Chapter 3441 The Art of Knotting (Part 1)

The Milan Observatory is actually located in the garden to the north of Sforzesco Castle. The soil from the canal excavation was built into a "hill", and then an observatory was built on the hill.

It was once named the Celestial Axis Room. In addition to mirroring text, Leonardo also had a hobby of "knotting". Although the Muses and Apollo on the ceiling look neoclassical, the floor of the observatory is decorated with "Finch knots", which are exactly the same as those on the floor of Sforzesco Castle, both made of black and white. A disc made of lines.

There is also a newer observatory near the Brera Palace Library, which was built by the Jesuits. Because it is a tower, it is almost as high as the observatory in the garden, and it is very convenient to access and read information. It is the main of office location.

The celestial axis used to be a straight line connecting the north and south poles of the celestial sphere. People at that time thought that the earth was the center of the universe, and the stars on the celestial sphere revolved around the earth along fixed trajectories. Stargazers not only had to observe the movements of celestial bodies, but also predict their interactions with each other. relationship between human destiny.

It was still some time before sunset, and Georgiana looked out from the window of the observatory and could see a beautiful sunset.

She didn’t know if Bonaparte had seen it... Maria Theresa attached great importance to higher education. She built 8 astronomical observatories in Italy. However, all observatories were managed by the Jesuits. If you want to work in them, you must get Qualifications of Priest.

Including Isaac Newton, those who wanted to stand on the pulpit had to be a priest, but Galileo was not.

In fact, Copernicus was also a priest, which means that Galileo was a secular scholar.

The West was not completely unaware of the fact that the nine sons of the Manchu Qing Dynasty seized the legitimate rights. Because of Kangxi's longevity, Prince Yinfeng was the crown prince for decades. He performed well at first, but later he met more capable younger brothers, and there was also the eldest son Yinti who "occupied first". He was not like the prince. The main reason why he has been a prince for decades is that he does not have that "status".

However, there is also the inheritance order of "old and young". The Manchus have the custom of hunting. Deer, like rabbits, if they are in a wild state, everyone can chase them with all their strength. But where is the throne as prey? Who gets it first?

After the two of them were both injured, the other brothers also began to have their thoughts in mind.

Emperor Yang of the Sui Dynasty also had an older brother named Yang Yong. They were both born to the same mother, and there was no Manchu situation. However, Emperor Yang of the Sui Dynasty was much more capable than Yang Yong, so the world was "inhabited by the virtuous" or "inhabited by the virtuous". Those who are capable will live there”?

There is a way to achieve prosperity, and it is driven by clarity.

The Sforza family is nephew and uncle. Ludovico is indeed more capable than his nephew. What does a nine-year-old child know?

But the children would grow up and the uncle would grow old, not to mention that Ludovico himself had a son.

If Francesco Sforza brought forty years of peace to Italy, Ludovico Sforza brought sixty-five years of war.

To act with understanding is to think through all the possible disadvantages or advantages and disadvantages before taking action. Most of the tourists like to talk about the benefits of their theories. If the monarch listens to them and does not think about the disadvantages, not only will they waste their lives and money, but they will not get much, and they will not even get the expected results.

Later Alexander VI married his illegitimate daughter Lucrezia to Giovanni Sforza, Duke of Pesaro, a port city between Rimini and Ancona.

This area used to be called Romagna. It was ruled by the Byzantines and was later dedicated to the Papal States by Pepin. It nominally belonged to the Pope, but it was filled with lords of all sizes and was not subject to the control of the Pope. At the same time, They cannot unite together, and the common people are like "you live your life, and I live mine."

The infrastructure left by the Romans is very strong and durable, but no matter how strong and durable it is, it still needs maintenance, such as Via Emilia. Should the road be repaired after it has been used for a long time? When repairs were needed, the roads should be built with taxes. Then the roads remained the original Roman roads, but the lords' castles were built one after another.

The newly formed natural villages and towns were not managed by anyone. They did not have water supply facilities like those in Rome, and they all relied on digging wells. When Pope Clement VII took refuge, St. Patrick's Well was dug in Orvieto. Because it was the water the Pope wanted to drink, the well was dug deep and large enough to allow donkeys to go to the bottom of the well to fetch water. The stone tablet beside the well also reads: "What nature is so stingy about humans is water here, and humans can get it through labor."

Orvieto was part of the Papal States, but people at the time probably didn’t know what the siphon phenomenon was, and they didn’t know how to build ancient Roman aqueducts.

Towers and churches were built on some pilgrimage routes, and the well was also an important gathering place.

Naples believed that Cesare was an illegitimate son and was unwilling to marry him. However, King Louis XII of France married his daughter to Cesare. He was the son of Louis XI, the "Big Spider", and the once prosperous Principality of Burgundy Already divided, Maximilian married the daughter of "Charlie the Bold" and received the "Heritage of Burgundy".

Cesare, who married the daughter of the French king, not only received support from the French army, but was also approved for his descendants to use the identity and coat of arms of the French royal family. After giving birth to a daughter, Cesare left France. At this time, Sforza had left Milan, and the French easily obtained Milan.

Then Cesare began to conquer Romagna. First, Pope Alexander VI announced the confiscation of the lands of the lords of Romagna and excommunicated them. Then Cesare captured Imo, controlled by Caterina Sforza. La and Foley.

The Alderafit family originally ruled Forlì, but due to long-term internal strife, the family declined and the Pope had the opportunity to give it to the Girolamo family. Caterina Sforza was originally the illegitimate daughter of Galeazzo. After Galeazzo became the Duke of Milan, he married the Princess of Savoy. However, this stepmother treated Caterina like her own daughter, and Give her the same education as boys.

In 1473, Caterina was engaged to Girolamo, the favorite nephew of Pope Sixtus IV. Three years later, Galeazzo was assassinated, and four months later she was going to Rome to officially get married.

The relationship between Caterina and her husband has never been good, but she still got some training as an assistant. She knew very well that as soon as the pope who was his patron died, Girolamo's enemies would quickly counterattack. If the cardinals chose a hostile As the pope of her husband's family, Caterina's family is in a dangerous situation.

In order to interfere in the election of the Pope, Caterina, who was 7 months pregnant, led her army directly to the Castel Sant'Angelo in Rome. By guarding the fortress, Caterina blocked the road to the Vatican.

Although her husband's lack of cooperation caused the Vatican to elect Innocent VIII, a pope who was hostile to her husband's family, the occupation of Castel Sant'Angelo made Caterina famous in the first battle.

She used many measures to win over the people, including personally going to the streets to distribute medicine during the plague, but the effect was not satisfactory.

On the contrary, Cesare, who was flying the papal flag, prohibited his soldiers from looting towns and respected local traditions. After achieving the strategic goal, he replaced the general and governor with his own people.

Relying on this approach, Cesare occupied the whole of Imola and Forlì, and then Cesare marched towards Pesaro. At this time, Lucrezia's marriage to the Duke of Pesaro was not so favorable.

It is precisely because divorce is not so easy that the marriage alliance is so strong. Fortunately, the Duke of Milan tried to take back Milan at this time, so Cesare had to give up his original plan and return to Rome - bringing with him the female lord Caterina of Forlì. Sforza, Caterina was imprisoned in Castel Sant'Angelo.

At this time Lucrecia had ended her first marriage to Sforza. Because Lucrecia was only 13 years old when she got married, the Pope believed that there was no "substantial marriage" and the Pope declared the marriage invalid.

After a lengthy divorce process, Lucrezia married Alfonso of Spain, during which time Cesare was believed to have participated in the murder of her brother-in-law.

By 1501, Lucretia married Alfonso of Ferrara, and Cesare had basically conquered Romagna. Not only did he occupy those areas, he also established an efficient and stable government, changing the chaos and chaos of Romagna in the past. The state of the order was such that even after the death of the Pope, these towns remained loyal to Cesare. The 26-year-old Cesare was made Duke of Romagna by his father.

Bonaparte ordered the measurement of the arc of meridian between Rimini and Rome. No matter how the "boot" deformed, Rimini did not look like it was on the same meridian as Rome.

It is true that Bonaparte became the Commander-in-Chief of the Italian Army at such a young age as if he "airborne", so many people think that he relied on Josephine's relationship.

But before that, he made a lot of preparations, especially the topographical maps during the fortification in Nice and Genoa, so that he would not get lost in the intricate Ligurian-Alps.

When you don’t know which way to go, it might be right to follow someone who knows where the way is.

During the hostility between Florence and Cesare, Leonardo da Vinci took the initiative to find Cesare and drew a map of Iramo for him.

Cesare is also known as Caesar. With the cooperation of the Pope and Cesare, Italy seems to be unified.

"Do you think... we should forgive the false confession of a dying person?" Georgiana said without looking back. "I have read a book, which talks about forgiveness without reflection. When you are carried away by impulse, this Such an act that only considers the interests of one of the supplicants would constitute injustice, and one bishop told me that a dying person has no time to change.”

"How can you be sure that the other party must be making a false confession?" Elder Gabrio asked.

"He just wanted the ticket to the Kingdom of Heaven, so he deceived the person who held the 'key'." Georgiana looked back at Gabrio, who stood on the other end of the "Da Vinci Knot" "to give good people eternity." The reward of glory will be given to the bad people, and the punishment of hell will also lead to destruction, because this is not like the earthly world, where a person gets something from another person, and good people will go to heaven. "

"Are you trying to determine injustice or injustice?" Gabrio asked.

"Lucifer felt that God was unfair. He not only created a happy paradise for mankind, but also put everything under the jurisdiction of mankind, even angels." Georgiana said, "Love is unfair. Isn't this the definition of love? ?”

"I heard you were planning to donate money to repair the telescope and observatory instead of giving it to charity."

She laughed.

"You think that's what drove me to do that? Because of the hobby?" Georgiana asked.

"I don't think so." Gabrio also smiled. He walked around the Da Vinci knot on the ground and walked towards her. "So here I am."

"Every day, every hour, every minute, stars die and are born in the universe." Georgiana also walked along the circle on the ground, as if the same poles of a magnet always maintained the same distance. "Their formation and death are sometimes Repetition cannot change our understanding, so we have to look farther and wider, and see things we couldn't see before, and that requires better telescopes. The first story of the Decameron is. A sinner who committed many evil deeds made up a false confession before his death, deceived the priest into believing it, and made him a saint after his death. The kind monk was regarded as a big jackass. "

Gabrio smiled instead of angry.

"We cannot forget those who have suffered misfortune, but we cannot forget those 'hypocrites' who use high-sounding rhetoric to do things that harm others and benefit themselves. Do you think I am right?" Georgiana asked.

"Forgiveness is not always impulsive. Sometimes forgiveness can help us get out of a dilemma full of uncertainty." Gabrio stood where Georgiana stood just now, but he stood with his back to the light. "Forgiveness is a relief."

"Do you feel relieved?" asked Georgiana.

"You didn't forgive anyone, you just hid your anger deeper." Gabrio said helplessly, "It's like the knot under our feet, beautiful, but cannot be untied."

"I'm talking about you, why are you talking about me?" she asked with a smile.

"People who love each other will come together, and people who suffer the same fate will also come together. Who are you with?" Gabrio asked.

She first thought of the wizard in black. It took them nearly thirty years to get together.

Gradually, they turned from strangers to friends, but they didn't expect that Harry would tear up all the dreams with just one word.

She really hoped that Harry could have some oratory talent and that his pre-war speech could say something else, such as for freedom and happiness, rather than for the love of his mother and men other than his father.

Voldemort was an illegitimate child who was not recognized by his father, and Harry was just a child abandoned by alcoholic parents in the Muggle world.

"You know... this world does not support polygamy." Gabrio said helplessly, "You are a good girl."

"She's also a stupid girl." Georgiana said coldly, and then left the Celestial Axis Room.

If she was smart, she would stay and talk to someone who seemed to be able to communicate.

But who made Bonaparte rule Romagna in such a different way from Cesare?

She really hoped that his solution to the problem was correct and not her "asking for trouble" solution.

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