Chapter 3434 Winter King (IX)

When Pomona was eating at the Sicilian restaurant downstairs from her apartment in London, the boss told her that "pasta" is not just pasta. In Italian, it is called macaroni, which means food that makes people happy. This kind of pasta that makes people happy is certainly not the kind of fast food "pasta with tomato meat sauce" that is eaten with pizza to provide a sense of fullness when working overtime.

When you arrive in Italy, you will know how many types of pasta there are and how many sauces are paired with it. Compared with the olive oil base in the south, northern cities like Milan prefer to use animal fats. The sauce provided by this restaurant is made from fresh wild boar meat, and it happens to be hunting season now.

You need to use wide noodles with meat sauce, and wide noodles can better hold the sauce, so thin noodles should be paired with meatballs instead of meat sauce. If you must eat meat sauce with thin noodles, it doesn't matter. At most, they will be called "American things" or served as specialties of small places. Unlike Hawaiian pizza with pineapple, you can't get "that kind of thing" in Italian pizzerias.

Although both "devil" and "Satan" are "torturers", they are different. Devil is more inclined to be a "false god, pagan god" and has its own sacred principles long ago. Satan is "opposition and hostility" and is sometimes regarded as a "test" in the apocryphal scriptures.

In the Sistine ceiling painting, the painting depicting Satan tempting Eve to eat the forbidden fruit, Satan does not appear in the image of a snake, although his lower body is entangled in the tree like a snake, and his upper body is still in human form.

In another shoulder painting, there is a painting called "Shameless Snake", in which the snake still appears in the image of a snake, and it is a single snake entangled on a wooden staff.

This painting is taken from a story that Moses' people had suffered from other bad snake bites, and the copper snake on the wooden staff could heal them, symbolizing salvation.

Raphael created a fresco in the Apostolic Palace, and now the room is named after the title of this painting, known as the "Borgo Fire Room". According to the "Pontifical List", in 847 AD, a fire broke out in front of the ancient Vatican Cathedral located in the Borgo district of Rome. Pope Leo IV solemnly made a sign of the cross from the balcony of the cathedral in the direction of the Borgo district, and the huge flames immediately subsided and the fire was quickly brought under control, saving the residents and the cathedral.

This fresco depicts the scene of this story very vividly, with panicked people and people rushing to put out the fire in the foreground. There is a destroyed temple on the left side of the picture, and a raging fire is burning in the temple. A naked man with strong muscles is coming down from the wall, and a woman with a painful face is handing a swaddled baby to a man wearing a red headscarf on the ground. This painting looks very Michelangelo-style.

After Michelangelo started to create Genesis, Raphael soon discovered his excellence and learned from him like a student, and Michelangelo agreed.

Later, perhaps after hearing about Michelangelo's deeds from Raphael or others, Leonardo went to see Michelangelo when he returned to Rome, and then Leonardo was scolded by Michelangelo and left.

When painting "The School of Athens", Raphael painted Michelangelo's depressed look on it. In fact, masters of their level would be treated with courtesy wherever they go. Leonardo asked for a high price and had many unfinished works. Who could point a dagger at him and force him to finish the remaining work?

No one would do that. At most, they would not give him other orders, so Leonardo ran to the dining hall of the Dominican Monastery to paint "The Last Supper". This time he finished it honestly, after all, he was in financial difficulties.

Even so, he dared to paint eels on his paintings. In fact, even if the monks found out, Leonardo da Vinci would not be sent to the Inquisition. Compared with the naked bodies on the walls of Genesis, a plate of eels is nothing.

An artist's order is often a project, such as the relief sculpture that Denon and David collaborated on. He had to raise money to buy materials, and then collect wages from the buyers after the completion, and then he would pay the money back to those who lent him money.

Michelangelo paid for the marble and transportation costs to build the tomb for Julius II out of his own pocket. He was asked to paint Genesis halfway, and the money was "wasted".

Wet frescoes are compared to dry frescoes with egg white added. Once the egg white is contaminated by mold, the whole painting will be ruined, while its original purpose is to firmly grasp the wall and can be preserved for hundreds of years. Tempera paintings generally dry very quickly, which does not allow painters to layer them up like oil paintings.

Leonardo da Vinci did not strictly follow the egg tempera painting process when painting "The Last Supper". Instead, he used the oil painting method and used two layers of base. The colors of the painting were indeed more vivid, but 10 years after the work was completed, the mural cracked and peeled off, so Leonardo da Vinci personally started to repair it.

The Pope was very satisfied with Michelangelo's "The Creation of the World", and then wanted to use ultramarine and gold powder for the "final touches".

Whether adding gold powder or ultramarine, it is the process of dry murals, and it is not a question of whether it is completely dry or not. Originally, there was a "starry sky" on the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel. Due to the long time, cracks appeared, and later the repair of the mural was simply changed to reconstruction.

The creative method of transferring the draft to the wet mural originated from Leonardo da Vinci. Michelangelo did not know it at first. "The Creation of the World" was not completed in one go, and it was scraped off once in the middle. Of course, there is also a legend that it was because the previous murals had to be scraped off.

In short, Michelangelo "strongly opposed" the proposal of Pope Julius II and refused to "touch up".

In 1506, Julius II made a plan to demolish the original St. Peter's Basilica. The original old church had experienced war and disrepair, and the courtyard in front of the door was overgrown with weeds and had become a shepherd's pasture. He planned to build a new St. Peter's Basilica on the original site, and then there was a 120-year reconstruction work.

When the first director died, the Pope had become Leo X from Florence, who continued to promote the reconstruction of St. Peter's Basilica and hired Michelangelo and Raphael.

However, continuing to promote the work of St. Peter's Basilica encountered economic problems, although he came from the Medici family. He first sold all the gold and silver wares and carpets that could be sold, then the position of cardinal, and finally sold indulgences.

The south of Cape Bojador was a completely unknown world for the Europeans in the Middle Ages. It was also a terrifying world, not only because there were many reefs there. When people still thought that the world was "round and square", Cape Bojador was the end of the world. The mysterious rapids were formed by the "Great Falls". Even the Arabs thought it was the "dark ocean" and there were sea monsters reaching out from the sea south of Cape Bojador.

Today, Morocco and Algeria are called "Maghreb", which means "the place where the sun sets". No one wants to cross Cape Bojador. It was not until the expedition sent by Prince Henry crossed that place in 1434 that everyone was relieved. It turned out that there was no "Great Falls" there.

Since Cape Bojador is not the "end of the world", the Strait of Gibraltar is just an "outlet". In 1437, the Portuguese and the Moors went to war for control of the Strait of Gibraltar. This time, Portugal was completely defeated and Prince Henry had to suspend the voyage plan.

It was not until 1441 that Prince Henry sent ships south again. This time, the fleet found gold sand and ostrich eggs. Prince Henry's expensive and unprofitable voyage was no longer questioned, and Gibraltar's strategic position became increasingly important.

In addition to the support of the Portuguese royal family, Prince Henry also received the support of the church. If the secular world is for gold and spices, then the church's support for navigation originated from an ancient legend. In 1170, the emperor of the Eastern Roman Empire received a letter in Constantinople, which described a mysterious country in the East. The emperor knew nothing about this "King John", but he still copied many letters and sent messengers to the monarchs of Western European countries and the Pope of Rome.

Since the 13th century, the church has been looking for this King John. It has always been their dream to contact King John to fight against MSL. Until the Europeans repelled the Moors and the Ottoman Empire and no longer needed this ally, the legend stopped spreading.

The King of Portugal went to North Africa to fight, and also wanted to retake the Strait of Gibraltar, although the other half of the strait belonged to the Spanish.

Through the War of the Spanish Succession and the Treaty of Utrecht, Britain acquired Gibraltar. Theoretically, if the Bourbon royal family still ruled France, the legitimacy of this treaty would not need any questioning. This may be part of the reason why William Pitt the Younger supported the restoration of the French royal family.

But now there is a problem. Napoleon found the Suez Canal. If the canal is dug, it will not only be closer to India.

Joseph Kama's parents are from Senegal, which happened to be the destination of the Medusa.

Senegal was indeed a French colony in the 17th century, and Gambia belonged to Britain. According to the Treaty of Versailles in 1783, both sides of the Gambia River belonged to Britain, which resulted in Gambia being surrounded by Senegal on three sides, with only the west bordering the sea. From the map, it looks like a dagger inserted into the heart of Senegal.

If Senegal wants to achieve north-south communication, it must bypass Gambia. If it wants to save trouble, the best way is to merge Gambia and Senegal into one country.

After three hundred years, the sphere of influence of Europeans has always been in the coastal areas, and they are unwilling to settle in the forests, where there is neither the legendary "City of Gold" in South America nor the spices and wealth of India. The reason for colonization there is only because of early discoveries.

The gold pound used by the UK is called Guinea. This place originally belonged to the Gulf of Guinea in Senegal, not to the Gambia River.

Not only are the mountains undulating, but the sea level is also undulating, such as the sea level of the Pacific Ocean and the Gulf of Mexico connected by the Panama Canal, so locks are needed for navigation. The Red Sea and the Mediterranean Sea connected by the Suez Canal were once believed to have a height difference.

The United States discovered gold mines in California in 1849, and South Africa discovered gold mines later, so the gold in Guinea became very important.

However, gold and silver mines will also be exhausted, and the early extraction technology in South America was not good until the amalgamation method was discovered.

The chef's introduction did not make this spring delicacy more delicious, especially when Georgiana looked up and looked around, many ladies wore beautiful feathers on their heads.

What's wrong with those birds? They live in the deep mountains and forests, isolated from the world and without contact with people. It's just that some people want to stick beautiful things on themselves, so they lose their lives.

She had to keep smiling and finish the pasta with "court etiquette".

Those eyes seemed to want her to make a fool of herself. With the sound of the wind, she heard the name of Grassini, as if someone compared her with the opera star who wore diamonds all over her body.

Georgina could not feel any trace of famine here. There is a traditional Italian delicacy called polenta. It is said that it existed in ancient Rome. At that time, it was porridge cooked with wheat. When Columbus discovered the New World, he brought corn and tomatoes back to Europe. Then polenta was replaced by corn and became the staple food of Italian civilians.

There was no corn polenta on the table in front of her. It was even cooked with wheat. First, it looked shabby. Second, it was not "testing". At least she could not have a chicken leg in each hand and chew it happily with Ron at the opening banquet.

Fortunately, Italians are willing to accept corn, unlike the French who only love to eat bread, but she cannot be careless because of this.

Ptolemy set the prime meridian on the "Island of Happiness". Harry thought Hogwarts could give him happiness and joy. He desperately wanted to break away from his original home.

Severus said that strength can bring happiness.

Slytherin worships personal strength, while Harry met many friends at school and got help from his friends.

However, even in the Garden of Eden, there are rules. Even if Harry and Ron were not expelled as Snape threatened, they would not be "unscathed".

Ron basically did more harm than good, and there was Luna, who told Harry how to go to London. If Harry could remember the two-way mirror and communicate with Sirius, perhaps there would be no battle at the Ministry of Magic.

Georgiana looked at the crabs in front of her, she once thought that food could bring happiness.

"Not to your taste?" Fredley asked.


Before she finished speaking, Fredley had signaled the waiter to remove the plate of crabs.

"What else do you want to eat?" Fredley asked kindly, as if she could get whatever she wanted.

"Polenta and salami." Georgiana looked at the chef and smiled, "I hope you don't think this dish is too ordinary."

"Of course not." The chef bowed to Georgiana.

"Why do you want to eat this?" Fredley asked.

Because it was Mussolini's last breakfast. After eating this, he was taken away by the guerrillas.

She thought to herself that the Sicilian restaurant owner had told her this specifically, and one day she had it for breakfast at school.

"Happiness," she whispered.

The chef and Freddy looked at each other and then walked away.

"Are you unhappy?" Freddy asked.

Do I look happy?

Georgiana wanted to ask him this in return, but she just smiled.

"I still have the power to refuse, so of course I am happy." She said, took a sip of champagne, and looked at the Sforza Castle outside the window. She would go there after dinner.

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