Chapter 3453 Shelter from the Wind (Part 2)

Although there was a new renovation plan for Sforzesco Castle, due to lack of funds, the planning of the castle's interior and gardens was not actually implemented. Instead, warehouses and shops were quickly built on the land released after the outer wall was demolished. and private buildings—some built using materials from the original city walls.

Arranged in a horseshoe shape, or concentric circles with the center of the circular building expected to be located in the castle, the shops soon flourished.

"How about this one?"

Caroline placed a lapis lazuli necklace around Georgiana's neck.

It is also lapis lazuli. Some lapis lazuli was ground by Leonardo da Vinci and painted on the Last Supper mural. It is still very bright after hundreds of years.

"I don't think it suits her. It doesn't match her eyes."

Polina said as she changed into an evening dress with the help of a seamstress. This was her third dress.

With the current progress of their dressing up, Georgiana was worried whether they would be able to make it in time for dinner, or whether they would be there before the guests starved to death.

"I think it's pretty good, what do you think?" Caroline smiled at Georgiana in the mirror.

"I think it's good." Georgiana also smiled and looked at Caroline in the mirror.

"Let me see." Polina walked to Georgiana's side wearing lace underwear.

Even though she was also a woman, she was dazzled by Polina, who adjusted the necklace around her neck.

"It's pretty good...Why do you like such cheap gems?" Polina asked.

In fact, the price of European diamonds has dropped by 75% due to the discovery of diamond mines in Minas Skiras, Brazil. Queen Catherine is the largest buyer of Brazilian diamonds.

Since 1703, Portugal has imported as much gold from Minas Skiras in just one year as the total gold from the gold mines established in Guinea since 1482. The amount is large enough to affect the price of gold in Europe.

Also in the same year, Portugal signed the Treaty of Methuen with Britain. In addition to the terms of wine and textiles, Portugal also joined the Netherlands and Britain in becoming hostile to Spain and France.

Rio de Janeiro not only became the import and export port of the Minagenas gold mine, but also attracted a large number of immigrants from Portugal. Minho and the Azores were originally overpopulated. By 1720, all the young men had disappeared. The loss of strong labor force led the Portuguese royal family to ban arbitrary immigration to Brazil.

"I'm in a daze again." Polina poked Georgiana's head with her slender fingers.

"I was thinking about diamonds," Georgiana said in vain. "How about a diamond instead?"

"Where is your necklace?" Caroline asked.

"Which one?" Georgiana asked subconsciously.

"The one the previous man gave you." Caroline said.

She was in a daze for a moment before remembering the black swan crystal necklace.

"Did you really become beautiful because of that necklace?" Caroline asked again.

At that time, Georgiana told Bonaparte that if she took off the necklace, she would become old and ugly, but he took it off anyway. I don't know if he didn't believe in magic or...

"You want to use love magic on Maura?" Polina asked Caroline.

Caroline smiled contemptuously, took off the lapis lazuli necklace from Georgiana's neck, and then picked a diamond necklace.

"I don't think you need it." Georgiana said flatteringly.

Being kind to others is the lowest cost. Being in a kind environment is very different from being in a malicious environment...

"What does love magic really look like?" Polinacci asked reluctantly. "I have heard many rumors..."

"Those are all fake." Georgiana said expressionlessly.

"Then what's true?" Paulina asked.

Georgiana looked at herself in the mirror.

"What you desire most in your heart and what you love most are not the same thing." She seemed to be saying to herself in the mirror, "There is a magical mirror that can reflect the deepest desire in your heart, and at the same time there is a A magic potion that makes you smell your favorite scent.”

"Potion?" Caroline asked immediately.

To be precise, it was a love potion, but she didn't tell them.

Instead, she picked up a bottle of perfume and lightly sprinkled some on it.

"What do you think? Do you like it?" Georgiana asked.

"I have a question." Polina smiled ambiguously.

She had a feeling that what Polina asked was not a good question.

"Where's Eliza?" asked Georgiana, the last of the three Bonaparte sisters.

"She's in Corsica," said Caroline, placing the earrings that matched the diamond necklace on Georgiana's ears.

"Why is she going to Corsica?" she asked subconsciously.

"Like you, you haven't met Felix yet, have you?" Caroline asked.

The name stirred her memory of a boy named Felix Young, who was also possessed by the Obscurus.

Polina suddenly whispered in Georgiana's ear, her murmur sounding like a snake's.

Georgiana didn't know if she should be angry for a moment, because the question was so personal.

"You tell me, and I'll tell you a secret." Polina smiled, "Do you dare?"

Georgiana didn't say she didn't dare, but she was a coward.

"What did you say?" Caroline asked quickly.

Polina spoke into her sister's ear again, and now it was not obvious that she was jealous of Caroline's carriage.

"What's there to compare? Everyone knows that Napoleon is a man who doesn't understand romance." Caroline looked at Paulina's curvy figure with some jealousy.

Paulina was proud again and turned to change into new clothes.

"I don't need love potion to deal with Murat. Do you know why?" Caroline asked while putting earrings on Georgiana.

She didn't know how to answer.

And Caroline was not torturing her. After putting on the earrings, she took a step back and left the mirror to Georgiana alone.

"If you had brought the 'Mughal Diamond', this necklace would be much worse than it." Caroline said.

"That diamond is just big. I plan to cut it..."


Before Georgiana finished speaking, all the women in the room, including the seamstresses, shouted.

Bertin shook his head in disagreement.

"What are you thinking? How can you cut it?" Polina asked angrily.

"It's too heavy." Georgiana rolled her eyes. "I made it into a belt."

"How about giving it to me?" Caroline said immediately, her expression seemed serious.

In fact, if it was just a pile of carbon atoms, it would be fine to give it to Caroline.

But when she looked in the mirror, she remembered the scene when he put the "diamond necklace" on her neck...

"Can't bear to part with it, right?" Polina laughed sarcastically.

"You know how to deal with him very well." Caroline smiled. "We all asked him for it, but you let him think for himself, just like guessing what flowers a girl likes in front of a flower shop."

"I don't think so." Georgiana said.

"Because you love to eat candy, the colony was lost... Fortunately, thanks to you, Mulla didn't have to go to that damn place." Caroline said with a smile.

At this time, Georgiana looked at Polina again, and the smile on her face disappeared.

"I can't bear this accusation." Georgiana looked at Caroline, "Don't think you can do it again and again..."

"I'm just kidding." Caroline interrupted Georgiana with a smile, "Besides, there is another person who likes candy more than you."

"Let's take this one." Paulina said proudly, and chose the evening dress she would wear tonight.

This set is not the "Empire style" led by Josephine, but was designed by Paulina and Bertin themselves. The medieval high collar is like a flame behind the neck, and the front is low-necked.

"Are you going to stun everyone?" Caroline said jokingly.

Paulina did not answer and chose jewelry.

Perhaps the Bonaparte sisters did not like Josephine so much, but they did not necessarily accept Georgiana.

She thought helplessly that it was not easy to integrate into the Italian social circle. Hamilton used art, Fred used finance, and Torlonia had both.

The Medici family had been operating in Florence for many years. Giovanni Torlonia's father was a French farmer. He followed a cardinal to Rome as a manservant. The cardinal gave him a little inheritance, and he established the silk trade in Lyon. Even if Alessandro is included, it has only been three generations.

The last time Georgiana had dinner with the Lyon people, they mentioned Torlonia. He found a way to obtain the development rights of the papal alum quarry before the French entered Rome. Since the 16th century, that mine has been one of the largest alum producers in Europe.

Another thing is that he found a way to cooperate with Roman bankers and signed an eight-year state-owned dyeing and printing contract.

In addition, there are drainage of the Pontine Swamp, development plans for the Romagna region, dredging of the Tiber River, etc., involving 20% ​​of the population of the Papal States.

"I just ran into someone from the Torlonia family." Georgiana said to the Bonaparte sisters.

"Who is that?" Paulina asked.

Caroline was thoughtful.

"It's not an adult, it's his child." Georgiana said, "He approached Leo, the child he just adopted."

"What did they say?" Caroline asked.

"Leo asked if he was a scapegoat for Delmid, and I told him no." Georgiana looked at the two sisters, "Whoever did something wrong should take responsibility for it, what do you think?"

Neither of the two sisters spoke.

She felt that she would probably be hated, but she didn't need them to hold her skirt.

There are both the three Graces and the three Gorgons in mythology.

"I'm going out first, call me when you're ready." Georgiana smiled gently and left the room.

No matter which master can "subdue demons and exorcise monsters", she will leave first anyway. She is just an ordinary woman, and only the silly boy Potter can be the "savior".

She came to the next room, closed the door, and half-lay on the sofa with her eyes closed.

When Dante went upstream along the dark river to Purgatory, people were amazed that someone could escape from the eternal cage.

But if Dante wanted to escape from hell, he had to go to the bottom of hell first, where it was so cold that the ghosts were frozen.

Lucifer, the king of hell, was exposed above half his chest outside the ice. His beauty like the morning light was gone, and the feathers on his six-winged wings disappeared, looking like bat wings.

In a half-awake state, she seemed to see the wizard in the corridor of Hogwarts again, with his cloak spread out like bat wings. He walked away from her without looking back.

Then darkness gradually appeared in front of her eyes, as if it was going to swallow her up.

She didn’t know if she could wake up, but she was too tired to struggle anymore, so she just let him be.

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