Hate You, Love You.

Chapter 125 - LIFE GOES ON

Dave Shaw.

Red ball cap guy's name is Dave Shaw. It was easy to identify him. I may not have seen his face very well, but I remember his gait. Theo was able to recognize him in a heartbeat and once the identification was done, he was whisked away by another officer.

The problem is, he refuses to so much as breathe a word.

Who or what he's protecting, I don't know. What I do know however is I want to squeeze answers out of him. Why did Bob and I get attacked at Lakedale? What did he mean by ''the one whom you seek is dead?''' Why was Cameron's tyre's slashed? Why did I get a head of a dead skunk as an early Christmas present? 

And the most important question of all-who is behind all this?

Theo said he has ''lawyered up.'' It's his constitutional right to do so and investigators have the right to respect that. That means he isn't saying anything till his lawyer his present.

In my opinion, that just means he's guiltier than a kid caught steling cookies from the cookie jar.

If you have no skeletons in your closet, why don't you just co-operate with investigators and get it over with?

Theo said they'd keep trying to get him to speak, but for now, they can't do much since he has requested for the presence of a lawyer.

Another brick wall.

Speaking of brick walls, I'm still not speaking to Jason. Another week has passed by and I haven't communicated. He hasn't bothered to reach out either, in fact, I haven't seen him around the school premises.

One word: misery.

I have been miserable and it's showing in almost everything I do. I've been moody, I look like a crying mess and my brain refuses to concentrate. I hate how we left things off, part of it is my fault because I may have blown things out of proportion. But in my defense, I was irritated because he went MIA on me after he asked me to be his girlfriend.

Things are still not smooth between us and we have things we need to work on. It doesn't help that all eyes are on us…literally. Adelaideans are so nosy. They are more invested in Jason and I's relationship than in their studies. What we do or what we're going through is nobody's business but ours.

Rumours spread throughout the school that Jason dumped me already since we haven't been seen together in public since the PDA filled moment at lunch. I don't know who started it, and I don't care but it's really annoying when random people walk up to you and ask if the said rumours are true. I ignore them and smile when really I want to punch someone in the face.

They can all go to hell, respectfully.

''Mel, can you come down real quick?'' I hear my sister yell from downstairs. I remove my glasses from my face and groan. Mum isn't home yet, won't be home till Friday, and that means every and all questions and concerns Sophie has has to be directed to me. 

I love my sister and I don't mind taking care of her, but she needs to let me breathe. This is the third time she's calling me downstairs within the span of an hour and I'm over it.

Can't she see I'm trying to study?

''Why?'' I yell back.

''Because it's important.''

I slip my feet into my fluffy slippers, grab a robe and make my way downstairs, ready to give her an earful.

''Sophie Magdalene Jones, if this isn't important you're in-'' I stop dead in my tracks as I approach the living room. 

''What's going on?''

Sophie gives me a sheepish smile. ''I know you said I shouldn't open the door for strangers, but technically he isn't a stranger and he begged me to let him in because he really wanted to see you and I know that you two have a thing going on so don't nail me to a stake,'' she pleads.

I nod slowly and look at the person seated before me. He has a bouquet of flowers in his hands and his expression mirrors that of Sophie. ''It's not her fault. Like she said, I begged her to let me in.''

''Soph, it's okay. Why don't you go upstairs to your room?'' I give her a small smile to show her that I won't nail her to a stake. ''I have a few things to discuss with him.''

She breathes a sigh of relief and rushes up the stairs. Once I hear the door close, I turn to him with a raise of my brow. ''Do you want anything? Juice? Water? Milkshake?''

''I'm sorry, Princess.'' His hand reaches out to me and I contemplate if I should take it. Sure, I'm still a tiny bit mad, but I don't stay mad at anyone for so long.

I take his hand and he guides me to the couch to sit next to him. ''These are for you.'' He hands me the flowers. ''I love roses,'' I answer with a small smile. ''Thank you.''

They smell divine.

''I'm glad you like them. I miss you and I hate how we left things off that day." The sleeve of his jean jacket flexes with each move he makes and his eyes show sincerity.

''I miss you too and I'm sorry also. I may have overreacted just a tiny bit.''

We stay there like that and stare into each other's eyes. It has been so long since I've gotten lost in his aqua blues and nothing makes me more happy because he has the prettiest set of eyes I've ever seen. I don't like conflict and I'm glad he made out the time to apologize. It may have taken a while but I'm willing to overlook that. This is just another rough patch in our relationship.

''The reason I didn't answer your texts was because I had a fight with Patricia and I ignored everyone's texts, calls and messages because I was pissed. We don't fight often, but when we do, it's explosive.''

Oh. I did say that something was wrong, I just didn't know what.

''Why did you two fight?'' I ask curiously. I don't know much about their dynamic but Jason did say that once upon a time, he and Patricia were as close as real siblings can get considering they're not related. When I was at Heather's event, it seemed like something was up. Jason had a frown on his face and his expression turned cold the minute he saw her so I'm guessing things haven't been the same ever since she came back to Bridgewood.

''She has changed. She's not the same person I know and love and it irks me,'' he says cryptically. 

''How so?"'

''It's nothing. I'd take care of it.''

''Okay then.'' I still look at him with worry because his expression is unsettling. Patricia and I may have gotten off on the wrong foot but she seems like a nice person. She has been nothing but polite towards me, judging by the few encounters we've had together.

Whatever is going on between the two, I hope they resolve it because it looks like it's eating him up alive.

''Promise me one thing, Princess.''

He holds my hand and squeezes it, making me worry even more.

''You're scaring me now. Promise you what?''

''That whatever you do, even if I'm alive or dead, you would not be in the same room as Patricia.''

Alive or dead?

''What are you talking about? Jason, what do you mean by ''alive or dead?''' The fear is evident in my eyes now. ''Am I missing something here?''

What has anything got to do with his sister?

''Please,'' his voice breaks and I almost bawl. He looks so…vulnerable and he doesn't show this side of him often. It reminds me of when we were at the lake during the twelfth grade retreat.

''I promise you,'' I whisper. ''But why do I have to promise that?'' I still have a coffee date with his sister.

''Because she-'' 

I wait for a response but it never comes.

''She what?''

''It's nothing.''

It's not nothing if you willingly brought the conversation up.

''Jason, we're a team. I'm your girlfriend now and honesty is always the best policy. If you have something that's bothering you, you can always tell me about it and we'd work through it together,'' I cajole. ''Whatever it is is not nothing. I can feel it.''

''Who is Theo then?''


''Theo is my step-brother but I don't know how that fits into any of this.'' I've gotten so used to telling people that Theo and I are related that I'm almost starting to believe it myself.

''Is he really? You said honesty is the best policy so is he really, Melody?"

Not Princess, not Mel, but Melody.

He knows.

Jason fucking knows.

''He is,'' I swallow loudly. ''He is my step-brother.''

''You're not going to tell me the truth, are you?''

I can't. Not when I've been sworn to secrecy. Not when I'm this close to knowing who caused all this. Dave Shaw is in custody and I'm still hopeful he'd have a little bit of a heart and relieve me of my misery.

''I can't,'' I whisper. ''I'm sorry.''

He looks hurt and for the second time today, I want to cry. He stands up from the couch, his gait hard and his expression showing nothing but pain.

Another person is being hurt because of this lie. 

One step forward, two steps back.

''I guess you've made your choice then.''

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