Chapter 3479 Robinson Crusoe on Land (VI)

Robinson captured a young ewe in the third year after he arrived on the island. He did not rush to eat it, but domesticated it and found a ram to mate with it. However, he waited until the ewe became an old goat but failed to do so. He could not bear to kill it, so he kept it until it died of old age.

There was also a dog and two cats on their ship. The two cats were brought to the island by Robinson, and the dog jumped onto Robinson's canoe on the day when Robinson first boarded the ship to transport goods.

It was a good dog, although it could not help him fetch anything like a hound. It could only accompany him for sixteen years and later died of old age.

As for the two cats, they reproduced very quickly. Except for two or three left by Robinson as pets, the rest ran into the woods and became wild cats.

These cats should have caused damage to the environment on the island. When one link of the food chain has problems, other problems will follow.

If the hairy crabs are parasitic on the fur and feathers of animals such as cruppies and auguries, it will be relatively easy to deal with them. There are anthelmintics on the market. In addition, wizards need to be careful that these hairy crabs that enter the house with pets will gnaw on magical objects such as wands, or live in unwashed cauldrons. They will swell up due to eating magical substances. If the disaster is serious, the Department for the Regulation and Control of Magical Creatures will need to deal with it.

Then there are wood lice. It and hairy crabs are both food for the Golden Snidget, but the Golden Snidget is so rare that it needs to be protected. After losing its natural enemies, wood lice and hairy crabs have reproduced wildly.

Despite the prevention and control, the Ministry of Magic still sent people to investigate the damage to the wand wood in the Forbidden Forest, and the new Defense Against the Dark Arts professor also arrived in advance.

His name is Arsenius Jigg, an old friend of Albus. He wrote several books in his life, including "Magical Herbs and Potions" and "Basic Defense Against the Dark Arts". He has a potion shop in Diagon Alley, London, and is also an entomologist.

He also mastered a technique to remove foam from the surface of potions. After using this technique, the entire potion can be further processed. This can be said to be his unique skill.

He is also a friend of Slughorn. He knows how Snape replaced him as the head of Slytherin and the professor of potions, so the atmosphere was a little tense during the meeting.

It can be clearly seen that Jig doesn't like Snape very much. In addition to dealing with wood lice, he also has eight-eyed spiders that are rampant in the Forbidden Forest. After Albus invited a professor from the Arctic, Pomona had already given up hope for a new professor of Defense Against the Dark Arts. Albus used his personal connections to invite Jig.

She was very curious about how Jig would survive a year as the professor of Defense Against the Dark Arts. The cursed position was already known to the magic world, and he was so old...

"When will you go to London next time?" Minerva asked secretly.

"I don't know, why are you asking this?" Pomona asked.

"Can you go to St. Mungo's and visit the Longbottoms," Minerva said. "I'm too busy to get away."

"Longbottom?" Pomona repeated subconsciously.

"Have you forgotten them?" Minerva asked.

In fact, she still remembered...remembered what they looked like before the accident.

"Or you can help me mail the notice." Minerva said.

"Okay, I'll go." Pomona said quickly.

It happened that the meeting was over at this time, and everyone left, leaving Snape and Jigg in the headmaster's office.

Pomona looked back, and followed Minerva and others out of the door.


In addition to potions and defense against the dark arts, Jigg also knows a kind of transfiguration that can make part of the body very hard. She has a student named Cerberus Lagam, who was not recruited by the Auror immediately after graduation, but was transferred to the Auror's office after working in the Department of Care of Magical Creatures for a period of time.

He is good at defensive magic, and Jigg was his teacher.

Pomona didn't know what happened between the "boys" that year. Anyway, Snape learned Jiger's unique skills, and Jiger liked him very much when he left.

In fact, if you look at it from another angle, you will understand why Arthur Young was under so much pressure.

Robinson wanted to brew beer on the island, but there were no hops on the island to keep it fresh. Bonaparte also asked Georgiana what plants could replace hops.

If the route from Europe to Egypt was continuous, Bonaparte would not have encountered this problem. Egypt in the 19th century was still a major grain producer, but there were no ammunition, medicine, surgical supplies, or hops.

Tahiti has black pearls that are unique in the entire world. The women on the island string them together and wear them around their necks. Even if each one is worth a fortune in Europe, no one has ever thought of robbing it. Instead, the ironware on the Bondi was stolen.

If there were no supplies on the ship, it would be difficult for Robinson to survive on the island with his own hands.

There was a time when Hollywood movies were very popular about rescue missions, such as launching a moon landing spacecraft, and then a malfunction occurred, and the people in the command post on the ground worked with the astronauts to troubleshoot the malfunction.

She always felt that this was an Odysseus-style "mission", and the goal was no longer to land on the moon or anything else, but to go home.

There were not as many supplies on the spacecraft as on the ground for astronauts to use, so what if the wizard brought a magic wand and used transfiguration?

A skeleton appeared in front of her, with a pair of huge butterfly wings on its back.

She thought she had forgotten this thing, but she didn't expect it to suddenly appear in her mind.

Georgiana slowly opened her eyes. Through the window, she could see the sun. She was not in that terrible basement at the moment.

"Having a nightmare?" Rabastan Lestrange asked.

"No." Georgiana said calmly, remembering why she was engaged in vampire research.

But how could she forget it before?

"Why do we have to go to Peru to destroy the Venomous Dragon?" Rabastan asked, "Aren't the British going?"

She knew what he suspected.

"You can invite the British, or any wizard who wants to go." Georgiana covered the sun with her hands. "The Muggles are trying to eradicate smallpox, and I also want to eradicate dragonpox, and malaria."

Rabastan sighed.

"The Spaniards won't let us go," Rabastan said.

The book says that Spanish wizards moved to South America in large numbers, and they hunted down a large number of Venomtooth dragons like a sport.

"You can solve this problem by yourselves. I need some manpower." Georgiana said.

"What do you want to do?" Rabastan asked warily.

"Did you hear? A girl lived in the treetops for two years," Georgiana said. "I want to go there."

"You can take the Muggles," Rabastan said.

"That place is in Turin, and you know it's covered by the Black Triangle and the White Triangle," Georgiana said.

"That's superstitious, not to mention that the forest is not within the protection range of the magic circle." Rabastan said.

She feels...

"Do you believe it or not?" Georgiana asked.

"I believe that the Savoy royal family has made some arrangements to protect the capital, but I don't believe in any grand triangle." Rabastan said helplessly.

"There are some emergencies that Muggles can't solve." Georgiana said sternly, "Find me some good help."

"You are so powerful, what can't you solve?" Rabastan said.

In fact, she knew very well that she was "stupefied" during a duel, lacking the flexibility of a duel master.

"Are you disobeying my orders?" Georgiana followed Bonaparte's example in talking to Rabastan. "I'm not asking you to do me a favor."

"We are going to exchange all the treasures for a technology. Do you think this is appropriate?" Rabastan said angrily, stood up and was about to leave.

"Wait." Georgiana stopped him.

"What other orders do you have?" Rabastan asked coldly.

She let out a long sigh.

In the world of The Lord of the Rings, the elves leave Middle-earth and hand over their last hope to humans.

It was the only option because... there was no other option.

"I don't think the goblins will become our allies after they get the treasure." She stood up slowly. "And I need to gather an army."

"Where to go? Who to fight?" Rabastan asked.

If she did, would Rabastan suggest that she cancel the Quidditch World Cup?

"I don't know, I just saw it in history," Georgiana said.

"History? Or prophecy?" Rabastan asked.

She thought of Trelawney, how about pretending to talk like her?

"You want to train them?" Rabastan asked.

"So to speak," said Georgiana.

Rabastan was silent, as if thinking.

Just as she was about to continue her persuasion, she remembered Saruman, who also needed an army.

Are you Gandalf or Saruman at this moment?

she asked herself.

Will you fight fate or submit to it?

The cats chosen by Robinson became pets, while the cats that were not chosen were killed by him with bullets. What is the difference between them? They were originally the offspring of a pair of cats.

That's love, it's not fair.

"I love humans." She smiled painfully.

"I can see it." Rabastan circled the Da Vinci knot on the ground like a great elder that day. "If I were decades younger, I would also pursue you."

She also circled around the knot.

"You like young people." Rabastan sneered, "That's why there are so many 'tributes'."

"I don't just like youth." Georgiana looked at Rabastan. He was well-maintained and his youthful charm could be seen.

"Queen Catherine is not as picky as you." Rabastan said slowly.

Now she understood what Bougainville had "misunderstood".

"Siberia." She said slowly, "Didn't you just ask me where I was going?"

"Weren't you unwilling to say it just now?"

"Didn't you mention Queen Catherine? How did you guess it?" Georgiana asked.

"You have received a gift, brought back from the Siberian forest." Rabastan said.

"Have you talked to Lorbon?"

"It's like an old friend reuniting." Rabastan stopped circling. "What's there?"

"Gather the people together and we'll find out when we get to Turin." Georgiana said calmly, "Any questions?"

Rabastan stared at her like a hunter who has spotted his prey.

Originally, she was quite afraid that she would become the prey of these pure-blood wizards.

Now she was smiling at Rabastan.

"Those who choose to stay, clean up the dungeon. I don't want to see spots everywhere when I come back."

Rabastan smiled.

"Is it between being a dragon slayer and a floor mopper?" he asked.

"I respect the scavengers. Do you think there is a difference between them? They are all preventing the spread of disease." Georgiana replied.

Rabastan smiled even more happily.

"You haven't won yet, Veela."

"I am a half-Veela, and my father is a wizard." Georgiana corrected.

Then they talked about business, and after that, Rabastan turned around and left the observatory.

In fact, in addition to quinine, arsenic can also treat malaria. It is of course a highly toxic substance, and aconite must be added, but as long as the dosage is mastered, the poison can also become an antidote.

By chance, she saw a glass of red wine on the table, so she walked over and drank it all in one gulp.

But she didn't feel at ease, but heard the sound of war drums.

How far can you go by listening to the drums of conscience?

No, she felt that the sound was more like the drums coming from the underground in the Moria tunnel, as if a monster would appear in the next second.

Whether it was an army or just one.

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