Chapter 3483 Longly Jellyfish (I)

"The wine you want, ma'am." The bartender pushed the prepared cocktail in front of Pomona.

"Thank you." She took it listlessly and drank from the cup.

She felt that the wine Muggles drank now didn't feel like wine at all, but more like fruit juice, although she felt a little groggy after drinking two glasses.

"There's nothing to be upset about not being her sister's bridesmaid. At least she was at the wedding, and I wasn't invited to Bella's wedding," Sirius said over a glass of firewhiskey.

He looked like a star even holding a wine glass, but Pomona looked away when she noticed the ring on his finger.

"You want to go to Bella's wedding?" Pomona asked.

"Of course not, I'm just making a metaphor." Sirius said immediately.

In fact, Pomona felt that he would rather give Regulus an example, but...

The doorbell of the Duke's Bar rang, and a man walked in. He walked straight towards Pomona.

"Hi." She smiled and waved to him.

Snape stared at her with an unkind expression.

Pomona quickly took another sip of her mojito. She felt that she and the glass were about to be separated.

But instead of taking her drink or taking her away, he sat down next to her and ordered a glass of gin.

He exuded a terrifying magical pressure, driving away the prying eyes in the bar.

Pomona now looks like a mixed-blood Veela, who just suffered a blow in the hospital, even if the other person was a child.

So she took another sip of her mojito.

"The drink you asked for, sir." The bartender kept smiling and pushed the small glass of gin in front of Snape.

He drank it all in one gulp expertly.

At this moment, Pomona doubted that the bartender really gave him wine, or "juice" like a mojito.

"Why aren't you in the apartment?" Snape asked after a moment.

"I'm not having a good day," Pomona said tiredly, wanting to smoke like the female stars in the movie.

"What happened?" he asked in a low voice.

The sound that vibrates the eardrums is very comfortable, like a massage.

So she lay on the table half-drunk and looked at him with hazy eyes.

"You know, James' best man is Sirius," Pomona said.

He wasn't as angry as she expected, even though she just mentioned the most annoying person in his life.

"Many people wanted to be Lily's bridesmaid, but she didn't pick anyone. It was a nightmare." She muttered, "Later, Petunia got married and Lily was not invited to be the bridesmaid. Just because they are sisters, does Petunia have to invite Lily?" Penny can also have other good friends, why is Lily so unhappy?"

Snape asked the bartender for another drink, but this time he didn't drink it all in one gulp.

"The relationship between Regulus and Sirius was also not good. Sirius was not invited to all social activities before he disappeared. James and Sirius were not related by blood, but they were as good as brothers, so Lily complained to Sirius He couldn't understand it at all," Pomona said.

"Did he tell you?" Snape asked.

"It's just like today, a bad day." Pomona sat up slowly and took a sip of mojito. "But not in this bar."

He was silent.

"Just because Lily and Petunia are related by blood, Petunia must invite her to be a bridesmaid. Petunia also worked in London. She can invite other friends." Pomona pointed to Snape's nose drunkenly. Why do you have four eyes?

Snape later said something to the bartender, and she was helped away after a while.

She felt like a fish swimming in the deep sea. No, it should be a slower creature.

At this time, she saw a glass of wine in front of someone else, with a jellyfish floating in the wine.

"I want to drink that!" Pomona said, pointing to the glass of wine.

Severus ignored her and left the bar with her.


According to biblical records, on the eve of the crucifixion, the Son of Man washed the feet of the Twelve Apostles at the Last Supper, so foot-washing became a must-have ritual on Easter.

After the morning foot-washing ceremony, and before the afternoon ceremony began, the Grand Elder was hurriedly invited to the Sforzesco Castle to sprinkle holy water on Georgiana.

Georgiana did not accuse Polina of making a fuss because she really felt the fear.

Even blood relatives would abandon leprosy patients. Patients who lived together helped each other. As the disease worsened, they would gradually lose their limbs, but there were also those with relatively mild symptoms who helped those who were seriously ill.

Fenrir Greyback, the leader of the werewolves, said that if we bite more wizards and let them grow in hatred, sooner or later some werewolves will rule the world. Even though they come from different wizarding families and have different backgrounds, at this moment they become "a family" because of "wolf blood".

She didn't know how Lily drew the equation between "bridesmaid" and "sister". Harry had to go back to Privet Drive every summer to strengthen the protective power of blood magic. This was a problem for him and Petunia's family. torture.

Lily may have been influenced by Mr. Evans's family, whose brothers and sisters were very harmonious.

So she and Sirius were not from the same world, and Sirius was the only person she could talk to besides Dumbledore's aunt after the Loyalty Curse took effect.

She still couldn't figure out how Lily's letter to Sirius could appear in Grimmauld Place, the bedroom where he lived when he was a child. He had never returned to the Black Mansion since he ran away from home.

Speaking of which, we have to mention how the owl found the wizard. Of course Lily would use the owl to send a letter to Sirius, or which postman could find the elusive guy. Sirius's known fixed address is in Grimmauld square.

At this time, the holy water was poured out, and the great elder looked at Georgiana with a strange smile.

"You want to ask me why I went to that leprosy hospital?" Georgiana asked with a forced smile.

"Is this what you want to talk to me about?" the great elder asked.

In fact, she didn't really want to talk to him about organic chemistry.

Sam left Frodo and returned. Although Frodo chose to believe Gollum because he felt that Gollum understood better the pain of carrying the Ring, Sam did not know.

Later, Gollum betrayed Frodo again. In Mount Doom, Gollum bit off Frodo's finger, just like Sauron's finger with the ring was cut off by the broken sword.

On this last journey, Frodo was unable to walk on his own, and it was Sam who carried him on his back - the gardener who followed the rules and wanted to participate in such a terrifying adventure when he left his hometown for the first time.

Later, the volcano erupted, and both he and Frodo felt that they could not go back. In fact, they already felt it halfway through.

Fortunately, an eagle came to save them, and Sam returned to his hometown, married his favorite girl, and lived a happy life.

"What do you want to tell me?" the great elder asked.

She didn't know how to express it.

Pomona’s hobby is studying food magic. Adding a spoonful of baking soda to polenta made from corn will not only taste better, but the nicotinic acid content in corn is actually higher than that of ordinary food crops, but it is a combination The substance cannot be absorbed by people, which will lead to niacin deficiency.

Just a small reminder can help many people get rid of pain. If people who are also living a hard life don't help each other, who will help?

She once thought that studying food magic was a waste of time, but Snape came from behind to surpass them. He always believed that power can bring happiness.

"I know a person." She looked at the great elder and said, "He lives a life like a saint, but he can't see through the 'name'. When I want to do good things, I hope to get some benefits. Giving without asking for anything in return is like The meteor that is burning itself will soon burn out.”

"What do you want?" the great elder said.

"I want to be like Sam and travel once in a while and go home and continue living a normal life," Georgiana said.

"Who is Sam?" the elder asked.

Of course he hadn't seen Lord of the Rings, and then she laughed.

"What's interesting?" the great elder asked.

"Sam has a grandfather and children, but I don't have either." Georgiana said calmly, "I don't even have what ordinary people have."

"And you also have things that ordinary people don't have." The great elder said softly.

She asked in detail, and most of the questions were compliments.

"Thank you for coming, I feel much better." She said perfunctorily.

"Last time we talked about forgiveness and punishment. Do you remember that Judas was also punished?" the elder said.

"Dante didn't remember, he placed him in the lowest level of hell." Georgiana said with a smile, "And I kissed Mr. Smith on the Traitor's Gate in the Tower of London."

The great elder did not speak, as if he was thinking about how to answer the question.

"That's an unlucky move. Don't do it." Georgiana said tiredly, "I won't disturb you anymore. There is mass to be celebrated in the afternoon, right?"

"Don't forget, you are a compassionate person." The great elder said quickly.

But she also felt that people should not have bottom lines. The French firmly refused to accept corn and potatoes, thinking that they were eaten by livestock.

For bread, the French launched the Great Revolution...

"There is a group of Zabrins in Cairo, which means garbage people." Before she left, the great elder said quickly, "They are engaged in the dirtiest work, but have the purest hearts."

She didn't want to hear it, she wanted to be quiet now.

Or maybe have some cocktails.

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