Chapter 3433 Winter King (VIII)

The fact that Harry and Ron drove the Flying Car to school became news. However, even if Ron was scolded by Molly's rant letter at the headmaster's table, it still couldn't compare with the sensation caused by Rohart. effect.

Snape, who was exuding a terrible magical pressure, fiddled with the branches of the Whomping Willow and tried to put it into the jar.

"How about petrifying it with everything? You can't put a lid on it like this." Pomona said, this was a branch she picked from under the tree when she was healing the Whomping Willow.

Snape looked up suddenly and looked at her with terrifying eyes.

She felt like she was suddenly petrified.

He later used brute force to finally cover the branches of the Whomping Willow, and then began to collect the fallen leaves. They were at least as inoffensive as ordinary leaves.

Only then did she feel her heart pounding, and she subconsciously patted her chest twice.

"The great savior and his friends did not come to school to absorb knowledge at all." Snape said as he crushed the leaves into pieces with a bowl. "They are just pushy, just like his father."

She rolled her eyes. If it hadn't been for the Ford Anglia, Harry and Ron wouldn't have landed in the tree and "coincidentally" knocked down so many branches and leaves.

The leaves of ordinary trees, including most magical plants, fall off on their own, but the Whomping Willow will firmly control each leaf until it feels that "the time is up", and then these leaves will fall collectively and become bare all of a sudden. .

She watched him playing with the leaves seriously. Although his black hair was greasy and swaying like a curtain, she found it very funny and wanted to tease him.

So she tiptoed over, thinking about how to "prank" her.


Georgiana yawned. She was bored to death because it was more fun to tease Snape than to go out to eat.

Recently she "heard" something interesting and wanted to share it with someone.

Raphael was the youngest of the three Renaissance masters, and his journey from Florence to Rome was fairly smooth, unlike Michelangelo, who came to Rome to escape the war. He first studied with Leonardo da Vinci and learned Leonardo's gradation paintings.

One night, Raphael was walking down the street surrounded by a crowd of apprentices, admirers, and sycophants because he had accepted the commission to create a mural for the signature hall of Julius II. Michelangelo was in a worse situation. He was restoring cultural relics. He had just finished a day's work that day, and there was dust on his head, face, and body. Before he had time to wash it off, he happened to meet Raphael.

Michelangelo saw Raphael and said expressionlessly, "You are surrounded by so many people, like a rectory, where are you going?"

Leonardo da Vinci had already left Rome, and he went to work under Sachere Borgia, the illegitimate son of the Borgia Pope Alexander VI, known as the "Poison Duke" and Caesar.

Julius II was actually an enemy of Sachere, but Sachere still supported Julius II to become pope. While Michelangelo avoided the war, Leonardo da Vinci took the initiative to get closer to the Duke of Milan and the "Poison Duke"

In short, Raphael's character is not as "straightforward" as Michelangelo. What's more, after Leonardo da Vinci left, Raphael was the only "master" in Rome. He had already received this title in 1500, and Michelangelo Luo was not famous at that time, so Raphael said in front of many people, "You are all alone like an executioner, where are you going?"

When Michelangelo returned from Rome to his hometown of Florence and completed David's order, Florence gave Leonardo da Vinci an order for a mural in the city hall. Leonardo's reward was Michelangelo David 25 times the size of the statue.

Leonardo da Vinci became famous earlier than Michelangelo, not to mention that when he sculpted David, Michelangelo was still a young boy who had just become famous.

In short, Michelangelo was not convinced. He not only painted another painting opposite Leonardo da Vinci's fresco, but Julius II asked him to paint "Genesis" in the Sistine Chapel. He was unwilling at first. , he is a sculptor, how can he do the work of a painter?

It happened that during this period, Raphael used Leonardo da Vinci's gradation method to create "Madonna of the Grand Duke" which was well received in Florence and competed with "David" for glory.

Of course, sculptors can only do sculpture. At first, the Pope asked Michelangelo to design his own mausoleum and asked Leonardo to come back to serve him. However, the Pope's art director instigated the Pope not to repair the mausoleum for the time being and forced Michelangelo to paint it. Painted ceiling of the Sistine Chapel.

Leonardo da Vinci said that paintings are like reliefs, and reliefs are on a flat surface.

The Sistine Chapel was built during the reign of Sixtus IV. This pope carried out extensive construction projects in Rome and rebuilt buildings including the Sixtus Bridge. The Sistine Chapel is probably the most simple and inconspicuous among them.

Not only are chapels smaller than churches, they are also more private. Even though there are not so many sculptures, rose windows and other decorations, the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel still has a vault, which is not a flat surface. Michelangelo wanted to create a correct perspective on the non-flat surface, so that people can look up from underneath. When you do it, you won’t feel that the character has deformed.

This is no longer as simple as creating a three-dimensional effect on a flat surface. The wall where Jonah is leaning forward, but when looking at that angle, Jonah is leaning backward.

There is another character, Zechariah, whose wall is actually a spandrel. The spandrel was not deliberately designed, but a necessary byproduct of the building, especially when the dome is placed on a square.

There is a book on "Geography" in Ciconiara's collection, which says: The world is a huge cube with four pillars and a dome.

The outline of the Sistine Chapel is exactly the same as the description in this book. Its length, width and height ratio is 6:2:3, which is in line with the proportions of the First Temple of Jehovah.

In the Book of Revelation, the prophet Zechariah recorded the prophecy after the burning of the temple: Behold the man named "branch", he will rebuild the temple of Jehovah, bear the glory, and sit on the throne of kings and priests.

Each pope has his own coat of arms. There is a tree on the coat of arms of Sixtus IV, and below Zechariah is the coat of arms of Sixtus IV.

Of course, this alone cannot prove anything, but 19 years after Sixtus IV died, his nephew became Julius II. This "God of War Pope" was not in a hurry to build his own tomb, but wanted to see the Sistine ceiling painting completed before his death, and even chased Michelangelo.

Entering from the main entrance of the chapel, you will first see "The Last Judgment".

But if you change your angle, such as standing on the altar and looking at the entrance, you will see Zechariah in the Book of Revelation and the pastoral emblem of Sixtus IV.

After Cesare supported Julius II to become pope, the two did have a close relationship for a period of time, and even called each other father and son, but as the political philosophy says, don't ally with your enemies.

After receiving support from Spain, Julius II ordered Cesare to be arrested on charges of murdering Juan, Duke of Gandia, Cesare's brother, and Alfonso, Duke of Bisceglie, the ex-husband of Lucrezia, who was described as "walking on the clouds", and put on trial.

The Borgia family came from Spain. With this relationship, when Spain and Portugal needed the Pope to arbitrate the meridian, the Pope also favored the Spanish.

When Julius II came to power, he also needed the support of the Spanish, and then he "confirmed" this meridian again, even though he was not Spanish.

In Machiavelli's book, Cesare was mentioned, and he was compared with Sforza, and the two were called "commoners".

Cesare was not a real "commoner". He was an illegitimate child and did not have a legal status. Even if he was willing to stay in the Holy See, he could not become the Pope. At most, he could become a cardinal. For the fat monk, it was a dream enough to die.

But it was not the case for Cesare. In 1501, the Ferrara delegation staged a battle between the goddess of fate and Hercules in the Pope's palace to welcome Lucretia Borgia to marry Alfonso.

It was the norm for aristocratic families at that time that the eldest son inherited the family business and the second son went to the church, and the later children were used for marriage.

Unless the eldest son died, the second son could inherit.

So when Juan was fished out of the Tiber River in 1497, people suspected that Cesare had done it, but after a month of investigation, the Pope suddenly announced the end of the investigation.

Judging from the historical data left behind, Juan was not an outstanding general. At that time, the Papal States faced threats from France and the Ottomans. Cesare, who was handsome, intelligent and capable, was more capable of shouldering the responsibility of strengthening the secular power of the Borgia family.

After returning to secular life, Cesare could get married. He wanted to marry Carlotta, the daughter of the King of Naples, but Carlotta was a legitimate child. The King of Naples was worried that Cesare wanted to get involved in Naples, so he refused the marriage.

Alfonso of Bisceglie was also the illegitimate son of the King of Naples. He was attacked by several assassins on the entrance steps of St. Dominic's Church in 1500 and was later strangled to death on his bed.

To put it simply, in addition to diplomacy, diplomats also have overseas Chinese affairs. Georgiana's passport is not an ordinary passport, but a courtesy passport, which he cannot renew or issue.

Fredley's parents have a wish that one day their son, a diplomat, can handle the legal marriage registration procedures for them, and Fredley will not become an illegitimate child because their marriage is invalid.

There are many people who need this kind of cross-border marriage. It can't be because of the state religion that two people who are in love can't get married, right?

At this time, the dish they wanted came. It looked very delicious, but I don't know if it was poisoned.

Georgiana looked up at Fredley. He laid out the napkin without any suspicion, and seemed to be planning to eat it.

Although he is a diplomat, no one wants to poison him to death.

In addition, he is a normal person who grew up in a normal family. How many families are like the Borgia family?

"Wait." Georgiana said very depressed.

She planned to use the Scapin Apparition Charm, which can detect most poisons.

She didn't want to turn people off. A girl needs to learn to get along with others. Even baboons know that if a mother is popular, her child will have a higher chance of survival.

At least someone cares when she cries.

A woman's tears only work on people who care about her. When Queenie cried on the street in Paris, no Muggle paid attention to her. Instead, it was Rosier who took her to Grindelwald's residence.

So there are only two kinds of people in this world, those who help you and those who don't.

Queenie's talent is still useful, she is not just beautiful. If she only has beauty but no ability to protect herself, she will be like Fantine in "Les Miserables". Compared with appreciating beautiful women, those "people" prefer beautiful teeth and thick hair to grow on their bodies, so Fantine's teeth and hair were pulled out, which was her last bit of value.

She also gave birth to a child, who was saved by Jean Valjean, who met someone who was willing to help him.

Fantine was supposed to be a female worker, but her beauty attracted jealousy, and someone even found her past and revealed that she had an illegitimate daughter.

Georgiana didn't want to become a public enemy. It was unwise for a person to go against the world. When she was studying, she was even willing to look ordinary. A nerd who was just good at grades would not be targeted like Lily.

Now she was in the restaurant, and there were vague glances and whispers everywhere. She suddenly understood how Harry felt about being considered the murderer of the attack and the "Slytherin heir".

The key is that she still has to use magic in front of so many people, but she can't help it, because it may be related to her life.

Fortunately, she knows the silent and wandless spell.

If she was a little sleepy just now, she is now completely "awake".

Desires such as appetite, lust, and desire for survival are easy to understand, but not everyone has the desire to understand, and even if they do, it is not necessarily a priority.

Severus wants to change Lily, just like he wants to change other students' attitudes towards the dark arts.

But Rohart knows how much applause he will receive if he "teaches" Snape on the duel stage under the identity of the Anti-Dark Arts League.

She also can't make him change his mind. If there is anything worse than a driver who doesn't look ahead, it is a driver like Ron, who doesn't know how to brake or land, and drives rashly on the road.

Thanks to the irritable Anglia car, when Ron and Harry followed Spider-Man to find Aragot, they didn't become "meat pies".

According to the background story of "The Raft of the Medusa", the ship was originally going to send the new Governor of Senegal to Senegal. In order to take office earlier, the Governor urged the captain, who had not sailed for 20 years, to choose a faster route that was closer to the reef.

The navigation consultant on the Medusa was a philosopher. 1816 happened to be the year without summer due to a volcanic eruption. The navigation consultant regarded a dark cloud as a navigation landmark and headed towards it stubbornly. The ship ran aground the next day.

After the ship ran aground, the Governor drove 149 people onto the Raft of the Medusa, and the rest of the bigwigs took the lifeboat away. The raft was originally towed by the Governor's boat, but in order to get out of danger faster, they untied the towing rope.

So there was no need for a philosopher on that ship, or they needed a real navigator who did not regard the dark cloud as a landmark to avoid making the wrong choice.

Maybe the sea does not have high mountains, which makes it difficult for people to climb, but it is another kind of difficulty and obstacle.

The painting in the Louvre shows a butterfly flying on the sail. When the desperate people saw it, they suddenly had hope. There happened to be a ship in the distance.

However, there was no butterfly in the painting. It only existed in the records of the survivors. It was possible that it did not exist and was a made-up plot, or it could be an illusion.

Compared with fear, people still love hope more.

Even the god of fear sometimes unites people.

She really hopes that someone can listen to what she wants to say, but...

"Okay, let's eat." Georgiana took back her hand and said to Fredley with a smile.

"Was that a Celtic prayer just now?" Fredley asked.

No, not at all.

But she didn't say anything, so let him think so.

Besides, she was hungry, and these dishes looked delicious.

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