Hate You, Love You.


''Okay, I've had enough.''

I pause mid trying to stuff my notebooks in my bag. The last bell for the day, being Wednesday, just rang and students are filing out of Mrs Gomez's classroom. I want to file out too because I have Music Club to get to and then work.

''Had enough of what?''

''The both of you.''

Paris looks at her sides, me seated on the left and Theo seated on the right with a frown. ''You two have been acting weird since February. What gives?''

Oh.That. We haven't been acting weird, we are just not on good terms at the moment. He doesn't like Jason. He is suspicious of Jason (there's no concrete evidence of course). He doesn't like the fact that I like Jason and he uses every opportunity he has to tell me that I have to ''un-like'' him. 

As if there's a switch that automatically turns off your feelings for someone.

''I've not been acting weird,'' I defend. ''I don't know about him but I've been as normal as possible.''

''If your definition of normal is being moody and depressed,'' she says with a slant of her eyes. ''Then yes, Mel, you've been nothing but normal.''

Excuse me, if you find out that your ex-boyfriend has been killed by someone who happened to be the one to cause your accident last year, you'd react similarly. A lot of shit has gone down in my life and if I'm being honest, I'm handling it better than I expected. Yes, I've cried but the tears are drying up and are being replaced by...me being moody.

Paris is right, I have been moody as of late.

After I cried on Jason's shoulder, he asked me what was up but I told him I didn't want to talk about it. It wasn't something I was willing to share at the time, even now. He knows about Bob and I's involvement and he worked for Bob. Also, it doesn't look like he liked him very much seeing as Bob gave him that gash.

Bob was a violent person. He never showed that side to me though, but owing to the fact that he was in the mafia, I don't know how strong the ties were and the fact that Jason knew him, he was somewhat influential. Even though it hurt that he lied to me, it hurts even more to know that he's gone. A note may not seem like enough evidence to conclude that he's dead, but deep down, I know it's the truth. No phone call. No text. Not even a location. People don't just fall off the face of the earth like that.

The circumstances surrounding his death however remains a mystery to me.

What isn't a mystery though is the fact that it is no accident. Whoever that guy is, the one with the red ball cap, knows who I am and he did not shove me mistakenly back at the Jaguar. He dropped that paper intentionally and he knows the circumstances surrounding Bob's death. It's no coincidence. Looking back, I wish I had gotten a proper view of his face.

What I can't figure out though is the connection between him and Avanla Maxwell. According to Theo, Avanla wrote the fake letter in a bid to make me believe that Bob isn't dead. The ball cap guy dropped a note 'coincidentally' implying that my boyfriend is dead.

Are they both working together to fuck with me because if they are, it's not funny.

Of course, I want to tell Theo all these but I can't because we are currently not on speaking terms.

''What gives?'' Paris continues. ''Last year you two were inseparable but now it seems like there is this barrier.'' I take a quick look at Theo and his face remains impassive. The class is empty now, even Mrs Gomez has packed her stuff and gone, leaving only the three of us in with the chairs, desks and books.

''We're fine,'' Theo finally says, but his tone is anything but convincing. We are definitely not fine.

Paris looks him dead in the eye. ''I call Bullshit. You only say two words to her and when you do, it's always in a cold manner.'' She turns to me. ''You barely say anything to him at all, you've been acting like someone killed your cat, and you've literally been looking like death's bride.''

''The exams are a month away, Paris. I'm allowed to look like death's bride. I have been studying.'' That isn't far from the truth. Even with all the craziness, I have been putting in the hours and burning the midnight oil. It has done nothing to improve my mood but it's a welcome distraction. I might as well start focusing on my future. Speaking of future, I haven't heard from any of the colleges I applied to yet.

That adds another thing on my list of anxieties.

''You're not the only one in the school that's studying, we all are, but we certainly don't look like you.'' She stands up from the desk chair and faces us. ''You two can go on and on about how there's nothing wrong, but that's a lie. There's so much negative aura that it's starting to rain on my parade. That is why you two are going to talk about it in here.''


''But, I have Music Club. Mr Owen would have my head if I'm late.'' Another lie. Mr Owen couldn't give two fucks if you were late. He's late all the time so he isn't in a position to condemn. 

''I don't care.'' Paris sports a determined look; it's her ultimate game face and I know from experience that arguing with her is going to be futile.

What Paris wants, Paris gets.

''I don't want to hear an argument from you either, Theo.'' She reprimands like a schoolteacher. I almost laugh when his mouth closes and opens like a fish.

''You two are siblings and I know that siblings fight, but this has gone on for too long. It has been a month and my Granmdma always told me that arguments need to resolved quickly unless people would turn to enemies.'' She grabs her phone from the desk. ''I'm going to be outside and I'd leave you two to talk. If you need me, don't because I'd be talking to Ryan.''

Guess they made up then.

''You two made up.'' I give her a small smile. ''That's good.''

''We did. But that's besides the point.'' 

She stares at the two of us pointedly. ''Kiss and makeup.'' I give her a weird look and Theo raises a brow. ''In a metaphorical sense.''

With that she walks out the door and I hear a click sound.

Did she have to lock us in?

A minute passes between us, then another, until a whole five minutes go by and not a single sound has been made. I don't know what to say. I don't know the appropriate thing to say. We have our issues, yes, but confronting it head on is not my strong suit.

I guess we can start from ''I'm sorry?''

''I'm sorry,'' I hear him say. Did he read my mind? 

I turn to him and he's looking at me, waiting for a reaction. 

''I was going to apologize myself. I'm sorry too.''

''Things have been….'' Theo continues.


''Definitely weird.'' He nods. ''And partially that's my fault.''

''I don't want us to argue, Theo. You're literally one of my best friends and you're the last person I want to be beefing with.''

He nods. ''So I've been upgraded to best friend status,'' he jokes.

I feel the tension diffuse a little and I smile. ''You were upgraded a long time ago.''

''I'm only looking out for you, you know.'' I know. ''Everything I've ever done or said is all in a bid to make sure you're safe.'' he says. ''Plus, I promised you we'd solve the case. I always keep my promises.''

''I know and I appreciate that.'' Really, I do. ''You've always done your best to be the best pretend sibling ever slash bodyguard.'' He laughs at that. ''But, I'm a big girl. Let me make my own decisions.'' 

He narrows his eyes. ''I mean it. If we're going to move forward without any friction you have to let me do me.''

That includes letting me like Jason in peace.

He looks like he wants to say something but bites his tongue. Instead he gives me a tight smile. ''Fine. If that's what it takes for peace to reign, I'd back off and let you do you. But, I am watching you and I won't back off completely. You're my responsibility and I take that very seriously,'' he warns.

I can live with that.

I stand up from my chair and move in front of him, shoving my hand in his face. ''Truce?"'

He takes my hand firmly, locking me with his gaze. ''I wouldn't have it any other way.''

We detach hands quickly and I'm glad that that's out of the way. ''Now that we're speaking again,'' I continue. ''I have news.''

''What happened?''

''Bob is dead.''

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