Hate You, Love You.

Chapter 13 - PARTY IN THE USA

Just so we're clear, the events of twenty minutes ago never happened. Jason Blunt did not look at my nipples and we did not almost kiss. It was all a lie. I am still Melody Lianna Jones with a wonderful boyfriend named Bob.

I am not attracted to Jason Blunt in any way, shape or form.

Denial is the body's way of coping with shit, so I'm just going to deny that Jason and I ever had a moment because it's best we forget it. Once I came out of the bathroom, Jason was not in the room and I was so thankful. I got dressed and made my way to the restaurant we were all scheduled to have dinner at after Paris texted that she's waiting for me, which leads us to the present conversation we're having about Cheetos.

''I can't believe you don't like Cheetos!'' Paris says in disbelief and I narrow my eyes.

''I don't see the hype, if I'm being honest. Far as I'm concerned, it's a waste of cheese.''

She drops her burger on her plate dramatically and some of its contents spill on the floor. ''You did not just insult my favourite snack.''

''Big whoop. You still love me regardless.''

''Not after you insulted my favourite snack. Apologize,'' she demands.

''I'm sorry I talked dirty about your favourite snack,'' I say half-heartedly.

She nods and smiles smugly. ''Your apology is accepted. By the way, who did you get partnered up with? I left before Grande called your name.''

''Don't even get me started on that, Paris.''

''That bad?''



''Take another guess.''


''I wish it were her.''



''Holy shit! I didn't know guys and girls were allowed to share the same room.''

I scrunch up my face and take a bite of my spaghetti. ''Right, but apparently there's like an uneven number of girls and boys on this trip and there's no empty room in the hotel.''

''Poor baby,'' I glare at her and she raises her hands in mock surrender. ''Look on the bright side, Melody.''

''Which is?''

''You didn't kill each other.''

''Yet,'' I correct. ''We didn't kill each other yet, but it sure as hell will happen soon if he continues to make comments about my nipples.''

''He did what?'' Paris says with her mouth open. I could see the lettuce and the tomato mixed with saliva in her mouth so I quickly cover her mouth with my forefinger. ''He saw your nipples?''

''Not like that,'' I exclaim with a little blush. ''More like it was, you know see through.''

''You're blushing,'' she says with a smirk. ''You never blush, Mel which leads me to one conclusion: You like him.''

''For the umpteenth time, Paris, I do not.''

''Then why are you blushing?''

''From embarrassment,'' I answer in a duh tone. ''He was so crude about it, like he wasn't ashamed to point it out.''

''Well, if we're being fair, he has probably seen one too many nipples in his lifetime. I'm pretty sure he isn't ashamed of anything.''

For some reason, my heart sinks at the thought of all the girls Jason has slept with and I don't know why. Shaking the thought away, I resolve that Jason will not be seeing me without a bra...like ever again. Even if I have to wear one to sleep, I would.

''Can we talk about something else,'' I plead, tired of the conversation already. ''You got paired with Sasha from Bio, right?''

She nods. ''Yea, her. I thought it'd be weird, since she's not you, but she's not bad. We've talked and she's actually a cool chick. Remind me to introduce y'all before the trip ends.''


''Hey, Melody and Paris.''

We whip our heads to the side to see who it was. ''Ryan.'' I say with a scowl. He notices this and a look of hurt flashes on his face, but he quickly masks it with a smile. He's not in my good graces, not yet.

''I was wondering if you both will be interested in the party Jason and I are hosting, you know, to celebrate our arrival here. It's going to be at the club downstairs and it's tonight at 9:00pm.''

''And you're hosting this with Grande's knowledge?'' I ask with skepticism. I'm pretty sure the Principal did not agree to this party. The poor man will blow a gasket if he finds out his picture perfect, Forbes magazine-worthy students are doing something as 'illegal' as partying at a club.

''What he doesn't know won't kill him,'' he winks. ''All the details have been sorted out, and we rented out the club for the night, so please say yes.''


''Yes,'' Paris blurts out while batting her eyelashes. ''We'd definitely be there.''

What is up with her?

''Cool, see you there.''

He walks away and I smack Paris on her arm, hard. ''Are you nuts?''

She rubs her arm and gives me a look. "Oh, come on. Ryan is cute as hell. The mocha skin, the floppy hair, the hazel eyes,'' she says with stars in her eyes. ''I think I'm in love, Mel. Why didn't you tell me that y'all were close?''

''Because we're not, now snap out of whatever dream you're in.''

''Do you think he's single?''

Oh boy! Paris is what I will call boy-crazy. She sees a cute guy and then swears on her life that she's in love, then she chases after said guy and they'd date for a while, until she sets her sights on another cute guy.

''Noooooo,'' I say, but she's too far gone. ''Paris, remember the five other guys from this term alone? Remember you said you were in love back then?''

''Fuck those losers, they're old news. I want Ryan Clark.'' Her eyes travel to the table where Jason and Ryan are and she sighs dreamingly. ''You know, Ryan and I have been attending the same social events since we were kids because our parents are in the same social circle, but I've never noticed how handsome he is. He has definitely grown a lot taller.''

There's no holding her back once she's like this. Try as you may to stop her, but Paris Noel Jackson is going to do whatever Paris Noel Jackson wants to do.

I sigh in resignation. ''I can't talk you out of this?''


''Fine, but please make sure you don't get hurt. My biggest fear is that Ryan is as bad as Jason when it comes to women.''

''I'm a big girl, Mel. I can handle whatever.''


''Don't look now, but Jason is looking in our direction.''

''What?'' I whip my head to a table on the far right, and sure enough, my eyes clash with that of the chestnut-haired boy. We have a mini staring contest, no one wanting to loose, until he smirks and looks away, facing Ryan and Gio.

''You two are a match made in heaven if I'm being honest. You just have to give it a shot.''

Not after he kidnapped me, I won't.


''That's what they all say.''

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