Chapter 3452 Shelter from the Wind (I)

In Purgatory, Dante and Virgil came to the first level of Purgatory, where there was a large sloping plain.

It might be the slope of the foothills of Mount Purgatory, where you can see the sea.

Rio de Janeiro means "January River" in Portuguese, because it was discovered by Portuguese explorers in January, but it was not taken seriously at first, and was just the base camp of French timber smugglers.

Later, people discovered gold in Minas Ski Las, and Rio was taken seriously by the Portuguese. They built a castle there, drove out the smugglers, and set up artillery.

Vitruvius usually recommends that people build cities on the plains, but from the introduction of travel magazines, it is a mountainous area, and only the area overlooked by the statue of Jesus with open arms is slightly flatter. There are slums on the mountain. Although it looks beautiful from a distance, it is not a place for tourists to set foot.

This urban layout has existed since the city was built and people living in the castle on the mountain moved down the mountain. When the Spanish Succession War began, Portugal was not immune to the situation. In order to pay for the war, they had to increase gold mining and sugar production in northeastern Brazil.

During this period, both Spain and Portugal violated the Treaty of Tordesillas. The only condition for the colonists to leave the coast and move inland was to find gold mines or lost cities of gold. The explorers themselves would keep it a secret and not tell the colonial authorities where the gold was found.

These people were called "provincials". They spoke Portuguese, but they were not local Brazilians, and most of them were penniless. They would find ways to accumulate assets, but they could not afford the fertile and well-cultivated sugar plantations in the northeast, and there was still a lot of fertile land in southern Brazil. Especially near the small towns where gold was produced, the population grew rapidly and economic activities became more diversified. In that frontier land, there was not much difference between the free poor miners and the slaves who mined.

Later, some masters found that it was better to promise them freedom than to spend effort to catch slaves in the jungle. This did not mean that the slaves were released directly, but that their children could become free men, while their fathers had to continue working. They could even own houses, because there were many trees and uninhabited land in the forest anyway.

This method made some slaves fight against the Azkotes together with the colonists in order to protect their homes. There was a rule in Roman law that "possession is ownership", and later it became that as long as they landed, slaves were registered as free men.

This practice was of course not welcomed by the plantation owners in the northeast. They regarded slaves as property. If the "Golden Act" was passed, it would be a brutal plunder of private property. So around 1788, the first rebellion took place in Minajiras. Legend has it that Thomas Jefferson was in Montpelier at the time and supported the Minajiras uprising.

However, in the "Throne Speech" in Europe, anti-abolitionists proposed that freeing slaves would lead to agricultural disorder, and agriculture was the foundation of Portugal.

For most people, the motivation for action is like drawing water from a well. Water naturally flows to the lower part. It takes effort to make it go up. If you don't make any effort, it will keep going down until it reaches the bottom. Who wants to stay at the bottom of the well?

After being aroused by Antolini's curiosity, Georgiana couldn't wait until it got dark. Even though the sunset had just dyed the sky red, she ran to the outer wall of the castle where the "hidden road" was located.

However, at the entrance of the castle, she found two people, one of whom was Leo, whom she had just adopted from the orphanage, and the other was the young man who played with her during the day.

When Napoleon first arrived in Milan in 1796, the Sforza Castle was guarded by 2,000 soldiers. Soon after, it was besieged by a group of pro-Jacobin Milanese for a month. The originally dismantled defenses were restored and more soldiers were placed.

After the Battle of Marengo, the restored fortifications were dismantled again, and more were dismantled, almost all the bastions were dismantled.

The enclosed land was returned to the Milanese, and the garden behind the castle was opened. Since the Sforza Castle became an office for some public departments, citizens were allowed to enter the castle, just like the Luxembourg Gardens in France.

But now the place has changed again, and Georgiana can even see the sentry standing guard on the tower.

The news brought by the wind was not easy, but more of a mess.

At this time, the two talking children saw Georgiana, and they walked towards her together.

"Good evening, madam, Leo has a question for you." The young man with a Greek classical beauty said.

"Ask it." Georgiana looked at Leo and said.

"He doesn't speak French, but fortunately Master Leclerc can speak Italian." The young man said.

"Call him Delmid." Georgiana corrected.

"Leo wants to ask you if you adopted him to make him a scapegoat for Delmid." The young man asked.

Georgiana looked at Leo in surprise, and he was looking at her with very clear eyes.

It would be fine if he looked at her with fear or disgust...

"Tell him I don't intend to make him a scapegoat." Georgiana looked at Leo and said.

The young man spoke a lot of Italian to Leo.

"Then why did you take him in?" The young man asked on behalf of Leo.

"I know two boys who made mistakes together and were punished together, but when one of them was about to make a terrible mistake, the other one stopped everything from happening." Giorgiana squatted down and looked at Leo at eye level. "I hope you have such judgment."

"I think it's difficult for a child of his age." The young man said.

"Who are you?" Giorgiana asked the young man.

"Torlonia, Alessandro Torlonia." The young man replied, "My father is..."

"I know who your father is." Giorgiana interrupted him, "Tell him what I just said."

Torlonia then spoke Italian to Leo again.

Giorgiana sighed silently.

After the French invaded Rome, French bankers replaced the Italians and became the "Pope's accountants". For centuries, the rverenda camera apostolica has been the institution responsible for the finances, administration and justice of the Papal States. Some of their administrative responsibilities have been divided out and assumed by other more modern departments, including Giovanni Torlonia.

Under the Vatican's Treasury, there is an administrative agency specifically responsible for managing charitable cash. It is the operator of religious orders, charities and some private deposits. Giovanni Torlonia is in charge of this.

After listening to Alessandro's translation, Leo looked at Georgiana with a horrified and confused look.

"I don't know." Leo said confusedly.

"Some mistakes are forgivable, and some are unforgivable. You just need to remember that if Dirmide is about to do something irreparable, stop him." She said tiredly and helplessly.

Leo was even more panicked.

"The punishment is too ruthless, and they are too young to bear it..." She couldn't go on.

After a while, she looked at Leo firmly again, "I think you look like a smart child, doing smart things."

Alessandro couldn't help laughing.

"What's so funny?" Georgiana asked him angrily.

At this time, Paulina's female companion came and invited Georgiana to dinner.

"You two come with me," she said to Leo and Alessandro.

As soon as she turned around, they started talking in Italian, and she didn't understand a word.

Although she looked young, she was actually the same generation as Letizia, who didn't speak French very well.

Did she have to learn another language at this age?

"What the hell," she said to herself anxiously, looking at the still blue sky. Was it too early to have dinner?

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