Hate You, Love You.

Chapter 12 - NO

"And that's the tea."

"Holy cow."

I didn't tell Paris what happened that night, nor did I tell her about what Ryan and I discussed, however I did feed her a juicy lie which she's gobbling uplike a bag of Cheetos.

"Crazy, right?''

"So you mean your car battery died on the road and you were going to get some pain medicine at CVS and lucky you happened to run into Ryan Clark and he offered to drive you to CVS and back home?", she summed up.

"Pretty much."

"He likes you,'' she smirks.

"But do I like him?"

"You seriously need a boyfriend, Mel."

I have one, Paris.

''Get one first.''

''I'll have you know that your dating life is more interesting than mine. The bad boy likes you and now his best friend? Classic high school romance.

''The last thing I need in my life is drama.''

''My bet is on Jason,'' she continues like she did not hear my last comment. ''He'd be the one to steal your heart.''

''Thank you, Next.''


We finally made it to the island after spending forever in that bus and the view is absolutely breathtaking; in front of me was warm, golden sand and unending waters which I couldn't wait to explore, healthy looking trees which probably looked like they've been planted since the beginning of time, and what looked to be a rainforest right next to the gigantic hotel we are staying at.

Talk about tropical Paradise.

I turn to Paris who is already rushing to join the sea of students and teachers at the entrance. "This hotel looks bigger than all of the houses on my street combined." I say.

"I agree. Wait till you try out the spa Mel, your skin would be smoother than a baby's bottom.''

"Can't wait."

Principal Grande calls us into La Casa de Royale Hotel to get our room keys and we all rush in excitedly.

"Now students,'' he begins. ''This is a seniors' trip and I expect everyone to behave themselves. Remember, you are all ambassadors of Adelaide and you will act accordingly. Do I make myself clear?'' Most of us say yes and he continues. ''Two students will be assigned a room, so no one gets an individual room. I have a list of students here with their assigned room numbers, and no you will not be sharing a room with your friends."

We all groan. What's the point of the trip if you're not allowed to share a room with your friends?

"This is a field trip so I want you all to expand your circle of friends and get to know each other a little better.'' On behalf of everyone, No! ''I know that everyone has their posse and cliques, but this trip is meant to be a bonding experience."

I don't want to bond with anyone!

"If there are no objections, if I call your names, please go over to the front desk and get your room key. Your boxes will be sent to your rooms in a few hours. I believe they have been labelled as instructed?"

A good number of heads nod and he smiles. ''Now, to the names.''

This should be fun

"Ryan and Joseph."

"Reign and Sam."

"Paris and Sasha."

"Tiana and Jasmine."

"Rita and Doris."

"Dorian and Billy"

Stacy and..."

A plethora of names are called out and I don't hear my name and that gets me worried. "Melody and Jason."

I'm sorry, what?

"Principal Grande you can't be serious." I say pleadingly, hoping I heard wrong.

"I am Miss Jones. We have an uneven number of girls and boys in the school I'm afraid."

''Can't I have another room?''

''We tried to, but all the rooms are occupied.''

"I can't share a room with her", Jason exclaims besides me. His expression matches mine as he looks at the greying man.

"For once, I have to agree with him, Sir. He'll murder me in my sleep."

"And she'll kill me with pepper spray."

I roll my eyes. "You're insufferable."

"And you're a Looney toon."

"Takes one to know one.''

"Takes one to know one.'' he mimicks.

"That's enough you two,'' Principal Grande interrupts, "Although your banter is very entertaining, I suggest you get your key from the front desk and start unpacking.'' He leaves us in the lobby of the hotel and we stare at each other in disbelief. This must be some sort of sick joke. Am I on an episode of Punk'd? Where's Ashton Kutcher?

"Well looks like I'm sharing a room with a criminal,''I say, gritting my teeth.

"I'm not thrilled about it either but quit your whining cause I need some fucking sleep,'' he mumbles.

I walk up to the front desk and ask the receptionist for a key. Apparently, we're in Room 607 which is on the last floor of the hotel. Moving towards the elevator, I stomp past Jason. "Are you going to stand in the lobby like a statue or are you following me?"

He mumbles something under his breath while I hold the elevator for him. The double doors close and I lean against it. Jason presses the button that says 600-610 and looks at his fingers, which are all of a sudden providing him some form of entertainment.

Talk about awkward. The doors ding and I get out first, Jason hot on my heels.


"Jason Blunt, get your butt out of the bathroom." I yell while knocking on the door profusely.

''Be patient, I'm coming.''

Jason and I found our room and lucky for us, it was an ensuite so we had two separate beds but unfortunately we have to share a bathroom- a bathroom which he refuses to come out of, a bathroom he's been in for the past thirty minutes. It's 6:00pm for God's sake and we have dinner downstairs by 6:30pm.

The shower stops running and he comes out looking all wet with a towel hanging dangerously low around his waist. His V line becomes more prominent along with an impressive set of abs that you could run your fingers...

Mel you have a boyfriend! Get it together.

"Take a picture,'' he says cockily. ''It'll last longer."

"Why would I want to corrupt my phone?"

"I caught you staring Princess. Admit it, you want me."

As if I'd want a kidnapper.

"Sorry to burst your bubble Jason, but not everyone is delusional enough to want you."

We are dangerously close to one another now, the rules of personal space long gone. "You say that now,'' he whispers into my ear. ''But I can clearly see your erect nipples from your camisole. Your body wants me.''

I look down and sure enough, my body is betraying me. I blush a little and my heart beats rapidly. He leans closer to me, his eyes focusing on my lips. I gulp and look at him through my lashes. No one should look this good in just a towel and…

You have a boyfriend, Melody.

I blink rapidly and snap out of whatever trance I'm in and rush into the bathroom, locking the door behind me. I hear the subtle laughter of Jason and I groan and slip to the floor.

What is happening to me?

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