Chapter 3440 Backlight Sunset

It is precisely because there is no war that there is time and money for construction and art.

In contrast, the Iberian Peninsula is still in war. In order to support Columbus's voyage, Queen Isabella of Castile even sacrificed her dowry. Where did Spain get the money to support Alexander VI to perform "magic"?

There is a hospital near the Sforza Castle. It is one of the buildings in the horseshoe shape outside the castle. It is open to the people of Milan and has a Lombard style.

Georgiana also did not go in to visit. She just looked at the carvings on the wall outside and left. At this time, the sun was setting, and Milan was once again bathed in gold.

She estimated that if other wizards knew that she thought Muggles would use dragon pox to deal with wizards, they would think she was thinking too much. Grindelwald's statement in his inaugural speech that Muggles intended to steal the power of wizards was also considered inexplicable.

Speculating from the perspective of kindness and malice is so different. In a fairy-tale world like Hogwarts, kindness is everywhere. Even Draco Malfoy is not as good as Hermione from the Muggle world. He got "inspiration" from her and poisoned Dumbledore's mead.

She walked through the sunlight and came to the shadow of the building.

When the portrait curse incident happened, there was also the secret chamber incident. When others look at a person with malice, even Harry will be talked about behind his back.

Kindness is a powerful force. People don't use dark thoughts to doubt, but defense and rejection will be generated together with malice. No one likes people with scheming.

However, before expressing kindness to a person, you must learn to distinguish. Pomona didn't think so much before, and she learned a lot of lessons before she remembered it.

There is also Professor Caridi of Muggle Studies. She thinks that the secrets of wizards should be shared with Muggles.

During the reign of Philip II, Spain not only owned the gold and silver mines in South America, but also captured so many alchemists. Although they were not sent to the Inquisition or locked up in the King's garden like witches and heretics, they would be sent to prisons like Saint Leo if they made the slightest mistake.

Anyway, the old saying has been repeated for so many years. What should be remembered will always be remembered, and there is nothing to do about what cannot be remembered.

No one will sincerely envy what you have. Paulina dressed so beautifully to attend the party, and was laughed at for having donkey ears. The man showed good intentions at the beginning.

Lily has magic, and Penny is jealous of her and takes her anger out on Harry.

Jealousy and anger are the original sins of mankind that have not yet been redeemed.

I have it, you don't. Thomas Wayne condemned the "clown" who had nothing on TV and attacked people like him who had a lot.

In the world he knew, people like him were the majority, so he couldn't understand why there were so many people on strike, and the police couldn't withdraw police force to find the "clown" who "hurt his employees".

Shang Yang wrote a story in "Shang Junshu": There was a rabbit running fast in the wild, and there might be a group of people chasing it desperately. But in the vegetable market, the stalls are full of wild rabbits, and even thieves dare not plunder them casually. Bologna's commentator also gave an example of a wild boar falling into a trap. Who owns the wild boar after it is caught from the trap?

Because the rabbits and wild boars running in the wild are ownerless and the ownership is undetermined, anyone can obtain their ownership by "occupying first"; while the rabbits hanging on the stalls, their rights of possession, use, income, and disposal are clearly owned by the stall owner, so whoever plunders them will infringe on the ownership of others and be punished by law.

What is the significance of a country formulating a civil code?

Napoleon said: I want the farmers in our country to see this code under the kerosene lamp, so that they know how to live, how to exercise and protect their rights.

Shang Yang said: "The market is full of rabbit sellers, and thieves dare not take them, because the status has been determined." The law has set the "status" for various social relations, and disputes will naturally decrease. This is called settling disputes and stopping disputes.

Alexander VI drew the meridian. Whether he was biased towards Spain or not, Spain and Portugal sailed in different directions after it, and the dispute between the two countries was resolved on the surface.

After the Spanish War, Louis XIV said that the Pyrenees disappeared, but that was just his wishful thinking. Even if there was affection between the feudal lord and the vassal at the beginning, it disappeared after a few generations. The Zhou emperor gave so many relatives and friends, and in the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period, they still had to fight.

After fighting, how much difference does it make between people and beasts?

There is no shortage of people who want to move up in the world. Wouldn't it be good for Ludovico to assist his nephew instead of being the Grand Duke of Milan?

After the Spanish War of Succession, many privateers lost their means of livelihood. If the navy still had meager allowances and officers to arrange a way out for the sailors, they were completely abandoned, and they also became a hidden danger to trade.

So some people went to the Bahamas to rob Spanish gold ships.

In their eyes, the rich plundered their wealth with legal means, while they did it with courage.

The cover of the "Daydream" series of products patented by the Weasley twins is a pirate and a princess. The princess is the daughter of the king. In a sense, she is the culprit that makes the pirates have to wander around.

If the princess wants to go with the pirates, she has to give up her life of luxury and balls. Princes and princesses always meet like this.

Do you want to be a queen or a pirate woman?

Carlos I, the last king of the Spanish Habsburgs, may have many flaws, but he is not an unconscious person.

Or at least there is no need to worry about him having illegitimate children.

He is like a simple child, humbly expressing his love for Marie Louise, and Marie Louise pity him and begins to care for and love him. A woman's love always appears in an incredible way.

There is a fairy tale called "The Little Prince". He tamed a fox, but he did not understand what benefits taming it would bring to the fox.

So the fox told him that only by looking with the heart can you see clearly, and the eyes cannot see the essence of things.

Others told Pomona that the branches in "Spring" formed an altar, holy light, etc. for Venus. Whether it was written in lectures or magazines, no one ever said that they looked like lungs.

Zoisite did not correct her and tell her how to look at it correctly.

The position where Cupid was located was more like a person's head. Rohat was scary enough, and later there was Umbridge wearing girlish pink on her body. It may be luck that Pomona found Aristotle's views in "The Guardians of Peace" instead of in Aristotle's "Politics".

It is a very bad habit to change the law rashly. When the benefits of the change are negligible, it is better to let some of the drawbacks of the existing laws and governance continue to exist. At least Umbridge's education decree cannot really keep boys and girls at the distance she wants.

If the change makes people lose the habit of obedience, then the citizens will lose more than they gain.

Although the Weasley twins are naughty, they are "cool kids". They have a kind of "blood" order and will not sit idly by and watch "primary school students" being punished by Umbridge.

It is indeed convenient for Umbridge to use authoritarianism, and punishment is inevitable. Although she is not as arbitrary as Voldemort, she can still coerce.

The road is very flat, but people like the path.

Who doesn't want to walk on a flat road? Of course, people are unwilling to walk on a tortuous road that they don't know where it leads to. Moreover, Mingyi represents darkness, unlike Jin Gua, which represents the sun shining on the earth.

When it is dark, a gentleman should show his virtue, not only to illuminate himself, but also to understand himself, so as to maintain an open situation.

In fact, she didn't want to recall that period of history, but she didn't have to think about her own affairs.

In the past, she was full of love and peace, and she also learned from Churchill to make a "v" sign when taking pictures. At that time, they were still in the Alps and Severus bought a new camera.

Compared with that time, she didn't seem to have made much progress, so how could she say that Severus was hard to change?

She did something unforgivable... The little prince said to the rose he raised, it was perfect, but now it was not perfect and pure.

She touched her heart and couldn't feel the slightest heartbeat.

Where is your heart?

She seemed to be saying to herself.

Then she raised her head and looked not far away. She seemed to see a priest holding a rosary standing at the end of the road. The rosary in his hand was shining in the sunset.


She looked over and saw Rabastan Lestrange.

"Do we have to live in the Sforza Castle? I mean the others have accommodation in Italy." Lestrange said.

"Of course." She looked at Rabastan's face.

"Can I ask why?" Lestrange asked without any impatience.

"Don't think that's where the mercenaries live." She paused here. She wanted to say that many of Leonardo da Vinci's works were completed here.

"Madam?" Lestrange asked.

"Your accommodation conditions will be even worse in the future." She said coldly, "Get ready to go to Peru."

Lestrange's eyes widened in disbelief.

"Kill all the Peruvian Vipertooth Dragons." She ordered firmly.

Lestrange seemed to want to say something.

"That's the weakness of wizards. Don't leave the loophole to Muggles." She looked into Rabastan's eyes and said.

"But who will go?" Rabastan asked seriously, pursing his lips.

"So I want them to live in the Sforza Castle. This is an order." She repeated.

Rabastan nodded, "I understand, Madam."

After he turned and left, Georgiana looked at the end of the road again, and the priest holding the rosary had disappeared.

God is merciful...

She laughed bitterly at herself, then turned around and walked back the way she came.

Moving with pleasure will lead to disaster, and the way to prosperity is moving with clarity, but how can the clear road be so easy to find?

What's more, how can we know that it is not a dead end hidden by a trick?

She sighed and turned around and walked towards the Brera Palace.

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