Chapter 3484 Longly Jellyfish (Part 2)

The groomsman is now also called the "best man". If Sirius gets married one day, will he invite James or Regulus to be his best man?

Even a housewife will have a few friends, but Petunia does not, because Harry will always cause some "little trouble". If she invites others to her home, it will be difficult to explain to them, and "rumours "It will spread throughout the community very quickly.

After getting married, Penny had no friends. Even if she had some friends at work before, they were alienated because she left the workplace.

Bridesmaids are also called "maids of honor". Perhaps the Evanses still feel that Lily is the pride of their family. How would Petunia introduce to others which school her sister graduated from? Hogwarts is not as familiar as Cambridge.

If she told others that Lily was a witch, the wedding would be abandoned.

Why would Petunia invite Lily to be a bridesmaid when Lily is neither her best friend nor can she bring honor to the family?

Marriage means establishing a new home, and Penny is the mistress of this home. When Lily failed to achieve her goal, she said that Petunia was jealous of her and was afraid that her limelight would be overshadowed by Lily. This was a completely different explanation in Sirius's eyes. Lily, whom James fell hopelessly in love with, was just a very ordinary girl in Sirius's eyes, even a little nosy. James stopped riding broomsticks after he got together with her. How could he go on missions or deal with things without a broomstick? What about the Death Eaters?

Lily was also lonely, both in school and after graduation, not just when she was protected by the Loyalty Charm and could only be "friends" with Bathilda.

Muggle women have many physical problems due to hormones during pregnancy, and witch pregnancy is even more complicated.

St. Mungo's doesn't have an obstetrics and gynecology department, not because it doesn't know how to perform a caesarean section, and wizards can perform bowel dissections. It's because the responsibility is too heavy. If the child is normal and there is no problem, but if the child becomes a squib and the parents themselves have no problem, then whose fault will it be?

Pomona felt that Neville did not awaken because of Bellatrix. When she tortured Alice with the Cruciatus Curse, Neville was also affected. Not only did his name not appear in the "Book of Acceptance", but he heard that his name did not appear in the "Book of Acceptance". He is also demented and not very smart.

Snape listened quietly. When he left, he brought back a bottle of wine from the bar so that he could drink it at home and there would be no danger even if he got drunk.

So she drank even more uncontrollably, although she felt that the bottle of wine was not as delicious as the "juice".

"How did you...hiccup...find me?" Pomona asked unsteadily.

"I'm not looking for you... I'm going to have a drink too." Snape poured himself a drink from another glass.

"Are you having a bad day too?" Pomona asked casually.

He drank it all in another gulp and sighed.

Pomona rested her head on his shoulder and sipped.

"How can anyone have no worries?" Pomona said drunkenly.

"Who?" he asked.

Pomona tried to remember who wasn't troubled.

He was not in a hurry for an answer and poured himself another glass.

"Were you as worried when you were a child as you are now?" She put down the cup and rubbed his brow with her hand, "Don't frown."

He asked her to rub it, but his brows did not relax, they were still frowning.

She felt that she couldn't change him, so she turned to get the wine glass again.

"What you took is mine," he reminded.

She stuck her tongue out at him and drank the glass of wine in one gulp.

Drinking like this was so overwhelming that she burst into tears.

"Are you going back today?" Snape asked.

It was actually quite easy to use the Floo network to get back to Hogsmeade, although she would most likely have vomited when she came out of the fireplace.

It was still a long way from Hogsmeade to school, and she didn't think there would be a Thestral carriage to pick her up.

She woke up a little and looked at Snape's face again. He was really not handsome at all. It would be nice if she had another choice.

"Return or not?" he asked, raising his voice.

"No reply!" She replied with a louder voice.

"Okay, I'll go back." He stood up, and Pomona, who was leaning on him, almost fell.

"Go back? Where?" she asked subconsciously.

"Spider's End."

The moment he was about to leave, Pomona grabbed his robe.

"You are not allowed to go back!" she said in confusion.

He didn't speak for a long time.

"Finish the drink with me." She ordered.

Then he actually sat back down, picked up the bottle and poured wine for them.

She watched the wine in the bottle disappear, and suddenly hoped that it would fill up on its own like the bath soap mixed with eternity potion in the bathroom, so that it would never be empty.

She leaned close to his neck and smelled carefully what kind of shower gel he was using to see if it was the same as the one in school.

At this time, she noticed his Adam's apple, which was the source of the massage-like sound just now.

She wanted to touch her, but he raised his hand to stop her.

"If you don't want me to go back, be honest." He hissed threateningly.

"Oh, are you worried that I covet your beauty?" She smiled sarcastically.

A look of pain flashed across his eyes, and he looked away.

He drank three drinks in a row before looking at her.

"I'll help you prepare your room." Then he walked away.

Pomona didn't keep him this time.

Severus swore that he would not become the second Tobias, who not only accomplished nothing...

He thought that if he accomplished something, the girl would look at him with new eyes, whether it was to be a Death Eater or something else.

Pomona picked up the wine glass he had just drunk and looked at it in the moonlight.

She deliberately took the wrong glass, which was much more interesting than deliberately staying sober and taking the right one. Now the two identical glasses could no longer be distinguished.

It was okay to be slightly tipsy. No one would have desire for an object that vomited all over the floor, unless that person was starving.

So she put down the wine glass and went to the bathroom to take a shower. It was just that she didn't think about staying out overnight when she came out, and she didn't bring any clean clothes. What would she wear after she finished washing?


Georgina smashed everything in the room. Although she knew the repair spell, she didn't plan to use it. Anyway, these things could be replaced with new ones if they were broken.

After smashing all the trash, she felt much better and didn't need to drink so much anymore.

Then she lit a cigarette and stood in the garbage.

The garbage people that the elder just mentioned were also mentioned by Bonaparte. They would collect the garbage in Cairo and sell things with recycling value, and make a living from it.

They lived like this but didn't steal or rob, and still lived in a Christian way.

The Ottoman governors did not allow churches to appear in Cairo, so they dug a big hole in a rock wall. It was very clean inside, completely different from their residence.

People who steal other people's lives are like an admission letter that is picked up by someone who is not the owner, and then that person impersonates and lives a life that should belong to someone else.

But magic schools are different. If there is no magic, there is no magic. It can be detected the moment you put on the sorting hat.

It's useless for Penny to write to Dumbledore, because this matter is not something he can control.

What if Sam completes his journey and returns to the Shire, but finds that the girl he loves has married someone else?

Maybe he will find another girl to marry, but...

Success is to get what you want, happiness is to enjoy everything.

She felt that she did not have the spirit of sacrifice to suffer and watch others live happily.

The Delphi Temple said: Know yourself.

Dumbledore is not necessarily without desires, he wants to leave his name in history and be remembered by the world.

Sam saved the world and just wants a home. How difficult is this condition to meet?

"What's wrong?" Paulina asked at the door, "What are you crazy about today?"

"It's just that I'm not satisfied with my desires, don't worry." She said coldly.

"If you want to find a lover, just pick one, there's no need to make everyone restless." Paulina said.

Vernon also said that she could find a lover.

At first she didn't understand why Bonaparte would allow her to do that?

Only those who are not his own are so generous. Didn't Georgiana allow "Caesar" to find other lovers?

Why does "Caesar" need her permission? Stop daydreaming.

With a "boom", a muffled sound came from underground, and the whole ground was shaking.

"What happened?" Georgiana asked, staring at the ground.

"The engineers blew up the boulder." Polina said, "Didn't you find any relics underground?"

"Can't you wait a few days? You have to choose today!" Georgiana yelled.

Polina shrugged irresponsibly, so she had to lift the hem of her newly changed skirt and go to see what was going on underground?

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