Chapter 3438 Winter King (Thirteen)

There are many people who want proof that what they believe is the truth.

Some people set sail to prove that the earth is round, while others want to prove that heaven and hell exist. Heaven seems out of reach from high above, but at least the entrance to hell is at people's feet.

St. Patrick found Hell in Ireland, but before him in the 6th century, Pope Gregory believed that the entrance to Hell was in Sicily. Between Messina and Catania, there is a volcano called Eterna that is still erupting. Legend has it that Campania and Cumae, the entrance to the underworld for Odysseus and Aeneas, are also on the same volcano. on the chain.

A little further away is Pompeii, a city that was buried after the eruption of Mount Vesuvius. Before it was rediscovered by archeology, people thought it was just a legend.

Pomona looked carefully at the old man in the wheelchair. He was sitting calmly and without any panic.

She had indeed heard that the Great Mystery would be held underground, and she would hold a torch to imitate the scene of Demeter searching for her daughter for nine days and nine nights, but no one knew what would happen next.

"How do you know that name?" asked Georgiana.

"Aren't you curious?" Zoisette asked.

"What are you curious about?" she asked.

"Why did I do that?" Zoisette patted his legs. "They were healthy."

"I can guess a little bit," Georgiana said with a smile.

He was surprised.

"Have you seen Botticelli's "Primavera"?" she asked with a smile. "The shadow formed by the trees behind Venus happens to be a lung. Smoking is harmful to health, but some people still can't help it."

Zoisette smiled, "Isn't Venus at the heart?"

"That's a mural painted for a wedding room. I've seen many archery Cupids in France." She said helplessly, "There are also many pink roses, as if only that color can express love."

"You don't believe in love?" Zoisette asked.

It's not that she doesn't believe it... but Venus also represents Eros, which is the driving force of life at the beginning of creation and also has the power of chaos.

It is very dangerous and very powerful at the same time.

In Botticelli's paintings, both Venus, Flora and the Graces have small bellies. This was called "fat" in the 20th century, and many people wanted to lose it to form a flat and beautiful belly. .

During pregnancy, women have such a layer of "belly" that not only protects themselves, but also the fetus. It also represents the body's body fat. If humans were to exercise in the image of "David", their body fat rate would probably not exceed 5 %.

A living person must breathe. After taking a deep breath, he can puff up his cheeks and blow out a big breath like the god of the west wind. Whether it is Cloris or the three goddesses Meihui, they are all wearing transparent tulle, which seems to be constantly fluttering. However, the clothes of the three goddesses are spinning because of the dance, while Cloris's tulle is blown by the west wind.

When Chloris became Flora, she wore the same dignified and gorgeous clothes as Venus in the center of the picture, but Venus had no smile on her face and looked like the Virgin on the altar.

The human heart is in the middle of the lungs, two-thirds of it is located in the midline of the body, protected by the left and right lungs, and the apex of the heart is toward the left front and lower side.

Venus raised her right hand, but to people outside the screen it was to the left. She pointed upward, in that direction there was Cupid holding a bow and arrow, and followed his arrow to point to the three goddesses of Mercy and Herme behind them. Si - some say he is Mercury - has winged shoes, a black knife on his waist, and a double snake staff in his hand, as if he is driving away the clouds in the sky.

In 1678, Giuliano Medici was assassinated by the Pazzi family. He had an illegitimate son who was not married. If he had lived, his marriage would probably have been arranged by the luxurious Lorenzo like his nephew.

But he died just as the dark clouds of war were beginning to gather in Italy, and Lorenzo tried to keep the peace. Lorenzo Medici, who married in 1482, came from the Bobolani branch, and they had always had tensions with Cosimo, their direct lineage. But the young groom's father died early, and Lorenzo the Luxurious became the guardian of his two sons.

Originally Lorenzo the Luxurious did fulfill his duty as a guardian, but Giuliano's death disrupted everything. Facing financial difficulties, Lorenzo the Luxurious plundered the property left to them by the young groom's father, but still raised them. Let them receive a good education.

The young groom met Amerigo Vespucci from his teacher, who would later be the discoverer of "South America". At that time, everyone, including Columbus, thought that this continent was the eastern part of Asia, but Amerigo did not. He insisted that this was the "New World" and named it after himself.

America is the Latin word for Amerigo. Perhaps because he saw the young groom’s interest in sailing, the luxurious Lorenzo arranged a marriage for him with the daughter of the lord of Piombino, which is located on the west coast of Italy. , on the other side is Elba Island.

Whether it is wind or clouds, they are all related to the weather at sea, but the relationship between the young groom and his uncle is not good, especially after Lorenzo the Luxurious erased the name of the Bobolani branch from the candidate list of civil servants in Florence , the relationship between the two completely broke down, and when Lorenzo died in 1492, they even sided against Piero.

As long as they were anti-Piero, it didn't matter whether they were French or republican. They even had contacts with Savonarola.

"You want to be a legend, don't you?" Georgiana said. "Leave your name in history."

"Why do you think that?" Zoisette said with a smile.

Because that's what Bonaparte was.

Perhaps because Georgiana was distracted, Zoisette continued.

"Aquinas said that people have other destinies after this world. I want to know if what he said is true."

Georgiana smiled too.

"I've been told that death is just another great adventure. Where have you been?" she asked.

Zoisette was silent.

"They chose you and not Chiconyara, why?" Georgiana asked.

"You know why." Zoisette said firmly.

Instead, she didn't know what he was talking about.

"You still want to go back, right? Instead of settling down." Zoisette said calmly, "Like an outsider."

"Why do you think that?" Georgiana asked in surprise.

"Do you love him? That monster," Zoisette said. "Do you think it would be a good idea to let him know about the ocean?"

"I didn't tell him," said Georgiana. "Besides, I don't know how to sail."

"What the sea tells you, you have to keep it in your heart until your soul returns to the harbor. Waves, waves, come one after another without hesitation, just like my endless pain and sorrow. How wide the sea is, how wide the beach is, My longing is so strong that my frivolous joy is overwhelming." After Zoisette finished reading the lyrics, he looked at Georgiana calmly, "As you said, love is felt with the heart."

"That's all you want to say?" she asked coldly.

"It's not just that." Zoisette was silent for a while. "We just mentioned that the King of Spain married the daughter of the Duke of Parma."

"What's up with her?"

"She hoped that Spain could recover the lost territory in Italy, so she led the Spanish fleet to occupy Sardinia, and later Sicily. This was not allowed by the Holy Roman Emperor Charles VI, so they fought in Sicily." Isett said that "previously, Charles VI had made an agreement with England, whereby the British navy destroyed the Spanish navy and reinforcements, while Austria was allowed to pass unhindered through the Strait of Messina. Later, in 1733, she and Louis A contract was signed on the 15th, and 40,000 French troops crossed the Alps and occupied Lombardy. At the same time, 30,000 Spanish troops landed in Livorno. After driving away the Austrians, she sent her son Don Carlos to Naples, 3 After the year, the Holy Roman Empire officially gave up Naples on the condition that Naples would not merge with Spain. Spain would hand over Parma and Piacenza to the Holy Roman Empire and Tuscany to the Duke of Lorraine.”

She looked at Zoisette speechlessly.

"If it were you, would you make this deal?" Zoisette asked.

"You want to make a deal with me?" Georgiana asked.

"It was an accident. No one expected that night..."

"You want me to move out of the castle in Chiconyara?" asked Georgiana.

"There is room in Sforzesco Castle, and it doesn't seem to be in trouble." Zoisette looked around, "What do you think?"

"I wonder what will happen to Caroline? The Bonaparte family might kill me." Georgiana said with wide eyes.

"What I am going to say next is enough to change our destiny, and it is also a secret we have kept for many years." Zoisette said. "I think Bonaparte will consider forgiving an oversight after knowing it."

Georgiana shook her head. Although nothing dangerous has been found from Chiconyala’s house so far, but...

"If the wheat is stored properly, there will be no ergot," Zoisette continued. "No one will be harmed."

"What did you say?"

"Even if it is often taken out to dry, wheat can only be stored at room temperature for three years. Seven years of good harvests and seven years of disasters add up to fourteen years. Do you think such wheat can still be eaten?" Zoisette held up his hands. Holding on to the armrests of the wheelchair, he stood up and said, "Use this secret in exchange for the safety of Slovenia and what we just said."

She recalls her knowledge of wheat storage...

"Before Bonaparte came to Italy, there was a French navy, and they asked the King of Naples to hand over Commodore John Acton, who reorganized the Sicilian fleet." Zoisette said, "Have you heard of that name? "

"Are you interfering with me?" said Georgiana.

"We are talking about the fate of millions of people, Pomona. Others may use worse means." Zoisette blushed, but still refused to sit down. "Treat this as a trial. "

If Napoleon had enough food, would he still have suffered a disastrous defeat in Moscow?

She didn't think so, because that was the way he marched.

At this time, she looked back at a wall, and Botticelli's "Primavera" seemed to appear on the wall. Mercury was like a painting painted by a wizard, turning the "magic wand" in his hand, and the dark clouds seemed to "come alive" , there was a faint flash of thunder and lightning.

In every era, freedom faces four major challenges:

The strong desire for concentrated power,

The resentment of the poor against wealth inequality,

The ignorant long for Utopia,

The unbeliever confuses freedom with indulgence.

She covered her face with her hands.

Eros does not include "care", never loses "desire", and usually refers to a desire to possess something for oneself.

At this time, there were neat footsteps outside the door, and a group of French soldiers walked in, led by an Italian.

"Madam, why don't you say hello when you come?" General Leckie said with a smile on his face.

"Just visiting for a while," Georgiana said, looking at Zoisette, who was back in his wheelchair.

"Where else have you not visited?" General Leckie asked.

"Where is your granary?" asked Georgiana.

"Outside." General Leckie answered every question. "Before the soldiers set off, we put them on the parade ground and they took them away one by one."

"Doesn't this castle have a granary?" she asked reluctantly.

"As far as I know, never," General Leckie said.

Georgiana looked at Zoisette, who was silent.

"I don't believe it, please vacate the Duke's courtyard." She said arrogantly.

"Don't you live in Palazzo Marino?" General Leckie asked in confusion.

"Change somewhere else. I'm tired of living there." She said and left the dance hall.

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