana looked at the "painting" on the table.

Luigi's favorite Lake Garda was not always so peaceful, and in 1332 two women and a blacksmith were burned to death in a village near the lake.

That's not a fond memory for wizards, certainly not to mention having the Ministry of Magic there.

Soon the door was opened again and Luigi left and returned.

"Sleep well, Georgiana, and don't pay attention to what that bastard said." Luigi said. "I told him to come back tomorrow."

"Then why did you let him in?" Georgiana asked.

Luigi looked confused.

She hoped that Septimus had only used the Confusion Curse and not the Imperius Curse.

But she said nothing, put out her cigarette, and rang the bell to summon the maid.

In that movie about Angel, the girl discovered an iron box behind the bathroom tiles, which was filled with a boy's childhood, and she planned to return the iron box to him.

Georgiana planned to do the same thing, Luigi would just have to remember what it was like to swim in Lake Garda in the summer, and maybe eat an ice cream that one of the villagers gave them afterward.

Bonaparte seemed accustomed to being beaten, whether in school, in the National Assembly in Brumaire, or in the face of the anti-French alliance.

When I was a child, I was afraid of monsters that always hid in the dark. When I grow up, I think that monsters don’t exist or that I have the power to destroy monsters, just like beating Er Jing to death with a frying pan, and I am no longer afraid of those monsters.

But the problem is that some monsters are invisible and even beyond their capabilities and cannot be destroyed.

So the child covered his head with a sheet, as if this way the monster would not find him.

Welsh green dragons also use protective colors to hide themselves. Many small animals also have protective colors. Their body odor is also relatively light, so they will not be discovered by natural enemies if they hide in the grass.

This is the instinct of weak animals, which seems to be forgotten at ordinary times.

When she changed her clothes and went to bed, she saw the pink ceremonial sword inlaid with the Regent's Diamond. That sword could not give her a sense of security, so she asked Margaret to call Zabini and let him and yesterday Still waiting at the door.

Hopefully he'll stay alert and stop dozing off.

Then she lay on the bed and closed her eyes, hoping not to have any more dreams about fire and blood today.

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