Chapter 3487 Longly Jellyfish (V)

During the heyday of the Temple of Delphi, many people came to pray for prophecies every year, including Oedipus. Normal people would want to change the future after knowing it. However, it was because he believed in the prophecy and left his adoptive father's country that the prophecy came true.

Lady Galadriel has a water mirror, which shows many pictures. Maybe she saw the scene of her meeting with Frodo.

The mirror also showed her another future of the Golden Forest. Just like the Shire that Frodo saw in the water mirror, it was destroyed and the people were enslaved.

So imagine such a picture. If a traveler who trekked to Delphi met a priestess like Lady Galadriel, how would he introduce himself?

The same question is that after the runaway slave broke the branch, defeated the previous king, and became the king of the forest, he had to introduce himself to the runaway challenger behind him. How would you answer at this time?

If you consider yourself a runaway slave and are afraid that others will take away the small piece of freedom that currently belongs to you, this is actually similar to drawing a line on the ground to make a prison, because if you leave the border of the "King of the Forest", you will become the original runaway slave again. You are just "free" in this cage without visible iron bars.

In the Guardian of the Ring group, there is a ranger named Aragorn. The only thing that can prove his identity is a ring.

This ring may be worn by Aragorn from a corpse, so he made a mistake and played the role of the descendant of the Queen of Humanity.

The "King of the Forest" must first convince the challenging slave: You must believe me, you are under my protection, and no one can hurt you.

The slave will ask: How do I know what you said is true?

He is very scared and very dangerous at the same time. He will kill people to survive.

But you are different from him. You want to change this "ring" and change this rule. There will be no more slaves in the future, so there will be no runaway slaves to challenge the "King of the Forest".

So you put down the sword in your hand, let it fall on the soft grass, then open your arms and walk towards him.

That runaway slave, he will pick up a sword and pierce your chest and your lies at any time.

Napoleon said: If you want others to understand you, you must first speak to them in the eye.

Look into his eyes, you have to comfort him, make him feel safe, and then you hug him, just like hugging a brother, give him food, drink and a place to hide.

The rule of this game is that someone goes to break branches, and no one goes to break them, then it's okay.

Even if someone comes to check, the "king of the forest" is one person.

Then wait for the next person to come. If he is willing to be a brother, it will be the same as dealing with the previous person; if he still wants to challenge you, you will be with the previous "brother", and it will be much easier for two people to deal with one person.

As for whether to kill or not, it is up to you to decide. Mercy is the power of the winner.

Then you continue to be the "king of the forest", and others continue to hide in the dark until your strength can walk out of the forest without losing your freedom.

The ignorance of the law in Roman law is manifested in ignorance of one's own identity and not knowing how to deal with clan relations. If the "king of the forest" thinks he is a runaway slave, it is a factual error, not a legal error. The king of the forest knows that he is the king, but he does not know how to treat his "brothers". Pointing the sword at each other is the fault of the law.

It is possible that others will regard you as a fool and dream like a fairy tale.

It depends on you whether to make changes or continue to fight in that rule until you are defeated and replaced.

The symbol of sulfur in alchemy is called Leviathan Cross, or Isaac Cross. Of course, sulfur is often related to hell, so this symbol is sometimes called Satan Cross.

James has been determined to be a knight since he was a child. This kind of knight is closer to character. Even if he can't do what the chivalry requires, he is trying to maintain the justice in his heart.

People like him should have been lonely, but they met Sirius, a friend who was not so clear about justice and right and wrong, but rebellious and loyal.

Because he was a Black, no one doubted when Wormtail faked his own death and made Sirius a scapegoat.

In fact, people at that time reversed the cause and effect. Whether it was Frank and Alice, or James and Lily, they were all ordinary people. Only after Voldemort died did people pay attention to them and think they were important figures.

Suppose Voldemort knew that Neville was also born in July, he told Bella, Bella knew the prophecy, and then she did not question other Aurors, but asked Frank Longbottom who was at home with his wife.

Frank was a real Auror and often had to go on emergency missions, but he spent much more time with Alice than James, so Sirius still felt that Lily had taken away his good friend.

If Voldemort ignored the prophecy and continued to act according to his plan, perhaps the story would be different.

But he would also encounter times when the future was uncertain, just like Georgiana now, she didn't know what to do.

By 1940, the US census totaled 130 million, of which 3 million had niacin deficiency.

This number was seen by Pomona in a scientific research magazine. Relatively speaking, there are not that many in Mexico.

There is a Mexican food called taco, which is made by wrapping anything in a corn tortilla. In some recipes, Pomona saw chefs suggest not adding baking soda, because baking soda has little foaming effect and the taco will still be hard, and it will not change the taste.

Of course, people in the 20th century had abundant food and many channels for niacin intake, so it would not affect anything if it was written on the menu. However, before that, 100,000 people died of this disease.

In addition to the Great Depression, there are wars. In the grand history, people will not see some small characters, including the Giant War, and students cannot imagine that Peeves was once a living person and participated in it.

Lady Galadriel said that even an ordinary person is enough to change the whole world.

Harry is just a mortal. He chose to forgive Wormtail. He did not expect that his conscience would bring him death.

This does not mean that Pomona also forgave Wormtail... Sirius hated Wormtail so much that he let Harry decide how to deal with him. Even if Wormtail ran away again in the end, he did not blame Harry and still loved James' son.

If the Philosopher's Stone is the purest substance in the world, can the "Snake Stone" purify the filth it has stained?

Harry was fine when he touched the Philosopher's Stone directly, but Quirrell turned into ashes.

When Zabini's ancestor asked her just now, Grindelwald and his demon fire appeared in her mind.

She felt that this thing could be used in Paris. There was also a place in Paris to worship the god of war, although there was no sulfur-smelling gas and water spraying there.

There was also the Invalides. She had seen a liver-colored marble coffin in a travel magazine, in which a famous historical figure was stored.

She still felt it was too weird, whether it was this world or the man who made her no longer feel resistant to orders.

She felt that she could now use the ring that Snape gave her, which could be called at any time.

Now she no longer wanted to drink a cocktail with only one jellyfish.

Jellyfish always swarmed in the sea, almost to the point of flooding. The fluorescence they emitted when swimming seemed to form a galaxy in the sea.

So she picked up a feather pen and started writing a recipe.

Being cautious and taking so many things into consideration would not achieve anything. Gryffindor has always been a man of action.

Although she wanted to help those who deserved it, she couldn't be sure that every drop of rainwater would flow into their fields.

Besides, it was just a dish. How much change could it bring to the world?

Anyone who carefully observed the cooking methods of Native Americans would notice this trick. Who cooks in secret every day? It's not a top secret.

Arrogance is also a sin. The third of the three brothers chose the invisible cloak and left the death as an equal friend.

This is a good story. If she had a child, she would tell him.

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