Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 652 Bathroom

There is always a kind of student in this world. They will make plans at the beginning of the vacation and live according to the schedule every day. Their vacation homework is usually finished in advance, and they will learn some other interesting things during the vacation. I had a very fulfilling life.

There is another kind of student, that is, before the holiday, they are planning where to go to play, and they have to wait until the end of the holiday to remember what homework is.

At that time, it was already too late for him to think at the same time, so they would end up begging the first type of students, begging them to borrow their homework for him to copy. Their handwriting was scribbled, which could be seen as perfunctory at a glance, and the teacher didn't want to read this kind of homework. , a complete waste of paper.

Severus was the first type of student, he planned everything out and just had to follow the steps to complete it.

Pomona is not as well-planned as he is. Although Hogwarts does not assign homework during the Christmas holidays, there are still summer homework assignments. She is the kind of person who usually behaves very well and occasionally gets a little lazy type.

If someone around her is doing homework, she will also do it together. When she went to Lily's house to play, she also piled up a pile of homework. When the holiday was about to end, she rushed desperately. Although it was not to the point of rushing all night, it was quite exciting tired.

Binges are fun, packing up is exhausting, like a hangover.

The Ministry of Magic is in Whitehall, and the amnestics and the squirrel venom make the Muggles who have experienced the night of horror forget that horrible experience.

But the whereabouts of those missing people need to be explained. The werewolf's carnival in London's Chinatown was prevaricated by the Muggles with a gas leak. This news only occupied a small page in the Times, not as good as a star There are a lot of tidbits.

After the 27th round of the Premier League from 2004 to 2005, the 28th round of the Premier League will start again after two or three days of rest. The life of a professional player is actually not easy.

There are many similarities between Muggle football and Quidditch. There are both gambling and hooligans.

Fans regard watching football as fun, but players regard playing football as their life, and it is not easy for players to change careers. To enter this circle, you must choose carefully.

It is very rare to become a superstar like Beckham, and the vast majority of people still cannot become stars.

Victor is equivalent to Beckham, and Ron is the goalkeeper of the school team. It is also possible for Ron to participate in the professional Quidditch league by virtue of the fame he accumulated when he defeated Voldemort, but Pomona reckons he Will make a fool of himself like Charlie Cannon's Seeker Calvin Gerjean, and even be threatened to turn into a toad.

It's hard to understand that a bottom team like the Charlie Cannons has fans, Ron is one of them, and Southampton has fans too, and thanks to her lovely husband, she finally knows that's the same as the Charlie Cannons Midstream team.

The Charlie Cannons' motto was We'll Conquer the World and now it's Let's cross our fingers and look forward to the greatest moment.

The Quidditch league is based on points like football, and Southampton is now in danger of being relegated. They drew with their opponents in yesterday's game. The Charlie Artillery team has been at the bottom for many years in a row, and there is no improvement at all. The Montrose Magpies, the 32-time UEFA Cup champion, are constantly improving. In 1999, they unfortunately lost to the Kenmare Kestrels. Maddock kicked the Snitch to Seeker Lennox Campbell, Campbell missed the catch, lost the game, and the Magpies manager fired Maddock.

Hermione came from the Muggle world, and she had no idea what Victor Krum represented in the wizarding world. If David Beckham invited someone to the ball, most women in the world would agree.

Oliver Wood is actually very cute. After Charlie graduated, he became the captain of Gryffindor. He put all his thoughts on Quidditch and joined the professional league after graduation, but he is still single.

Severus had never told her about football or Quidditch before the marriage, and now he started talking about it at the dinner table, and Pomona didn't want to know these strange knowledge.

Why do men like football and Quidditch so much? What's the point of so many people chasing a ball or risking their lives flying around?

Even though Quidditch leagues continued during the war, the Muggle Premiership only ended with the outbreak of World War II.

In order to control the number of people entering the venue, the game will generally make a door key, so that only those who bought the ticket know where the venue is.

This kind of portkey can usually only be used once. This kind of portkey was distributed to the world during the 1994 Quidditch World Cup. It is usually an inconspicuous thing so that Muggles will not touch it, but some Accidents still happen from time to time. In 2003, two Muggles walking their dogs touched the Portkey by mistake and were teleported to Celestina's concert.

Celestina did not panic, but instead invited the two Muggles to perform on stage together. Although the amnestics later erased the memories of the two Muggles, one of the Muggles still retained a little memory. He wrote a song Music with a similar rhythm to Celestina's song, and finally became popular all over the world.

The song is now played in Muggle London as well, but in St Mungo's it's a different scene.

The wounds caused by werewolves will continue to bleed. There must have been a river of blood in the hospital last night. When Pomona and Severus appeared on the first floor of the hospital, the cleaners in charge of cleaning hadn't cleaned up the blood. The hospital is more like a slaughterhouse, and there is a strong smell of blood everywhere.

Dr. Draco Malfoy didn't leave until the last patient was admitted to the ward in the morning. Pomona didn't know whether he would go back to Malfoy Manor or Godric's Hollow after going through so much. Anyway, Narcissa told Dr. Her Portkey was still there, and she and Severus took that Portkey and went to the Malfoy's villa together.

The house where the Fidelity Charm was cast may not necessarily be able to avoid the Death Eaters' induction, because of the Dark Mark on his arm, anyway, Severus seemed to know that Draco was in the house.

The door was unlocked, and opened with a light push, and the room was pitch black.

Master. The house elf Honey noticed the movement, and suddenly apparated in front of the two of them.

Where's Draco? Pomona asked.

In the bathroom. Honey said worriedly, Master Malfoy has been in there for almost an hour.

Go and see. Pomona poked his arm.

Severus looked back at her Aren't you afraid I'll see something I shouldn't?

What shouldn't you be looking at?

Severus ran his finger across the neck.

If Draco had an accident, I'd be dead. Pomona said feebly. It's disgusting to do 'cleaning', especially when the werewolves have made a fuss.

He suddenly stroked her cheek with his hand.

In the hospital ward that day, do you remember when I bathed you?

Why are you bringing this up?

He leaned over and whispered in her ear, I think you know, I'm not like an old fool.

I know, she whispered. Draco is your godson.

I hope you remember the first snow we watched together in the bathroom that day. I like to take a bath while looking at the scenery outside. Do you like it?

She nodded.

Our new home should also have a bathroom like that, that wooden house is too small. He kissed her lips, Wait here for me.

After speaking, he pulled his robe and turned around, walking towards the bathroom.

What Pomona remembered was the school infirmary. Draco was seriously injured by Harry's sharp edge. Although Severus stopped the bleeding with a counter-curse, the wound was still on Draco's body stayed.

Draco had been recuperating in the medical wing until that night.

She leaned against the wall to keep herself from losing her footing.

She really missed the domineering Master Malfoy before fifth year, when he was in color and then black and white.

It's the same color as the feathers of a bird like a magpie.

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