Hate You, Love You.

Chapter 105 - FAST CAR

We didn't go to the dance, in fact, we didn't make it into the school building. Jason zoomed right past the school with its neon lights saying WELCOME TO THE SADIE HAWKINS DANCE. 

I questioned him about it because I did not get all dolled up just for us to ditch on purpose. My mum would blow a gasket if she found out we're not going to the dance and that he took me out under false pretences. She'd definitely change her opinion about him and then ground me for the rest of my life, give me a lecture and then tell me to stay away from him.

The first three I can endure, but telling me to stay away from him?

Too late for that.

His explanation was simple however; since I honestly didn't want to go and only agreed to because he came over to the apartment, we are going to do something else which is apparently going to be interesting and offer an insight to who he really is. 

''Are we there, yet?'' I ask for the umpteenth time this night. He chuckles, his hands still poised on the steering wheel as we zoom past trees, buildings and people. 

''No, Princess, we aren't.'' A familiar pop song fills the car space and I turn to him in amusement.

''Don't tell me you like Britney Spears?'' 

He groans and I laugh heartily. ''I didn't know dudes like Britney?"

''I do.'' He glazes over at me and puts a finger to his lips. ''But don't tell anyone that. God knows the team would have my dude card revoked.''


''Believe it or not, my mum's a huge fan of Britney,'' he continues. ''Growing up, her songs where the only thing she used to play so I kinda picked up on it I guess.''


''I guess we have more things in common than I thought.'' 

He raises a brow. ''You like Britney too?''

''Love her.''

''Favourite song.''

''Definitely Slumber Party." It's not Britney's best song but it's definitely mine and it's always on repeat because it has a chill and fun vibe.

''I see. From Glory?"  I nod. ''Yup, it's such an underrated album.''

''Not really a fan,'' he shrugs. ''I prefer the classic Britney from In The Zone. Toxic is a forever bop.''

We make a left turn to a dark area surrounded by vegetation. The only lights that can be seen are Jason's headlights. I've never been to this part of Bridgewood before, quite frankly, I don't know where we are.

''Where are we?''

''You don't remember?''

''Um, it's dark. How'd you expect me to remember?''

''Charlotte Bay. We're at Charlotte Bay.''

Last year, I followed Ryan all the way here out of curiosity and got kidnapped, drugged and threatened with a switchblade. Who would have thought that I would be sitting right next to guy who threatened to carve my full name on my neck with the switchblade?

Definitely not me.

Who would have thought that I'd end up liking the guy who threatened me with a switchblade?

Definitely not me.

But it happened.

''I'm not going to tie you up or take you to the base, so don't worry,'' he says half-jokingly. ''I won't be making that mistake again.''

We approach a bumpy dirt road that makes the car jerk. I hold on tight to my seat belt in a pensive manner. ''Do you trust me, Princess?'' he asks randomly.

To be honest, I trust him. I trusted him enough to get in the car with him. I trusted him enough to let him take me all the way here without screaming bloody murder. 

He has given me thirty reasons not to trust him, but then again, the remaining eighty trumps the former.

''I do.''

He smiles at me and heads in the direction of a rickety old building, a light bulb hanging in front of it provides the only source of illumination for this darkened street. There are about five cars parked in front of the building along with a few trashcans which definitely look like they haven't had a visit from the waste disposal in the last year. The red paint which coated the building has seen better days because it's now an ugly shade of brown.

He kills the engine and I point towards the sign board surrounded by dead lights. ''Jaguar?''

''This building is called Jaguar.'' he affirms. I turn to him and give him a confused look. ''Why?''

''You'll see.''

He gets out of the car and rounds the passanger side, then opens the door for me. I gently get out, mindful of my dress and observe my surroundings. He holds my hand and spins me to face him. ''You said you didn't want to go to the dance, and I respect that so I decided to take you some place else.''

His aqua blues hold mine. ''You once said you wanted to know more about me, yea?''

I nod. 

''Well, I'm going to show you the side of me that no one really knows apart from those close to me.'' His rough hands pad my face and I lean into his touch. ''I want you to think about whether having a relationship with me is something you really want to do. I'm not going to pressure you into anything, I've told you that already. The decision is entirely up to you.''

He leans in closer and gives me a peck on the lips, his soft full lips leaving butterflies in my stomach and making me flutter my eyes shut in unison. The moment ends all too soon and I don't feel his lips anymore. I groan softly and he chuckles.

I could kiss his lips forever if he'd ask me too.

''Come on, we'd be late.'' 

He takes my hand and we approach the wooden door. He knocks and it creaks on impact.

''Password,'' a gruff voice says from the other side of the door. I turn to Jason but he calmly says. ''O.T.S.S.''

''Admitted.'' A key turns and the door handle opens, revealing a burly and hefty African-American man in a belly shirt. His hair is shaved completely and he has a cigarette in beneath his lips. He puffs it and I almost choke because it's too close for comfort. I could hear heavy EDM music coming from inside along with loud laughter.

''Raymond,'' Jason greets the man in a tone of familiarity. They do a bro-hug or whatever it is it's called and the intimidating man doesn't look so intimidating after all.

''Jason, my man. I haven't seen you in forever.''

''Well, I've been busy with school and shit,'' he answers light-heartedly. ''You know how it goes.''

He nods in understanding. ''We missed you. Thought you were never gonna show up in these parts again.''

''And let the Tollidos gloat over shit they didn't earn? Never.''

''Wait,'' I interrupt the conversation. ''Is this one of the car meets things you were telling me about?'' I remember him talking about the Tollidos while he was explaining his gang history.

''It is,'' he affirms. ''You figured it out.''

''She your girl?'' Raymond asks, nodding to me. We both look at each other and I blush. Am I his girl?

''She is.''

I'm his girl!

His eyes widen in surprise. ''I never thought I'd see the day.'' He stretches his big hands towards me and I take it hesitantly. ''The name's Raymond and I guess you already figured that out by now.''

''I'm Melody. It's nice to meet you?''

''Don't let his intimidating stature deceive you,'' Jason whispers to me. ''He's a big softie.''

I nod and visibly relax, my shoulders relived of the tension. 

At least he's not going to crush me with his height or something.

''For as long as I've known Jason, he has never brought a woman here before, much less one he calls his girl.'' Raymond wags his eyebrows. ''I'm just waiting for the wedding invite.''

''You'd get it.'' Jason says, although I have no idea if he's actually being serious. I've never thought that far ahead in life. Wedding? I'm still in high school for fucks sake.

Does he believe we'd actually get married?

''You two must be really serious then.''

He pulls me closer to him and gives me a peck on the cheeks. ''We are.''


He gives him a high-five and lets us in. ''Quick warning before you go in, Gerald is here and I don't want a fight,'' he warns sternly. ''Behave yourself or I'd throw both of you out.'' Jason's eyes darken at the mention of his name and his hands tighten round my waist. I know why. 

Gerald and Jason have a very bitter history.

Jason pats Raymond on the back in a reassuring manner. ''You know I never start shit, Ray. It's the Tollido's you need to warn. They're dick suckers and sore losers.''


Jason waves him off. ''Come on, Princess.''

Lord, what am I getting my self into?

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