Chapter 3488 she is lovely

Pomona returned to the safe house, where she lived off campus until the end of the summer vacation. But she didn't expect that there was someone in the house, and there was a burst of dynamic music coming from the radio or some other device.

She followed the sound to the living room and found it was James Potter, bobbing his head to the music.

There were comics, pizza boxes and bottles of wine on the coffee table and sofa, and he was frying food in the kitchen.

She took out her pocket watch and looked at the calendar and clock. At this time, he should either be at home with Lily, or he and Sirius should accompany Remus to transform.

"Ahem." She coughed twice, interrupting James from continuing to immerse himself in his own world.

"Hi, oh!" James almost got burned by the pot when he greeted her.

"What are you doing here?" Pomona asked.

"Uh... Sirius said I can stay here." James said hesitantly, "I know you guys live in this house together."

"I'm not asking you that!" She stared at James, feeling that she should condemn his irresponsible behavior.

"Harry has been crying. He won't sleep without Lily holding him. I'm useless there." James said tiredly, "I need some time to rest."

She thought about it for a moment, and realized that James' "activities" had indeed been quite frequent recently. After fighting the Death Eaters, he had to go home and take care of a noisy baby who was upside down day and night.

"You can sleep on the sofa." Pomona stared at the comics on the sofa. "The prerequisite is that you pack these away, otherwise you will have no room."

James immediately ran over to clear away the comics on the sofa, not even caring about the pot on the stove.

Pomona originally wanted to grab the things and leave, but she still walked to the kitchen. James prepared steak, potatoes, and fried chicken for herself. If he kept eating like this, sooner or later he would be the same size as Vernon.

"Turn it over for me." James said as he put away the comics.

Pomona held back her anger and made a lettuce salad after flipping the steak, adding a little "green and healthy" to the junk food.

At this time James ran over and continued to fry the steak.

"How's this song?" James "Carefree" asked Pomona.

"Not bad." Pomona said while making salad, especially the electronic music part, she almost danced like James.

"I know you girls prefer the Beatles, but this guy is a genius." James said cheerfully. "This is real music."

Pomona wanted to slam the salad in his face.

"What do you girls mean?" Pomona asked.

James wisely didn't say any more, letting the sauce fully blend into the steak.

Only then did she have the opportunity to listen carefully to the lyrics:

Very superstitious, writing’s on the wall,

Very superstitious, ladders bout’ to fall,

Thirteen month old baby, broke the lookin’ glass

Seven years of bad luck, the good things in your past.

When you believe in things that you don’t understand,

Then you suffer,

Superstition ain’t the way,

Very superstitious, wash your face and hands,

Rid me of the problem, do all that you can,

Keep me in a daydream, keep me goin’ strong,

You don’t wanna save me, sad is my song.

When you believe in things that you don’t understand,

Then you suffer,

Superstition ain’t the way, yeh, yeh,

Very superstitious, nothin’ more to say,

Very superstitious, the devil’s on his way,

Thirteen month old baby, broke the lookin’ glass,

Seven years of bad luck, good things in your past,

When you believe in things that you don’t understand,

Then you suffer,

Superstition ain’t the way, no, no, no,

James is right, this song is quite nice, but its style is completely different from that of the Beatles.

"Who wrote this?" Pomona asked.

"An American." James put the fried steak on the plate.

"Have you become obsessed with American culture recently?" Pomona thought of the superhero comics scattered on the sofa just now.

James didn't answer the question, took his steak and fried chicken, returned to the sofa, sat on the floor and started eating.

Pomona felt pity for Lily just thinking about dealing with the Potter Stink Machine all by herself, but she still put the lettuce salad on the coffee table and went upstairs to get something.

Soon she found a small bottle in a coat, which contained a drop of Phoenix tears.

She hoped she wouldn't need it, but she put it in her coat pocket and went downstairs.

As soon as she arrived downstairs, she smelled a strong smell of sweat, which made her almost turn around and go back.

This smell was all too familiar to her. Every time she played Quidditch, the Gryffindor lounge smelled like this, not to mention it was still hot August.

Soon she locked onto the "source", Sirius Black was back, and he was still wearing the same T-shirt with a phoenix pattern as the band's lead singer.

"Go take a shower, Sirius!" Pomona yelled at him. "You're going to stink up this house."

Sirius looked at him with the cold beer, and then James kicked him, so he drank the cold beer in one gulp, and then went to the bathroom to take a shower.

Pomona was even more angry. What was that look in his face just now?

The last time he took James for a ride, it was very close to Lily's due date.

"How about coming here to have something to eat before we go?" James said.

Pomona looked at the extra pizza box, which might have been brought back by Sirius. They were two big men, and it was obviously not enough to eat the food prepared by James.

"How's Remus?" Pomona asked.

"That's what I want to tell you, sit down and eat and talk." James said.

Pomona hesitated, sat on the sofa, picked up a can of cold beer and took a sip.

"Remus said he wants to move out, what do you think?" James said.

"Where will he live when he moves out?" Pomona asked subconsciously.

"He didn't say...but I think it would be difficult for Remus and Sirius to continue living under the same roof," James said.


As soon as Pomona finished speaking, Sirius came back. He took off his shirt, revealing the tattoos all over his body. Pomona quickly covered her eyes.

"Have you finished washing?" James asked in surprise, "It hasn't been two minutes since you entered the bathroom."

"I forgot to grab something." Sirius said from behind Pomona, and after a while she felt the powerful heat source disappear.

In fact, he didn't stink that much. The main reason was that the Phoenix T-shirt was soaked with countless sweats.

"I didn't expect that he became an Animagus and didn't like bathing like a dog." James said.

Pomona dropped his hand and looked at James angrily.

"And you don't look like a deer at all. Eat more forage!" Pomona put the lettuce salad into James' hand and left as if being chased by a ghost.

================================================== ===========

After Georgiana finished writing the recipe, she sighed.

She looked at the "baubles" on the table. Dominique Arago was discovered by Laplace because of an exam. Arago, who was only 15 years old, mastered Euler's infinitesimal quantity in two and a half years. Analysis and Lagrange's analytic functions, Laplace's celestial mechanics, his examination paper was shocked when the examiner Monge saw it. He had a good impression of Arago, and then Arago was known to Laplace.

In fact, now that I recall, Jig asked Pomona to write an article on the similarities and differences in the detoxification principles of phoenix tears, fecal stones and snake stones. She threw the paper to Severus and continued to read the books she was interested in. , and then she noticed the niacin deficiency.

Nicoléme did not have a phoenix as a pet, and occasionally gave him two drops of tears, or a snake stone, but he knew the "purifying fire" and used it to purify Grindelwald's "demon fire".

Diabolica lost control and rushed out of the Lestrange family cemetery, just like Li Huo in the Room of Requirement when he lost control, he appeared in the form of a demon.

The symbol of Brimstone is called the Cross of Isaac, because of the "binding of Isaac". Isaac was the boy who was almost sacrificed by his father, but survived because an angel prevented him. Later, he lived a good life. Not only did he marry a beautiful wife, Rebekah, but he also had a lot of property and servants. Isaac was afraid that others would kill him to get the beautiful Rebekah, so he told outsiders that Rebekah was his sister. When others found out about their true relationship, they drove away Isaac, Rebekah, and the two twins.

Their sons were Jacob and Esau. Jacob used a bowl of red bean soup to make Esau sell his eldest son's identity to him. From then on, Esau held a grudge and planned to kill Jacob to avenge his father Isaac's death.

Sulfur and mercury have different properties when it comes to gold. Mercury can melt gold to form amalgam, allowing it to "whiten" and complete the process of "turning into silver".

The sulfur is fumed, making it "yellowing". If the gold is not pure enough, some magnesium will react with the sulfur.

The golden branch on the altar was shining, either because the gold was pure enough or because it was purified by the "snake stone".

Jealousy and anger are the parts of human nature that have not yet been redeemed.

Sirius is really talented, but he is like other Blacks. He said he would kill Pettigrew, and he really intended to do it. The hatred between him and Snape was nothing compared to Pettigrew.

But he listened to Harry and really didn't do it.

Harry was almost expelled from school in the fifth grade, and Sirius was the least concerned. He thought Harry could leave the boarding school and live with him. If James was there, what would he say? Sirius is an "indoor dog" who doesn't like to play outside?

People who fight against fate always have many plans, although the plans are not implemented as he expected.

She herself follows fate. She doesn't know whether her recipe will be popularized after it is written. If she encounters a picky child, she will not patiently chase him and feed him.

Compared with leprosy, smallpox is more deadly, but the promotion of vaccination is also slow. The French are worried about disfigurement, while the Italians are worried about "mixing" with cattle.

It is not his ability but his choice that determines a person's fate.

At this time, she looked up at the map of the Adriatic Sea spread on the ground, turned her fingers twice, and the feather pen turned into a dart - the kind thrown against the wall in the bar.

Since no one has a hint and there is no way to find a suitable port from the many ports that can be docked, let "God's will" decide.

So she raised her hand and threw the dart out, and it would be wherever it landed.

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