Harry Potter's Uchiha Blood

Chapter 19 First Collaboration With Snape

It was nearly eight o'clock in the evening, and Julian left the Gryffindor common room with his experiment notes.

When I came to the second basement classroom, it was exactly eight o'clock.

Julian knocked on the door, and it opened a moment later. Professor Snape looked at him sullenly, and said, "Come in."

Then Julian followed Snape into the second classroom.

The two stopped in the middle of the room, Snape turned around sharply, looked at Julian and said, "Tell me about your design ideas."

"No problem, professor. My original intention is to increase the magical endurance of wizards. Because of the scarcity of magic enhancement potions, the magic power of most wizards in the wizarding world is extremely low. Everyone let their magic power grow naturally with age. This result has led to even adult wizards, and few people have reached a considerable level of magic power.

So this potion that can temporarily increase the magic power of wizards was born in my mind.

As we all know, there are some parts of the body of many magical creatures in the world that can increase the magic power of wizards, but because their magic power or poison is too strong, the fragile bodies of wizards cannot withstand their medicinal power, so I screened out I selected several mild medicinal herbs and materials that can provide wizards with considerable magic power, and then adjusted them according to their medicinal properties and pharmacology so that they reached a ratio that could achieve the desired effect.

I figured out the formula, and I also controlled the amount of chamaejasma flower and snowy winter grass as the core materials within a very small range. Unfortunately, the medicinal properties of the two medicinal materials conflicted, so I had to use a stabilizer And neutralizing agent to stabilize and neutralize, but although the stabilizer and neutralizing agent have worked, these two agents also greatly reduce the effect of the agent, which has not reached the one I expected.

My experiment encountered a bottleneck, so I came to ask you for help, Professor Snape, I hope that with your help, I can perfect this potion, and of course I will pay you. said Julian.

"Payment, hmph, you can't afford my salary." Snape said contemptuously. Then Snape turned and pointed to a lab table and continued,

"That table is yours now. If you need any medicinal materials, go to the shelf to get them. If you don't have any on the shelf, tell me and I'll deal with them. But if you waste medicinal materials, just give me all the garbage you refine. drink it."

"Okay Professor." Julian agreed, knowing that Snape agreed to help him, so Julian put down the lab notebook and went to the shelf to find the materials he needed.

After Julian collected all the materials, he returned to the experiment table that Snape had assigned to him.

The materials Julian needs are very common, because Julian intends to use this potion to the entire wizarding world, so the cost must not be too high.

"Remove the neutralizing potion, replace the root of the dra grass with the leaves of the magic tree of Rabi, and refine the potion again. I'll have a look." Snape ordered.

Of course Julian readily agreed, and for the next two hours, Julian did it, Snape watched, and two hours later Julian poured his results into a test tube, and the whole potion took on a beautiful silver color.

Up to this moment, Snape still didn't speak, but called a house-elf and ordered it to drink the potion, Julian didn't stop it, because he knew that Snape and he wouldn't try the potion, but he had to Knowing the specific effect of the potion, so I can only let the house elf to test the potion.

Fortunately, the potion has been basically perfected. Even if it can't increase the magic power much, it won't cause any harm to the elf.

"Explain exactly how you feel," Snape ordered.

"Of order, Professor Snape, Lala feels very strange. Lala's magic power seems to have increased a lot. Lala can now clearly perceive every ounce of her magic power. Lala seems to have more precise control over her magic power, but Lala Lala feels like it's only temporary," Lala replied.

Snape and Julian exchanged glances at each other.

"It seems to have had an unexpected effect," Julian said to Snape, and then to the elf, "La la, how much the magic power has increased, how much you can perceive the magic power, how precise the control is, these are all accurate. one time."

"Okay sir, the magic power has increased by 10%. I can now perceive every ounce of magic power in my body. As for control, if Lala needed seven parts of magic power to cast a spell, now she only needs five parts." Lala answered Julian's question respectfully.

Carefully recorded Lara's description in the notebook, then looked at Snape and said, "Professor, although it produced an unexpected effect, our original intention was to increase the magic power, and the magic power of this potion has only increased by 10%. This is too much less than the 40% we expected, and it has not achieved the basic effect of the medicine, but we can set up another subject to study the 'side effects' that just occurred."

Snape nodded in agreement, then glanced at the time and said, "Wait a minute, after the effect of the potion on the house-elf wears off, tidy up the test bench, and you can go back to the dormitory, and come here at eight o'clock every night from now on." Experiment, I'll greet Professor McGonagall."

After that, Snape ignored Julian and turned out of the lab.

After two hours, the augmentation reaction on Lala disappeared. After Julian recorded the time, he tidied up the experiment table and walked to the tower of Gryffindor.

Luckily for Julian, he didn't run into Filch and his cat along the way.

After Julian answered the password and pushed open the door of the lounge to enter the lounge, he found that there seemed to be a person on the sofa.

When Julian approached, it turned out to be Hermione, who was already asleep with a book in her hand.

"Hermione, wake up, why are you falling asleep here?" Julian pushed Hermione lightly and said.

"Where did you go, you didn't come back so late, I waited for you for a long time, I asked Harry and Ronald, they said they didn't know your whereabouts, we almost went to find Professor McGonagall, are you going on a night tour Now, you can't do this, you will cost us points." Hermione said excitedly as she came to her senses, looking at Julian.

"Hey, hey, don't get excited girl, I'm back, and I don't have a night tour, I'm going to discuss potions with Professor Snape," Julian comforted, and then questioned, "By the way, you've been waiting for me for so long , is there anything you want to tell me?"

Hearing Julian's words, Hermione's face turned red all of a sudden, and then stammered, "I want to apologize for what happened that morning, I didn't mean to slap you, I just subconsciously, and then... "

Looking at Hermione who hesitated and apologized in front of him, Julian smiled and patted Hermione's head, and said gently, "Relax Hermione, I didn't take this matter to heart at all, but if you can come and apologize, I still Very happy."

Hermione blushed even more, either because she was happy to have Julian's forgiveness, or because Julian slapped her on the head.

The atmosphere suddenly became ambiguous, and just when Julian was about to continue to say something, a joking voice suddenly came from the door of the lounge, saying, "Aha, I caught two first-year kids who were secretly having a tryst."

As soon as Julian and Hermione turned their heads, they saw the Weasley twins appearing at the door of the lounge, obviously they were the ones who made the noise just now.

Hermione blushed even more when she saw Brother Weasley, picked up her book and ran towards the girls' dormitory without saying a word.

Julian silently looked at Hermione who was running for her life, and thought, "It's a good thing they didn't slap me."

"It's pretty quick," said one of the twins. "Our little genius of Gryffindor is not only talented in learning, but also a genius in falling in love. It seems to be more talented than learning."

"Yeah," the other of the twins affirmed, "I heard Paul say that you had an affair with that girl a long time ago, but I didn't expect it to be true."

"Stop making trouble, my relationship with Hermione is normal, please stop talking nonsense." Julian said helplessly.

"We know that the relationship is normal, a normal relationship between boyfriend and girlfriend, we understand, we understand." The twins said in unison, and then laughed together.

Julian gave up arguing with the twins and instead asked "what are you guys doing out there so late?"

"Little Ronald said that his good friend, the little genius of Gryffindor, can't be found, so please let us look for it." The twins replied.

Julian's heart warmed, and he thought of Zhishui in his previous life, and then thanked the twins, "Then thank you all, and I even bothered to let you make an extra trip."

"It's okay, we didn't have enough for dinner anyway, so we went to the cafeteria to find something to eat, and I'll find you by the way." One of the twins said nonchalantly.

Julian "¥%#@¥#@@¥¥, return my touch, bastard."

After a while, Julian recovered his mood, said good night to the twin brothers, and went back to the dormitory to sleep.

Nothing to say all night.

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