Chapter 3404 The troublemaker (Part 9)

When Slughorn tasted the mead as a gift to Dumbledore in advance, it was poured into a cup. The wine showed a crystal clear amber color and exuded the aroma of oak. Freshly brewed wine also needs to be matured. The wine can not only absorb the aroma of oak barrels, but also "breathe" through the tiny gaps in the barrels, softening the taste.

Cognac and Armagnac may be unfamiliar to people who are not that fond of drinking, but their other names may be familiar to them. "XO" is not a brand, but represents top-grade brandy. It must be fermented for at least 5 years before it is eligible to have the XO mark on the trademark.

The Cognac region is located in Bordeaux, and the best brandy in the region is called "Louis XIV", which can be aged for up to 50 years.

The Armagnac region is the oldest distilled wine producing area in Europe. It has been producing distilled wine probably during the Hundred Years War between England and France. Armagnac was once a buffer zone between the Toulouse region controlled by the French king and Guyenne controlled by the British king. There were conflicts with each other. It was not until King Henry IV of France that Armagnac officially belonged to France.

Both wines can be transported long distances, often overseas, get better with age, and are certainly more expensive.

Georgiana has been thinking about something like "adding medicinal herbs to wine is no longer wine, but medicine."

Adam Smith once said in The Wealth of Nations, "France is considered the enemy of England, and we would rather give up our own interests than see them gain interests in our country."

High-end French wine has been smuggled a long time ago. Britain does not produce tea or grapes. William Pitt the Younger succeeded in reforming the tea tax. However, Portugal has most-favored-nation status in the wine field because of the Methuen Treaty. Tariffs No matter how low it is, it cannot exceed them.

Even if the tax on high-end wine is reduced by 2%, it is a considerable amount. The difference on ordinary wine is 2%. It is impossible for those who have no money to pay an extra penny to taste the difference between French and Portuguese wines.

Although Georgiana was a wizard, she went to the outskirts of Milan after dawn to practice archery.

She has never learned to shoot, but as the horse people say, focusing on what we control is great, instead of expecting results, focus on the process.

Just like in the wine tasting process, Cognac is more fruity than Armagnac, while Armagnac is more like shochu.

For a person who wants to get drunk, he doesn't care whether the wine is fruity or soju-flavored. He only cares whether the liquor is mixed with water.

Peace is not just about the "exchange of tourists" between the two countries. The doubling of sales of high-quality wine is also due to time constraints, because it was already the second half of the year when the two countries reached a consensus in negotiations.

Bonaparte does not know whether he realized that he had reached the level of free trade by reducing or even zeroing tariffs on British coal, steel, and grain, so Britain lowered tariffs on French wine.

It's not necessarily the confidants who have fiefs in these places. At least Luigi doesn't have fiefs in good production areas. Those are for people who have merit. Luigi will have them in the future if he makes merit.

Suddenly the target in front of her turned into a man wearing a three-cornered hat. He walked towards her slowly, looking very determined, as if he was not afraid of being hit by her arrows at all.

She couldn't keep her inner peace, and suddenly there was a sharp hawk's cry, and her fingers almost loosened the bowstring.

She quickly put down her bow and arrow, and when she looked up again, the target was still the same target, and the man in the hat had disappeared.

"Why don't you shoot the arrow?" Fredly said with a smile, completely unable to see that he was impetuous at the observatory last night.

"I didn't draw the bow to practice arrows." She had just finished saying with a smile when she heard the flapping of wings behind Fredly.

A Bengali man wearing thick gloves had a falcon on his arm.

"Do you like it?" Fredly said looking at the falcon.

She looked at him in surprise.

"This is a gift for you, Georgiana," said Fredley.

"Send it to me? Who will send it to me?" she asked.

Fredley sighed.

"I don't like when you describe yourself as a weak woman, sweetheart." Fredly said seriously.

She frowned immediately when she heard the title "sweetheart".

"Yes, that's it." Fredley actually smiled happily, "Keep it this way and not to be trifled with."

She sneered like Bella and handed the bow to the soldier.

"You came here just to give gifts?" Georgiana said as she took off her gauntlets.

Fredly glanced at Luigi not far away and continued to speak in English.

"Why should we use the land left by the Archbishop to grow beets? Why not grow something else?"

Georgiana glared at him.

"I know you hate slavery, but if we're going to keep the peace, we need more allies," Fridley said.

"After I came to France, I read a lot of works by female writers. I wanted to understand what French women are like and how to interact with them." After Georgiana took off her gloves, a soldier came over with a basin of water. He said seriously As if he wanted to pour this basin of water on her. "There was a Madame de Charier in Toulouse. She recorded a local court verdict in 1762. In order to prevent his biological son from becoming a heretic, a father broke his car into pieces. You Guess what the court decided?”

Frederic Town was shocked.

"So now is not the time for you and me to discuss what 'vegetables' to grow!" Georgiana said after washing her hands.

"I think this is not what you and I are discussing." Fredelli stammered. "The Italians want to grow food on that land. They are worried about famine."

Georgiana looked at the sky.

“I heard they were angry and asked why they didn’t grow sugar beets in France?” said Fridelli, rolling his eyes.

"Because the French are worried about the same problem." She ignored the towel to wipe her hands and went to get the pink sword.

"Calm down and put it down." Fredley looked at the sword, took a step back and said.

"Didn't you say there was 'something wrong' with them?" Georgiana said.

"They also need money," Fredley said. "Now they want to know whether sugar grown on church land will be tax-free like wine."

"That's not the property of the church!" Georgiana almost roared.

"Then you'd better explain clearly... You must know that General Murat took a lot of people away, and I'm worried that someone will take the opportunity to do something deviant." Fredley said.

"Who?" Georgiana asked calmly.

"Who is your king?" Fred looked at her with strange eyes. "Why did you let Augereau ask Ceroni this question?"

"He doesn't have your support behind him?" Georgiana asked.

Fredley raised three fingers, as if he was about to swear.

"Forget it, justice does not rely on the power of oaths." Georgiana interrupted what he was about to say.

"Why do you think that?" Fredley looked at her inquiringly.

She wanted to say that every woman knows that a man's oath cannot be trusted.

But she didn't say anything, and got into the carriage with her sword in hand.

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