Chapter 3486 Longly Jellyfish (IV)

"Oh, this scene is so scary." Alice exclaimed holding the photo.

"You are pregnant, dear." Frank took the photo from Alice's hand. "Don't look at these things."

Alice pouted at Frank and continued to clean up the kitchen.

The Order of the Phoenix seemed to have become a childcare center all of a sudden. Two pregnant women were squeezed in the small space of the kitchen. Fortunately, Alice didn't come often, unless she couldn't stand Augusta.

That was an old lady with a strong control desire. Frank and Alice wanted to move out after marriage...

With a "click", Sirius Black took a bright red apple from the basin in front of Pomona, opened his mouth and bit it. He was wearing a short-sleeved T-shirt with a phoenix printed on him.

"I heard that Sirius and James were almost caught by the police yesterday." Alice whispered to Pomona.

Pomona certainly knew about this, because she was the one who erased the memories of the two policemen. The T-shirt Sirius was wearing was the one he wore when he was almost arrested last night.

"Don't be so sullen, it's no big deal." Lily said, "James and the others were hiding from the Death Eaters at the time."

Do they know how difficult it is to find the person involved among so many policemen?

She felt that no one in the Order of the Phoenix or the Death Eaters took the International Statute of Secrecy seriously.

So she put the washed apple aside heavily to express her anger, but Alice and Lily were busy talking, and no one noticed her dissatisfaction.


Hangover is the punishment for the revelry the night before.

Pomona felt sore as if her whole body was falling apart, and the sunlight coming in from the curtains made her dizzy.

She forced herself to sit up, holding on to the bedpost of the four-poster bed and slowly stood up. She felt that she had suddenly entered old age.

She always felt that something was wrong, but she couldn't remember what it was. When she walked out of her room with an old step and came to the living room, Snape was drinking coffee and reading the newspaper. There was simple toast and jam on the table.

"Your tea is in the kitchen." He looked at the newspaper and said without raising his head.

He actually drank a lot last night, how could he be fine?

"Can't you help me make it and put it on the table?" Pomona complained, holding the wall to the kitchen.

This section of the road was extremely difficult for her to walk. After a lot of hardships, she finally put the brewed tea on the table.

"I thought you were a witch." Snape's face was behind the newspaper. "Can't you use the levitation spell to float it from the kitchen?"

"Oh, why didn't you say it earlier!" She complained immediately.

He ignored her at all, folded up the newspaper he hadn't finished reading and took it away, and opened the door of the apartment.

He just ran into the neighbor upstairs, who was carrying a large bag of garbage in her hand.

"I'll do it." Snape said attentively, and helped her take the garbage downstairs to throw it away.

"Thank you very much." The alarmist lady said happily, but her face turned ugly when she turned around and saw Pomona in the house.

When Snape closed the door, she turned around and went upstairs.

Pomona grabbed the jam and bread on the table and chewed them without any taste. She decided to lie down for a while after eating.

The Lord of the Rings on the small table by the window made a rustling sound in the wind, and it sounded like waving at her.

Although she knew that she could use the levitation spell to make it fly over by itself without having to "trek" by herself, she still didn't want to see it.

St. Augustine said that keeping the soul and body at peace is conducive to a normal and safe life.

Snape was not completely wrong, because there are bad people among Muggles, and they can even do some sensational things.

But he was not completely right, Mr. and Mrs. Evans were good people. Lily was an ordinary girl who grew up under their careful care. Because of this, no one expected that she would kill the Dark Lord. If it weren't for the fact that the restrictions imposed by the Dark Lord were lifted, it would have been thought that this was just another groundless rumor.

In Gondor, Sam said that there would always be something good in this world that was worth protecting.

Perhaps it was these things that gave Sam the strength to carry Frodo on his back and walk into Mount Doom.

Even if he knew that he might not be able to go back, no one would tell the story of him and Frodo.

When she was about to stand up, she suddenly stepped on something on the edge of the table. She bent down to pick it up and found that it was a button on Snape's clothes.

There were so many buttons on his clothes that he couldn't notice if one fell off, but when did he fall off?

She tried to recall and found that her memory was blank, but her hands trembled involuntarily.

She seemed to hear the breathing of the beast, which was so heavy that it echoed in her ears.

"No!" She heard a voice shouting, and then the heavy breathing disappeared.

"I don't want us to stop being friends!" The same voice said.

Then she heard the drums from the underground fade away, the fire brought by the Balrog retreated and disappeared, "Moria" returned to dead silence, and there would be no minotaur to roll Gandalf into the ground with a whip.

He was still the original Gandalf the Grey, not the new Gandalf the White after losing his memory.

No one would feel the pain of losing him, even if he came back later and seemed to become more powerful.

So she put the button back to its original place and pretended that she didn't notice it.

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Georgiana returned to the observatory; her room in the Sforzesco Castle had been destroyed by her, and now she could only come here.

She took out the "snake stone". It was not a regular shape, like a black pebble.

She didn't know what kind of snake it was or if it was really a "snake rock."

At this moment she felt someone coming, and she quickly put the "snake stone" into the drawer.

Zabini appeared, looking reluctant.

"Who was that person just now?" Georgiana asked after being embarrassed for a while.

"You can be understood as the elder of the Wizards Council." Zabini said helplessly.

"He asked you to come?" Georgiana asked.

Zabini walked in slowly, like a student in trouble.

"He asked me to ask you what the underground altar is for." Zabini said.

Georgiana searched among the stacks for a useful book, and after a while she found it and handed him the Aeneas.

"You can understand that golden branch that Aeneas picked from the sacred tree. Holding it can lead to the underworld."

"So, that altar is dedicated to Hades?" Zabini asked.

"No, that's the altar of the God of War."

Zabini was confused, "Why should a branch leading to the underworld be placed in sacrifice to the God of War?"

"This is related to the customs of the Romans in the past." Georgiana simply told Zabini the story about the sacred tree, slaves, and the king of the forest. "Do you know who the Romans are descended from?"

"Wolf," Zabini said.

"Looking at the book in your hand, who is Aeneas?" Georgiana asked.

"He seemed to be a Trojan prince," Zabini recalled.

"He is considered the founder of Rome. The war must have a legitimate reason. The Trojan War was to recapture Helen. However, no god blessed this war." Georgiana sat down and said, "Agamemnon sacrificed himself. His daughter was stopped by Artemis, the goddess of hunting, so there is a temple of Diana on the shores of Lake Nemiga.”

"But, you just said that the slave who broke the branch can duel with the king of the forest, and the winner will be sacrificed." Zabini said.

"Yes, you think this is a sacrifice?" Georgiana asked.

"Isn't it?" Zabini asked.

"Fugitive slaves will be punished according to legal procedures, but the king can pardon his crimes. In this case, it is the 'King of the Forest'. The first person he pardons is himself. After they become kings, they can pardon other slaves. , like Starbucks, to form an army of slaves and fight for freedom, but I guess they didn't think of it, so they dueled in the forest like gladiators, although there was no audience and no Colosseum." George. Anna said helplessly, "That branch represents the power of duel. The 'King of the Forest' defends his royal rights, and the escaped slaves challenge him. This is completely legal, because illegal escaped slaves can As the 'King of the Forest', you can live a carefree life, only needing to worry about the next escaped slave who will break off a branch and challenge. "

Zabini was speechless with surprise.

"I guess that altar was built in the era of Caesar or Antony. Caesar once went to Egypt to destroy Pompey. Do you think he just wanted to destroy Pompey? He can't say that he launched a war for the sake of conquest. It happened that the pharaoh took over Pompey. "A weak country that cannot protect itself will bring disaster to itself if it accepts a fugitive from a strong country. Venice also expelled Denon, even though he was a retired diplomat." Georgiana paused and said, "The person who came just now." Are there any Venetians in here?”

"No," Zabini replied.

"Why don't they come?" asked Georgiana.

"I don't know," Zabini said.

She didn't know what to say. Fighting needed a good reason. Grindelwald showed one to the wizards in Paris. In order to stop Muggles from destroying the world, wizards needed to rule the world.

"Do you remember what I just said?" Georgiana asked.

Zabini nodded slowly.

"Any other questions?"

He hesitated for a moment, turned around and left, but turned back halfway.

"You didn't take anything from the altar just now?"

"Of course, I'm busy saving people, so how can I have time?" she said without blinking.

Zabini didn't seem to believe it, but he left helplessly.

Georgiana immediately hid the "snake stone" in the trembling flower, and then pretended that nothing happened.

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