Chapter 3480 Robinson Crusoe on Land (VII)

Arsenius Giger is 101 years old. Although he is not as famous as Dumbledore's discovery of the 12 uses of dragon's blood, he is still a very prolific scholar. The achievements he has achieved today have been accumulated over the years.

He was very dissatisfied with Snape's title of "youngest Slytherin Dean". Slughorn did not teach Snape "lessons", and Giger planned to make up for him, so the youngest demon The medicine master, like an apprentice, went to London to help Jig buy potion ingredients.

The vast majority of psyllids feed on plant sap, but the psyllids that attack sorbus trees will start sucking blood for unknown reasons. The humans and animals they attack will become rigid in their movements, and may even freeze for a period of time. Loss of mobility.

This is a non-fatal but very annoying disease. Some of the gatherers in the Forbidden Forest have been bitten. Fortunately, they did not encounter the eight-eyed spider when they were stiff.

Sorbus is one of the few wand woods that can resist psyllids, because its defensive properties are higher than other woods, and it is also very powerful for casting defensive spells. In addition, sorbus is not associated with black magic.

It is like a unicorn in the tree. If the unicorn is not dead, then its blood can be used to make a blessing elixir. If it is dead, then the unicorn blood is the most powerful curse.

An old wand wood superstition says: Sorrel is verbose, chestnut is lazy, ash is stubborn, and hazel is delicate.

This is not to say that Yamanashi can really talk, Kuriki is really lazy.

Anyway, Pomona has never heard any plant speak, except those that make sounds themselves, and they themselves do not understand the meaning of what they say.

"All bought?" Pomona placed a glass of butterbeer in front of Snape, which she had packed up from the Three Broomsticks and brought to London.

"It's still a little short of that." Snape said coldly, looking at the list of materials.

"What else is missing?" she asked casually, taking a sip of beer.

"Gillweed," said Snape.

Pomona recalled the name, as if she had seen it somewhere.

"What are you going to do tomorrow?" Snape asked.

"Going to St. Mungo's to visit an old friend," Pomona said.

He didn't ask further, took out a thick mail order catalog and started searching in it.

She looked at him without taking a sip of his butterbeer, which he and Lily had enjoyed drinking before.

"You want a whiskey?" Pomona asked.

"I don't want to drink anything." He said with a frown, as if he had taken a sip of bitter potion.

Although unhappy, Pomona found something else to do.

What should I read today? Lord of the Rings, Robinson Crusoe or Muggle Chemistry?


Paracelsus said: All substances are poisons, and there is no substance without toxicity. The difference between poisons and medicines lies in the appropriate dose.

This theory changed the central issue of toxicology - the definition of "poison". It is like arsenic. In ordinary people's impression, it is a highly poisonous substance. It has also been nicknamed "heritage powder" and "stepmother's poison". .

Snake venom that can kill a person is not fatal to horses or elephants. If the dose can be mastered, arsenic can kill the malaria parasite and allow the patient to recover. The same goes for aconite being used in wolfsbane potion. Werewolves were almost killed by aconite, and their hearts could stop at any time, but it allowed them to maintain a certain rationality during transformation and no longer hurt the people around them.

However, this theory of "fighting poison with poison" comes from the East. In Paracelsus' theory of "fighting poison with poison", if you are poisoned, you must use similar poison to treat it. Similar principles are adopted, and the purpose is to restore human health. To balance the elements in the body, he pioneered the use of plant-derived ya tablet tincture for treatment, including mercury poisoning and antimony poisoning.

The right and wrong of Paracelsus cannot be generally defined. He was only a Hermetic alchemist and was not familiar with Eastern alchemy. It was also alchemy. The emperor died faster after taking the elixir than if he had not taken it. The mercury did not have the effect of prolonging life.

The main manifestations of malaria are chills and fever, sometimes cold and sometimes hot. Some medical books call it the interaction of yin and yang. Bupleurum can also be used to treat malaria, but Sun Simiao is an alchemist.

In addition to these, Paracelsus also discovered "dwarfism", a "disease" common in the Alps.

Felivi, half-blood and half-elf, was perfectly healthy and did not need any treatment.

Robinson said that in human emotions, there are some hidden driving forces. Once this driving force is attracted by a certain goal, it will drive our souls towards that goal with a kind of fanaticism and impulse, whether it is looking at What is visible is still the goal imagined in our minds. If we fail to achieve the goal, we will be miserable.

Felivi was the dueling champion, but he loved music more. There were many outstanding players among the goblins, and then he was surpassed by Snape.

The desire for power led some Death Eaters to gather around Voldemort. Before Voldemort went crazy, he was indeed an outstanding person.

He didn't even drop out of school like Grindelwald, but graduated with excellent grades and various auras. Dumbledore also won many awards when he was young.

On the Grand Magic Express, there is a chef named Philip. When he was young, he wanted to be an Interpol and arrest Grindelwald's followers. After his mother pulled his ears and visited the Magical Botanical Garden, he became honest.

Intimidation is very effective, especially when parents don't want their children to do something when they grow up.

In front of a beautiful veela, even a ticket seller will say that he is a "vampire hunter".

Bella called Severus a "coward", and he immediately "brave enough" to sign the Unbreakable Vow with Narcissa.

So Georgiana was almost sure that everything would go as she planned, even if Rabastan Lestrange suspected that "this English woman" was planning to infect all French wizards with dragon pox.

Poisoning was prevalent in Italy during the Renaissance, and this trend even spread to France later.

If Robinson didn't catch the ewe, she might have found a suitable husband in the flock, gave birth to a kid with it, and then was killed by Robinson like the previous ewe, and her child followed Robinson but refused to eat the food he gave her, and then he killed it too.

This is the unlucky thing about the ring, it has no exit, and can only be repeated again and again.

If you want to change something, you must break it. You can make a hole in the ring, but it is also possible that your efforts are useless. If you cut a knife on the Möbius strip, it will still be a ring, just bigger.

In human emotions, there are some hidden driving forces. Once this driving force is attracted by a certain goal, it will drive our souls towards that goal with a kind of enthusiasm and impulse, whether it is a visible goal or a goal imagined in our minds. If we fail to achieve the goal, we will be in great pain.

She has experienced that kind of pain, but she also understands that if she fights for those, she will be in great pain, even if it is love. That is one of the "driving forces" of a few women who do whatever it takes to achieve their goals. Boys can't go to the girls' dormitory. As soon as they step on the stairs, they will become a slide. Girls can only go out of the dormitory to date, even if the school was attacked everywhere at that time and everyone was panicked.

In fact, she has always doubted whether Snape knew that the potion that could remove people from petrification was really taught by Voldemort? She did not doubt that Voldemort had that kind of intelligence, but whether he had that kind of mercy.

Fifteen years later, Robinson still had a lot of rum. He usually drank his own wine. He couldn't make brandy and whiskey because he didn't have a copper pot for distillation, but he didn't drink all the rum.

He didn't look like a sailor, but more like a landman. Perhaps he remembered that tobacco and rum had saved his life.

He also learned to observe the tides and use the direction of the water flow during high and low tides to go home from the other side of the island without any effort.

There must be a way for her to go back, but she had to learn how to observe first.

She sighed. She couldn't think of any solution if she continued to think hard in this place. It would be better to relax outside.

So she left the observatory to let her stupid head suffer less.

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