Hate You, Love You.

Chapter 104 - DRESS

The maxi dress is the big winner.

That's pretty obvious because there's no way in hell my mum would ever let me wear the short velvet dress. According to her, it was too 'revealing' and not 'appropriate' for the dance. I would have gone for it anyway because it's super comfortable, but the choice has been made.

Here I am, in a striped black and orange maxi dress that sweeps the floor like a witches broom standing in front of my mirror. It doesn't look bad though, dear I say, I actually look really pretty. The V-neck line plunges a little bit, but it doesn't show a lot of skin to the point that mum overreacts. The dress cinches my waist from the top and then flows like an ocean at the bottom.

Dianne deserves a raise.

''You look so pretty, darling.'' Mum coos as she adds more hairspray to my hair, making me cough because of the fumes. According to her, it gives my natural hair an extra glow and prevents it from flying with the wind since my hair is frizzy. She made my hair into a dounut-styled thing and secured it with hairpins and an orange band.

She also did my makeup. Surprising? Not really. Mum's into the whole lipsticks, eyeliner, bronzer and eyeshadow thing. She visits Sephora more than most teenage girls and that's saying something. I literally had to beg her to not turn me into one of the drag queens in RuPaul's Drag Race. Light makeup is my emo and she reluctantly agreed-eye pencil, lip gloss and mascara, with a little bit of eyeliner.

''Thanks, mum.'' I blush a little. ''This is all your doing.'' The bracelet on my right arm shines and my mind reverts back to five minutes ago when we fought about it. I don't wear a lot of jewellery either. I don't know why, but I just don't.

Mum does however and for the fact that the bracelet is still circling on my arm like how a grass snake chokes a stick, it's safe to say I lost that round. 

The shoes are hers too-black ballet flats. She wanted heels but I stood my ground when it came to that. I'm clumsy, especially when I'm nervous, and I know that when I'm next to Jason, I get extra nervous. God forbid I step on him while we're dancing or I trip on the stairs. 

''I think we're done here.''

Her hand rests on my shoulders and she gives me an encouraging smile. ''Are you ready to go down there?''

''I don't know,'' I answer honestly. I'm nervous as fuck for him to see me like this. He has never seen me wear a formal dress before so I don't know how he'll react.

''Do you think he'll like it?''

''He'll love it,'' she reassures me. ''Trust me. You look like a goddess.''

I give myself a little pep talk to calm my nerves and nod in the mirror. Bad bitches don't get nervous. They're confident, flawless and slay because the world is their runway.


''As I'll ever be.''

She unlocks the door and I step out. I can hear the animated chatter of Sophie entertaining Jason with what I hope is not another embarrassing story of me when I was younger. I may not be able to live it down.

''…and then Mel pushed him off the swing because he was hugging it all for himself.'' I roll my eyes as I walk down the stairs.

Jason's laugh is melodic and pleasing to the ears. ''That does sound like something your sister would do.''

''Right, and…'' Sophie pauses, just noticing my presence and her eyes widen. Jason follows her movement and his jaw slacks open, his eyes raking my body in as if he's having every inch of me photographed in his memory.

''Whoa,'' Sophie says first, coming out of her daze. ''Who are you and what have you done with my sister?''

''Very funny.''

''You look,'' Jason says in amazement. ''I mean…wow. You look beautiful and I'm speechless.''

Gah! He's speechless. That checks out my original fears of him not liking the dress.

I do a mini bow. ''Thank you.''

I trudge down the remaining steps, careful not to step on my gown and trip. With a smile, he moves to the bottom of the stairs and stretches out his hand. I take it gracefully and make my way down.


''It's not a problem. You look amazing.'' 

''You clean up nicely too.''

He brings our intertwined hands to his lips, my hand being on top of his of course. The heat rises on my cheeks as he raises his head and stares at me with his ocean eyes, deep, brooding and absolutely mesmerizing.

I just had a Disney Princess moment, didn't I ?

''I would've kissed you right now, but I think your mum might have my head.''

''What she doesn't know won't kill her.'' His gaze falls on my lips and I think that he's going in for the kill (finally because it's been a while since our first…well kisses). But someone interrupts us.

''You two are so cute,'' Sophie gushes as she stands with her phone in hand.


I halt her. ''Wait,'' but I hear a snap, then another, then a rapid succession of snaps.

''I'm so going to post this on Instagram,'' she says and starts typing away on her phone. ''Hashtag couple goals.'' Jason and I give her an amused smile. We aren't even an official couple.

''Sorry, I had to get my phone in my room.'' We turn in time to see my mother literally running down the stairs with a smile bigger than the size of Texas. I know this is my first high school dance but she doesn't have to make such a big deal about it. It's almost like she's re-living her high school life vicariously through me because she was crowned Prom Queen back in her day. That's why she has been fussing and obsessing over me like I'm walking the aisle.

Of course this isn't prom and I'd never be crowned Prom Queen even if I rigged the election. I don't even want it anyways.

She angles the camera to our faces and tells us to 'get in position' which we do. I'm smiling at the camera and Jason is too.

''You two are so stiff,'' she remarks with a frown. ''Mel, move closer to Jason for me, yea?''

Really, mum? How much closer do you want us to be?

I inch closer to him and he snakes his hands round my waist. I gasp softly, feeling the familiar electricity that passes through me everytime we touch, he knows the effect he has on me and he confirms this by giving my waist a light squeeze while mum is ordering us to tilt our heads in million directions and do a couple more poses.

''I think I'm done.'' Think? Mum, you're done. I'm pretty sure she has enough photos to open up a 'Jason and Mel's first dance' gallery. ''Yea, I'm done.''

His hands leave my waist and I feel the cool air sweep through me, missing the feeling of his big, calloused hand. ''Thank you, Mrs Jones."

So polite.

''No, thank you,'' Mum says a little too eagerly. ''I was afraid my daughter was going to spend her first dance ever in her room.''

''Mum!'' I whine, in a bid to hush her up. He doesn't know that, and now he does.

She dismisses my plea with a wave and hands me a jacket she picked out. The weather tends to drop at night. ''I give you both my blessing,'' she winks then turns to Jason. ''What time does the dance end?''


''Have her home by 10:30pm, not a minute or second less.'' she says like a drill sergeant. He nods vigorously and mum walks to me and gives me a hug, the motherly type that gives you reassurance that everything in your life is going to be okay.

But the truth is, nothing is okay. I may smile now and be flattered that Jason came all the way to my house despite the fact that I said no, but the truth is I'm still scared and unsettled. Someone's still out there and he or she wants to harm me, that said person knows what happened to Bob, Avanla Maxwell, whoever she is has something to do with all this and Theo and I are still not on the same page when it comes to Jason.

''Remember what I said,'' she whispers and gives me a peck on the cheek.

… have you thought that maybe he has changed and maybe wants to get to know you and date you?''


She releases me and gives us her blessing again then we're out the door with my sister yelling at me to sneak out a slice of cake for her.

''How am I meant to sneak out cake, weirdo?"' I tell her as Jason opens the door of his Veyron for me like a gentleman.

''You're smart,'' she yells just as I dip my head in. ''Figure something out.''

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