Harry Potter's Uchiha Blood

Chapter 20 Flight Lesson

The next morning, Julian was woken up by Ronald and Harry, and asked what he did last night. Julian said listlessly, "I went to do experiments with Professor Snape last night."

After answering, Julian continued to lie down and went back to sleep, leaving only Ronald and Harry with shocked faces.

"Harry, Julian is not a spy sent by Slytherin." After finishing speaking, before Harry could reply, he went back to bed and fell asleep.

After Julian got enough sleep, it was already close to noon. Julian looked around, and the beds were already empty. Maybe they should go to eat. After getting up, washing and tidying up, Julian also went to the restaurant for dinner. up.

When passing by the common room, Julian saw Hermione reading there, so he went up and asked, "Are you still reading, Hermione, have you eaten yet?"

Hermione, who was reading the book carefully, blushed instantly after hearing his voice, which was really pretty.

Ignoring Julian, Hermione left with her book in her arms, as if Julian was some kind of scourge.

Julian looked at Hermione who left with a dazed expression, thinking, "What's the matter, it can't be because I'm too shy."

But also, little Hermione was probably too shy to be bumped into that misleading scene again and again.

Without thinking too much, Julian walked towards the restaurant with cheerful steps.

When they came to the restaurant, they saw Harry and Ronald eating, so they walked over.

Noticing Julian's arrival, the two made room for him, and when Julian ordered something delicious to eat, Ronald said, "So, it's true."

"What are you talking about, Ronald, I don't understand, um, this mashed potato is delicious." Julian, who answered Ronald vaguely, stuffed another big mouthful of mashed potato into his mouth.

"You don't know, it's all crazy." Ronald said with a look of shock.

"Right now, all of Gryffindor is rumoring you're dating that Hermione Granger," Ronald said before Julian squirted out the mashed potatoes he hadn't swallowed.

Fortunately, there was no one on the opposite side of them. After Julian cleaned up the traces with his wand, he looked at Harry and Ronald with a look like a fool, and said, "Who is so idle, gossip about me."

Seen by Julian's eyes, the two felt uncomfortable and said, "The news came from a third-year senior. His name seems to be Paul. He lives in the same dormitory as Fred and George. Let's go I asked him, and he swore that he saw you and Hermione having a tryst on the Hogwarts train, and then asked us if you left on the way."

"So how did you answer that?" Julian asked.

"Of course we answered the truth. You did leave halfway, didn't you, and you were called away by that Hermione Granger?" Ronald replied honestly.

"And just when we went to question that senior Paul, Fred and George were there, and they testified that you and Granger did have a tryst in the common room at noon last night." Harry added (knife) aside.

The confused Julian didn't know what to say, he thought to himself, no wonder Hermione was acting weird this morning, the crux of the problem was here.

After a while, Julian came to his senses and said quietly, "You two cheat your teammates so much, does your family know?"

Seemingly startled by Julian's tone, Ronald and Harry hurriedly clarified, "We didn't gossip with you." They said to Julian in unison.

"You guys are worse than gossip, homework for a week." Julian gritted his teeth and said. Of course it wasn't that Julian asked Ronald and Harry to do his homework, but that Julian didn't copy their homework for a week.

Hearing Julian's words, Harry and Ronald were terrified for a moment, and Julian's punishment almost killed them.

"No Julian, you can't do this, it's going to kill me," Ronald said in a trembling voice.

"Yeah, Julian, I'm counting on you for my potions homework." Harry was clearly taken aback, too.

"You should do your homework by yourself, otherwise, what will you do during the final exam? No one will help you at that time." Julian said with an expression of "I'm looking after you."

In the next 20 minutes, Harry and Ronald kept bombarding Julian's ears, trying to make Julian give up the punishment, but Julian, who was determined, would not be persuaded by these two, and Julian even gave himself A 'shut your ears and listen'.

After eating, Julian ignored Ronald and Harry, and went directly to the library to continue studying Animagus.

The weekend ended with Julian working on the Animagus during the day and experimenting with Snape at night.

At twelve o'clock on Sunday night, Julian came back from the potions laboratory. Looking at the group of young wizards who were not sleeping in the lounge, Julian felt a little strange.

Finding Ronald and Harry in the crowd, Julian asked, "Why are you so crazy at night, don't sleep, are you not afraid that Professor McGonagall will find you at this party?"

"Don't be so serious, Julian, you know, we have flying lessons next Thursday, with Slytherins, but that's pretty cool, isn't it?" Harry said excitedly.

"Flying class, I only did flying psychic beasts before, but riding a broom here seems a bit weird." Julian muttered.

Ignoring the crazy little wizards, Julian got up from the sofa with his things in his arms, and went straight to his bed.

In the next few days, Julian experienced the status of Quidditch in the hearts of little wizards. No matter where Julian went, he would meet bragging little wizards, and all versions of stories were also told by little wizards. It was spread out, like when I was riding a broom and encountered thunder and dodged lightning when I was a child; what riding a broom and encountered a Muggle helicopter; and even more outrageous, saying that I lived on a broom for several months without food and lodging. on the broom.

Julian was stunned by the imagination of the little wizards. Julian even suspected that the little wizards grew up on brooms in their childhood. Anyone who didn't ride a broom for a few years was not called childhood.

However, the little Muggle-born wizards were completely stunned. The Muggle-born little wizards, represented by Hermione, began to frantically search for all materials and information about brooms and Quidditch in the library.

Even some young wizards from wizarding families began to look for information nervously, so as not to make themselves embarrassed during the flying lessons.

Like Neville Longbottom, Neville Longbottom, Neville Longbottom, etc.

Watching Neville nervously follow Hermione, listening to Hermione read aloud a book called 'How to Ride a Broom Better'.

Julian felt speechless for a while, saying brother, this is not a matter of reading books, for a person like you who has nothing to do and falls on the flat ground to amuse himself, Julian always thinks that Neville will have an accident during the flying class.

Finally, Thursday came, much awaited by the young wizards of Gryffindor and Slytherin.

When a group of Gryffindor wizards came to the open space for flying lessons, the Slytherin wizards had already arrived.

As soon as everyone stood up, Mrs. Hooch, the local professor of flight class, arrived.

It was a capable professor with short hair and a pair of eagle eyes, at least Julian looked like this, when her eyes swept over Julian, Julian felt like he was being watched by an eagle, and he felt uncomfortable. The aura of this professor is really powerful, Julian thought.

"What are you waiting for, go to the broom and say 'get up'."

Sure enough, thinking so, Julian came to the side of the broom, stretched out his right hand and said, "Get up".

Instead of getting up, the broom rolled on the ground, and an embarrassed Julian looked up to see that all the other little wizards had failed except for Harry and that little brat Malfoy.

Most of the classmates are like him, the broom just rolled on the ground.

In order not to be ashamed, Julian picked up the broom with his foot while others were not paying attention, and then pretended to have just succeeded, and began to look at the broom in his hand.

This broom is very old, it looks like an old broom that has been used for decades (in fact, the brooms at Hogwarts are indeed a bunch of old brooms, and they are indeed all decades old), and I found that the appearance is different from the usual ones. The broom was no different to Julian, so he opened his blood wheel eyes to observe the broom that could take people flying.

Under the observation of the blood wheel eyes, the difference of the broom immediately appeared. Clear magic lines shine on the handle of the broom, and silver-gray magic power flows in the lines. One must know that wizards do not need magic power to use broomsticks Yes, that is to say, the driving of the broom is only based on the wizard's simple movements. Obviously, the broom has its own energy supply device.

Thinking of this, Julian moved his eyes to the tail of the broom. Sure enough, there is a magic power supply device at the tail of the broom. This device provides magic power to the weft broom continuously. The continuous magic power seems to be some kind of alchemy product.

If you use this device as the core, and increase the magic power output of this device. Wouldn't it be nice to make a cloak that can release the protective spell at all times, or store magic power in this way, and then release the magic power at critical moments...

Julian was excited, as if a new path had opened up before him, one that would be full of honor and money.

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