Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 3439: Woman holding a black cat

Georgina left the castle and came to a bridge in the north garden, which spanned the canal. There were four mermaid statues at the bridge head, surrounded by tall maple trees, which provided shade for passers-by like big umbrellas.

She walked to the center of the bridge and looked at her reflection in the water.

This garden was not like Botticelli's garden of Venus, full of flowers and ripe oranges on the trees.

There was no black knife in the general image of Hermes or Mercury, and the Hermes in the painting looked a bit like Giuliano Medici, both with black hair.

But more importantly, the painter was inspired by a poem dedicated to Giuliano Medici by a poet named Poliziano. That was in 1475, when Giuliano entered the stadium holding Simonetta's portrait and calling her "incomparable".

Simonetta's husband was Mark Vespucci, the cousin of Amerigo Vespucci, who discovered "America". It was rumored that she was the mistress of Lorenzo de' Medici. However, because Lorenzo was busy with government affairs, the romantic Giuliano began to pursue her, and therefore held an equestrian competition. Whoever won would own her. The poem written by Poliziano was written for this purpose, celebrating Giuliano's victory in the competition.

At this time, she heard the cat's cry, and when she lowered her head, she found that a black cat was rubbing her ankle.

She picked it up and looked down at the reflection in the water with it.

People say that Brescia is rich in "beautiful eyes". The Venetian mask of Morita should be very suitable for General Lecchi's sister. It can cleverly cover the imperfect facial features, revealing only the smart eyes that seem to be able to speak.

Fantasy is always more beautiful than reality.

Despite the old saying that you should not judge a book by its cover, people generally feel that it is more profitable to associate with attractive people than with ordinary people. Whether it is fair or not, good looks are indeed a social asset.

The poem is about a handsome young hunter, Julio, who lives a carefree life, ignores emotions, only cares about hunting and art, and even laughs at those who are trapped in love. Cupid decides to punish him and tries to make him meet the fairy Simonetta, and falls in love with her at first sight. Venus inspires him through dreams, and it is he who decides to participate in the competition to win Simonetta's love.

The same god of the west wind, in "The Birth of Venus", is not as cold as in "Spring". It is his wind that makes Venus standing in the shell move forward in the sea foam, and the goddess of time is welcoming her and covering her with bright flowers.

In 1454, Francesco Sforza signed the "Peace of Lodi" with Venice, which not only brought long-term peace to Lombardy and Venice.

As Machiavelli said, what is lost in war is won back in peace talks. What is lost in war is often doubled in peace.

Pope Pius II hoped that all parties could reach a reconciliation so that they could fight foreign wars. The Spanish Restoration Movement was still going on. Leonardo da Vinci's letter of recommendation to Sforza was mainly based on his military design talent. He happened to be in the era of Milan's major infrastructure, not only the Milan Cathedral, but also the canal under his feet.

This river seemed to lead to the moat of the castle, which she had not visited yet, although she felt that the granary could not be set up in such a humid place.

The cat suddenly slipped away from her arms, as if it was not a cat, but a slippery eel. Following the direction it ran, a man was walking slowly towards her.

She stood on the bridge and waited quietly, and soon he came to her.

"Why did you change places suddenly?" Magenta asked, holding the railing of the bridge.

This dialogue and scene really sounded like a tryst between a man and a woman.

"La Scala is going to resume normal business, why should I stay there? I don't like listening to opera." Georgiana said with a smile.

He opened his mouth but said nothing, looking at the scenery of the canal from the bridge.

If there is a war with the Ottomans, it will be very unprofitable for the Venetians to trade spices with the Ottomans. The pope who reigned from 1464 to 1471 was from Venice, but he could not change, even though Florence and Milan were changing rulers when he came to power.

It was also in 1464 that Pius II established an expeditionary force from Rome to Ancona, but found that the Venetian fleet was late after arriving. The pope only took a look at the fleet and passed away.

As Pope Alexander VI of the Borgia family said, when the nobles worry about the moral issues of the common people, that is when the nobles fall.

The pirates in the Adriatic Sea never felt guilty when they robbed the goods of the rich. These "Robin Hoods of the Sea" were regarded as heroes.

If Cesare of Borgia could not become Pope because he was an illegitimate child, then in just 20 years, Giuliano de' Medici's illegitimate child became Pope.

Clement VII's mother was the daughter of an armorer... Now look at the cloud on the caduceus, is he dispelling it or creating it?

There was a process for Clement VII's status to be legalized. Before him, Leo X announced that Giuliano and his mistress were engaged, so the child was not declared an illegitimate child.

Controlling the election of the Pope is certainly not simple, but it is not as complicated as imagined, especially when there are people who are familiar with the steps involved. The Borgia family is not just Alexander VI. The dream of Calixtus III is to establish a crusade again to fight against the Ottoman Empire. But the era of the "Crusade" has long passed, and countries are busy with their own domestic problems. He can only order the establishment of the Pope's fleet and promote his two nephews to help as cardinals, one of whom is Rodrigo Borgia.

Countries such as Britain, France, Spain, Portugal, the Netherlands, and Denmark are all bordering the Atlantic Ocean. If Mediterranean countries want to leave the Strait of Gibraltar, they must retake Gibraltar occupied by the Moors. Originally, the Holy Roman Empire had an outlet to the Baltic Sea. Pomerania was born during the Thirty Years' War, and they could only go out to sea from the Adriatic Sea.

Rodrigo Borgia is not like his uncle. He does not think that being faithful to God's teachings is beneficial to politics.

Lorenzo the Magnificent died in 1492, the same year that the papal election was held. Before Columbus returned from the New World, this was what people were paying attention to.

Sforza also had his own sponsor in the Vatican, the "Moor's" brother, Cardinal Ascanio Sforza.

Ludovico Sforza, who was also an outsider who came to Italy, portrayed himself as a descendant of the Lombards, but Borgia did not sever ties with Spain. He was called a "Catalan". Everything has its opposite side. The Italians who just ended the Great Schism of the Church were very opposed to a foreigner becoming the Pope of Rome.

However, Sforza's cardinal was too young. Ludovico was 41 years old and he was 37 years old. Sforza, who thought he was too young, gave up the idea of ​​becoming the Pope this time, and Borgia won over Sforza to become his strong supporter.

Originally, Sforza was an ally of the cardinal of Naples. This was mainly due to Ludovico's policy to unite Venice to resist the German emperor's southward advance. Venice and Naples became allies after the signing of the Treaty of Lodi, while Milan was allies with Florence.

Simonetta's death did not dissolve the relationship between Milan and Florence, but after Giuliano's death, Florence signed a treaty with Naples, and then Naples and Milan were married. Isabella, the mother of Ludovico's nine-year-old nephew, was the princess of Naples.

To put it another way that is easier to understand, Naples was originally the "edge", but now it has become the "core", and the structure of the "net" is different from before.

The painting was painted by Botticelli in 1482. He did not have the ability to predict the future and know the inside story of the election of the Pope in 1492.

Borgia's "magic" did not work at the beginning. It was not until Borgia cleverly hid the gold coins in artworks and silverware and transported them to Sforza's house, and gave Sforza Castle Nape to Sforza, and appointed Sforza as the deputy chief justice at the beginning of his reign that the victory was reversed.

If Georgiana asked the French to find the granary of Sforza Castle, they would probably ignore it. They might be a little enthusiastic about finding the treasure house of gold, silver and artworks, but doing so...

"Do you want to restore Paragon?" Magenta suddenly said.


"It used to be held frequently in the evenings of Sforza Castle. You can understand it as a kind of debate." Magenta said.

She breathed a sigh of relief.

If the British did not take action when they saw the grain transport ship, then the grain transport ship would not leave the established route and go to Malta for disaster relief.

The king and the prime minister and the minister of the navy are gone, who will organize these things? Besides, Malta is not Sicily's territory.

In this "world of great contention", the fate of "doing without contention" is very miserable. "Dragon pox" and smallpox have many similarities. If the Muggles knew this weakness of wizards, would wizards have the same fate as the Aztecs?

Don't think that others can't deal with you just because you have unlimited magic power.

You don't have to use a bloody knife to kill people.

"If I were there, wouldn't it be a French salon?" Georgiana said, "If I wasn't there, why would it be held?"

Magenta seemed to want to say something.

"The room is not even available yet, wait a minute." Georgiana said tiredly, "Go and see how busy it is over there."

Magenta bowed, left the bridge, and returned the quiet to Georgiana.

After he left, Georgiana looked at the north side of the garden.

I heard that there is an "egg castle" in Naples. Many years ago, a wizard placed an egg there. It is said that as long as the egg disappears, the castle and Naples will usher in disaster.

What kind of egg can be stored for so long? Two thousand years is almost a fossil.

Columbus placed an egg and made it stand up. Was the egg placed upright or lying down?

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