Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 653 Dangerous Hobbies

Before the Hogwarts Express was fixed, there were various ways for students to report to the school, and it was very inconvenient for Muggle students who had never been exposed to the wizarding world.

Later Ottaline Gamper introduced Muggle steam trains, replacing portkeys and other unregulated forms of travel.

The pure-blood families protested strongly against the arrangement of the Ministry of Magic, but after the Minister of Magic threatened to take the train to school or not, the voice of opposition disappeared. However, their protest was still not end yet.

The earliest use of trains was to solve the problem of children going to school, so a small train station was built in Hogsmeade, and a wizard train station was not built in central London until Evangeline Orpington became a minister. A hidden platform nine and three quarters was added to the new Muggle-built King's Cross station.

Although this scheme is very good, there are still some small problems, sometimes young wizards will drop their suitcases on the ground, spell books that bite people, and dangerous pets will make trouble on the Muggle platform. In violation of the International Statute of Secrecy, there are always some magical employees in plain clothes in the station during Hogwarts school and holidays to modify the memories of Muggles.

Everyone wants to forget bad memories, but good memories are hard to forget, such as Jacob's bread that resembles magical animals, and pop music with a similar melody written after Celestina's singing.

The pure-blood-influenced Ministry of Magic has been pushing for an additional wizarding station in central London to completely cut off the intersection of the Muggle and wizarding world, which of course is opposed by the pro-Muggle faction.

Not all pure-bloods take pleasure in killing Muggles, and there are Hufflepuff, a fool who supports Harry Potter at critical moments like Ernie McMillan.

The person whose hands are covered with blood is not necessarily a butcher, but may also be a doctor. The snake represents not only the poisonous snake that tempted Eve in the Garden of Eden, but the Muggle single snake staff represents medicine. See.

Draco wasn't the type to kill, but he could use the Killing Curse as long as he didn't think the other person was human.

He was very afraid of werewolves, and he should get rid of the things he was afraid of, but not all werewolves were like Finkel, and there were innocent victims like Remus. Sometimes Slytherin will bear some strange fate, and it is easy to get involved when approaching them.

Narcissa felt like it was Easter every day, and Draco always got a big bag of sweets at the breakfast table, which aroused the jealousy of many children.

But few people thought about Draco's life now. When Severus was alone with his godson, Pomona and Honey were preparing food in the kitchen together.

Seeing so much blood Pomona guessed that Draco wouldn't want to eat red meat, and dessert couldn't be eaten as a meal.

Being someone else's godfather and godmother is like this, when the child's biological parents are inconvenient to be his surrogate parents, what to eat for every meal is a headache.

It was obviously the place where she lived, but now Pomona felt that this villa was very strange. Hufflepuff's earth yellow was replaced by a blue-green color, which she believed should be arranged by Miss Greengrass.

It looks like a robin's egg, not Ravenclaw's sky blue. Blue and green are cool colors. Now they mix together and look very sweet. It would be even better if there was no bloody smell in the room. alright.

Tiffany blue represents a kind of romance and happiness. In Breakfast at Tiffany's played by Audrey Hepburn, Holly Golightly, who is dressed in fashion, stands alone in front of the Tiffany jewelry store at the beginning of the movie. His cheek was pressed against the window, and he was holding a brown paper bag in his hand. While eating the croissants in the bag and drinking hot coffee, he watched all the scenes in the Tiffany store with envious eyes.

Courtesans in black evening gowns and fake jewelry necklaces hover among the rich and famous. If a woman finds out that another woman is wearing fake jewelry, or fake luxury goods, she will laugh at herself; men are more concerned about whether a woman has had plastic surgery on herself, and the degree of makeup correction. As long as they look good, they don't care Mind if that necklace is fake.

Albus is gay, but he doesn't care about the way he dresses. His thinking is closer to that of a straight man. Even if he wants to break his head, he can't understand why old Tom Riddle would abandon Merope and Little Tom.

If a woman's external conditions are too ugly, too tall or too fat, no man will be interested in her. This is their nature. Like Zhuge Liang, they don't care about women's appearance. There are few men in the world who marry an ugly woman as their wife .

A woman's appearance and a man's property are traded fairly just like selling meat in the market. Women who want to get true love based on their beauty will soon be expelled from the luxurious world of luxury and luxury just like La Traviata, losing their health.

Pomona doesn't like the story of Cinderella. The prince who is stunned just because of a beautiful dress and beautiful appearance is not a good person. Like Hermione, she hopes that someone will pay more attention to her inner self. As a result, she It was still unavoidable to use the beauty brought by Veela blood to attract Severus.

She still doesn't feel happy, a woman can ignore a man's appearance and pay attention to his inner qualities, why can't a man ignore a woman's appearance and pay attention to her soul and thoughts?

This injustice gave birth to jealousy among women. The dominatrix was born ugly. She was jealous of the princess's beauty and gave the princess a potion of living hell.

When there is trouble, the man complains about how women always go to war for trivial matters, why can't they use their brains more and be more rational.

He obviously doesn't care about a woman's thoughts and morals, but only cares about her appearance.

A beautiful woman needs a lot of money to dress up, and only a sane person realizes that money misused can have fatal consequences.

There are many people in this world who have passed their whole life in a daze. They don't know what to do when they learn from the doctor that their death is approaching. The first thing they think about is that they don't want to die. If you dare to try, some people will begin to desire to refine the Sorcerer's Stone.

By sacrificing the lives of others to make himself immortal, Voldemort did the same thing, but he used the Horcrux method. Every time he made a Horcrux, he would create a murder. A pure soul would not follow after committing a murder. Pure as a child.

Draco's wand is hawthorn wood with a core of unicorn hair. The unicorn is a very pure animal, and blood is not suitable for it.

From the open bathroom door came the sound of a boy crying and a man whispering deeply, but Pomona also heard the sound of a broken heart.

Draco is still a boy, so he can cry as much as he likes. When a man reaches middle age, he suddenly finds himself lonely, not because there is no one around him, but because he finds that there are only people around who want to rely on him, and there is nothing he can rely on people.

The trouble is that he can't cry like a boy yet, the gray middle age is under tremendous pressure, and many people will live on women or alcohol like Lucius Malfoy.

Pomona felt that Draco probably didn't want Astonia to see what he was like now, at least not when he pulled himself together and was still like mud.

Slytherins come from the mire, but don't want to be in the mire, and the word mud is really not a good word.

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