Hate You, Love You.

Chapter 124 - BLUE AND GREY

''We got him.''

I stop in my tracks on our way to the student's parking lot and turn to him. ''You got who exactly?''

''Ball cap guy.''

I blink twice and ask. ''Wait, red ball cap guy?''

''That's the one.''

Holy shit!

''How? When? Where? What?'' I question in rapid succession. He chuckles and motions for me to continue walking so we'd put space between us and the school full of nosy teenagers. You never know who may be listening in and like I always say ''walls talk and they speak volumes.''

''I got a text from Detective Anderson just now.'' He shows me the texts on his phone and I nod. ''That's impressive.''

''I told you we'd find him.''

''Yea, yea,'' I smile lightly. If red ball cap guy has been caught then that means that we're one step closer to knowing the truth. He knows what happened at Lakedale. He knows who has been messing with me since last year. He knows who wants my head on a silver platter.

But the problem is, would he talk?

Like Theo said, he may be working for someone else, doing someone's dirty laundry because I've never met him before so I don't know what would warrant him to do all that to me.

''Detective Anderson requests your attendance in the station by the way,'' he points out. ''It has been a while so you might as well see him.''

It has been months since I last conversed with Detective Anderson and Officer Louis. It seems like such a long time since I was interrogated, but it's not. I guess the other events in my life made it feel like a lifetime ago.

''Am I in trouble?''

''Doubt it. He probably wants to discuss the new arrest with you and you may probably be asked to identify him. I may be asked to do the same since I watched the surveillance footage.''

Identifying a criminal. That's not scary at all.

''There' s nothing to be afraid of,'' he reassures.

''Identifying a criminal isn't scary?'' I question sarcastically.

''Glad you see it my way,'' he responds cheekily.

That flew over his head.

''As long as it doesn't take long, I'm good. I have to pick Sophie up in an hour.'' It's 3:30pm right now and she has band practice till 4:30 so I have to be at Linkdale at least two minutes before then.


''I open the passanger door to the Corolla and dump my tote bag in it. I also loosen my tie because it's choking me and dump it along with the bag. Sticking my head out, I see Jason standing in front of Theo and I sigh.

When did he get here?

''Hey,'' I say, loud enough for it to get their attention. I stick my whole body out of the car and slam the door. I haven't seen Jason ever since he asked me to be his girlfriend. I don't know a lot about this dating thing, but I'm pretty sure you don't ghost immediately you ask someone to be your girlfriend, especially if it's someone you claim to care about.

I sent him texts, but I don't know if he read them. He never responded and I wouldn't lie, it stung a bit, but I decided to give him the benefit of the doubt in my mind. Maybe something happened or he didn't see the messages.

''Hey,'' Jason gives me a small smile as they both turn to me. ''I need to talk to to you.''

''Actually, we're headed somewhere,'' Theo answers for me. ''It's important.''

''I'm sorry, I didn't think I needed to ask for permission from you before I speak to my girlfriend,'' Jason claps back sarcastically.

He probably shouldn't have let that slip. I haven't told Theo that Jason asked me to be his girlfriend and I said yes. The only people I've told thus far are my mum and Paris. It's not like I didn't want to tell him, I did, but knowing Theo, he'd disapprove. He may not show it verbally, since we came to an agreement, but it would be evident in his demeanour. 

''What?'' The surprise is evident in his tone. He turns sharply to me and I give him a sheepish smile. ''Surprise?''

''You've got to be kidding me,'' Theo whispers in disbelief. I don't get why he's so shocked. It's not like I've not been open about my feelings for Jason. Sure, I have lied to him about some things to protect Jason and by extension me, but whatever.

''She's my girlfriend,'' Jason stresses the word ''girlfriend'' intentionally and I roll my eyes. This is some Alpha-male, territorial shit that I've read about in books. Theo and I are just friends, nothing more, nothing less. He said it himself, we can't be more than what we are because I'm ''jailbait.''

''Back off, Clayton,'' Jason sneers. ''If that's even your real name.''


''Excuse you?'' Theo asks taking a predatory first step towards to him. ''I don't like your tone.''

''And I don't like people who deceive others,'' Jason counters. ''The thing about the truth is that it always come out, Clayton. Whether you plan for it to or not.''

What the fuck is he talking about?

He can't know that Theo isn't actually who he says he is, can he? 

No, it's not possible. Nobody knows about our secret apart from me, Theo and the Bridgewood police department.

I just watch the two in apprehension. I don't know if I should step in or not. It doesn't look like a brawl is going to break out though. Theo and Jason's fights have always been verbal and not physical. Theo is older, plus he's a cop. He wouldn't lay a hand on Jason. Jason knows that Theo is important to me. He may not like him, but out of respect for me, he'd control himself.

Theo takes a step back with a frown. ''Mel, we have somewhere to go. It's important and you know it.''

''Princess, I have something I have to say. It's also important.''

Don't make me choose for fucks sake.

''Why does it feel like I always have to choose between the two of you?'' I'm sick of it at this point. ''Come on, you two need to grow up.''

I point to Jason. ''I texted you, even left a few voicemails but you didn't answer. If we're solid, the least you could have done was answer one of my texts.'' Yes, I'm still mad and I would call him out. ''What makes you think I'd want to talk to you now?''

He is making me feel like how my dad makes me feel: unimportant. I leave messages, voicemails and texts but all to no avail.

A look of guilt flashes on his face and his lips form into a thin line. ''You're not even going to give me an explanation?''

Theo looks at the two of us as we're engaged in a staring contest. Jason looks like he wants to tell me something, but I don't know what's holding him back. What happened in between him asking me to be his girlfriend and now? Did he get cold feet?

''No answer.'' I say, my voice breaking. ''Well, I guess I'll be going then.''

''Princess,'' he starts. ''Don't leave like that. We can talk about it.''

''Save it. I have somewhere I have to be.''

I turn my back to him, about to leave, but he holds my arm firmly. I feel the goosebumps spread throughout my body and that makes a tear slip from my eyes. I thought him ignoring me wouldn't hurt but it did, more than I expected it to. We used to talk almost everyday and usually I wouldn't react like this but I'm hormonal, he asked me to be his girlfriend and then left me in uncertainty. 

I'm starting to think that he's regretting it. Maybe the girls in school are right.

He would never go for her. 

She's just another notch on his belt.

When he's bored of her, he'd get rid of her like he did Mariah.

Moreso, it hurts so much because I love him.

''Let me go,'' I croak. ''Please.''

''Princess, look at me.'' He pleads.

Something is wrong. I can feel it.

''I need to be somewhere. Just let me go.'''

He listens to me and his hand slips from my arm. I wipe the stray tears from my eyes and I turn to Theo. He nods in understanding and I move to the passanger side. I don't think I can drive in my current state.

Is this what love does to you?

Theo enters the driver's side and turns on the ignition. Backing out of the parking lot, I don't even dare too look at Jason's face as we drive past him. It'll hurt me more. When we're on the freeway, on the way to the station, Theo finally fills the car space with his voice. ''I don't know what happened back there, but are you okay?''

''I don't know,'' I sniff.

''You love him, don't you?'' He asks out of the blue. I lift my head from the car door and turn to him. His hands are poised on the steering wheel and his eyes are on the road.

''How do you know that?'' I whisper.

''Because I know you, Mel. I've known you for a while now. I can tell. You don't usually react this way unless someone you love hurts you. Remember when Paris ditched you for Ryan?''

I nod once. I do remember.

''You were angry back then and when you're angry, you tend to cry.''

That's also facts.

''It's the same thing now.'' 

''I guess I really am an open book,'' I muse.

''You are. And I guess you can't help who you fall for.''

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