Hate You, Love You.

Chapter 11 - FORGIVE ME

I feel euphoric.

Seriously, I really can't stop smiling. At the rate I'm going, I might as well turn into the sugar plum fairy who spreads gum drops and joy all over the world.

It has been a little over a week since Bob asked me to be his girlfriend and I've been on cloud nine ever since. So far, he has been nothing short of sweet and attentive.

We text each other every day and we always talk on the phone till I fall asleep. We've been on a total of two extra dates-one at a fancy Italian restaurant in Bridgewood and the other at a drive-in theatre near Dianopolis Central Park. Usually, he'd text me the location and I'd meet him there so that we don't accidentally get caught together. So far, we've managed to keep things under wraps for now and I honestly don't want it any other way.

I still haven't gotten around to telling my mum or Paris that I'm dating Bob mainly because I'm scared of how they'd react: Paris may be angry that I didn't tell her about it sooner but she'll build a bridge and get over it, but my mum...I really believe she'll react negatively.

Let's be real, what parent would approve of their daughter dating someone that's six years her senior? If I were a parent, I'd probably ground my daughter for life and chase the guy away with a hacksaw.

Bob says I should tell them instead of feeling guilty and that he'd be by my side no matter the consequences and I appreciate that but it's still not that easy. He really hasn't met Mrs Lydia Jones, and hopefully…maybe he doesn't.

She will kill me, bury me and then sing Amazing Grace at my funeral.

I'm not exaggerating.

In other news, Adelaide Montessori Prep is having its annual field trip and I'm so excited.

Note the sarcasm.

Every year, the school charges a $110 per student for a field trip to this exotic location at the Canabary Islands. I don't know if the school has an idea of what a field trip is but I'm pretty sure it doesn't involve a luxury five star hotel equipped with a bar, swimming pool, tennis court and an indoor spa, but hey, I'm not complaining. Anything is better than being bitten by bugs, mosquitoes and rodents.

Just saying.

So here I am on this lovely Wednesday night packing for the field trip. We leave for the islands tomorrow and are scheduled to be back in school on Sunday, then they give us a week off to 'rest' and then classes resume the upper week.

"Mum, have you seen my blue satin pajamas?" I ask frantically. My room is a bloody mess: clothing items are scattered haphazardly and it generally looks like a tsunami hit it.

"It's in the dryer along with the rest of your pajamas, Melody,'' she yells from downstairs.

Thank God.

My phone dings, indicating a message. I pick it up and smile because it's from my boyfriend. It's still weird saying the word boyfriend because I've never dated anyone before. Compared to most of the female population at Adelaide, I'm definitely a dating virgin. It's not like the guys in the school look my way: no one wants to date the 'scholarship girl from the projects.'

Bob: Hey babe

Mel: Hi

Bob: How's the most beautiful girl on the entire planet doing?

Mel: Well she is getting ready for this field trip that she told you about.

Bob: Yikes. I know how much you hate packing.

Mel: Omg Yes, I'm so fkn exhausted rn, my fault tho for being lazy and packing last minute.

Bob: Want me to come over and help? I could drive there, it's no problem.

Mel: And risk you losing a limb or an eyeball? Thank you, next.

Bob: You haven't told then have you?

Mel: No I haven't but I will soon, its just really nerve wrecking cause I don't know how they'd react and all.

Bob: Just take a chill pill and tell them naturally. You can call me so that you don't have to tell them alone.

Mel: I'd love that, you're the best.

Bob: Anything for my Queen.

Mel: I have to go now, need to finish packing. Night babe

Bob: Sweet dreams Sweetheart.

I put my phone down and begin looking for a specific pair of jeans which I swore I kept at the corner of my bed.

This is going to be a long night.


Needless to say, I got little to no sleep.

I practically look like a zombie.

The coach bus which the school hired leaves at 7:00am, so we were all told to get to school at 6:30am sharp because they'd start taking attendance. I finished packing my bags at 3:00am and my stupid alarm woke me up by 5:30am.

I drag my half-asleep body to the bathroom and get dressed. I pick out the first items I find in my closet-black sweatpants along with a black Nike T-shirt and baby pink high-tops. My braids are neatly packed into a bun and my makeup is light. Normally, I wouldn't use makeup at all but the bags under my eyes are quite prominent.

I drag my twin suitcases downstairs and see my sister watching some cartoon on Netflix on the dining table. Sophie is obsessed with Netflix, and honestly, I blame mum for feeding her addiction by subscribing every month, Sure, I like the whole Netflix and chill thing, but I don't make it a habit. Sophie can literally be perched up on the screen for hours without moving a muscle.

"Aren't you meant to be in bed? School starts by 8."

She turns to me and scowls. "It's your fault I couldn't sleep.''

"I'm not following. Did I tell you not to sleep or what?"

"You were busy packing for your field trip and making so much noise. Like, I could literally hear your voice and your things in my dream and that's not a pleasant experience.'' Getting the kettle from the chair next to her, I ignore her and go to the kitchen to prepare a cup of coffee.

"You're an annoying big head."

"And you need to go to bed young lady."

"Yes, your sister is right.'' Mum says as she comes down the stairs with a yawn. ''Off to bed young lady or I won't be subscribing for Netflix anymore.''

That's a lie, but okay.

"But mum, I'm fourteen. I'm not a baby anymore,'' she whines like a toddler.

"Says the girl who's acting like a baby,'' I ruffle her hair and she shoos me away. ''Go to bed.''

She stomps her foot loudly against the tiles and grudgingly walks upstairs.

"Mum, I am officially over it. Do I have to go for this field trip? I'm tired."

She settles on the chair and smiles. ''You paid a $110 for the trip and you're asking if you have to go?''

"You're not helping, mum."

She laughs and grabs the wheat bread on the table. ''So, when do you guys get back?''

"Sunday morning."

"Alright. Now, I want you to be careful, which means be wary of strangers and

"Alright. Now, I want you to be careful, which means be wary of strangers and stick close to the group and don't wander off on your own. If you need me, call me. I'm off work till Saturday so I'd be available to talk 24/7. Also, make sure you put that new can of pepper spray in your bag, you know, for emergencies.''

I laugh as I remember that night I pepper sprayed Jason. Such an epic and wonderful memory, until he ruined it by kidnapping me and threatening. If he so far as ticks me off on this trip, I swear, it's on sight.

''Mel, you okay?'' Mum asks with concern.

''Yea, I'm good. Why'd you ask?''

''Well,'' she points to my fist. ''You were clenching and unclenching your fists like you wanted to punch somebody.''

Oh, I want to punch someone alright, and his name is Jason Blunt.

''I'm fine,'' I say with the biggest smile I can muster. ''Just thinking about this field trip I don't want to go to.''

''Are you sure?"' I nod and she searches my face to see if I'm lying. ''Mum, you're doing that thing again.''

''What thing?''

''The thing where you search my face to see if I'm telling the truth.''

She raises a brow. ''Well, are you?''


''Yes. Seriously, I'm fine.''

''The kids at school bothering you?''

I wave my hand dismissively. ''You know it's nothing I can't handle. I always put them in their place.''

She nods approvingly. ''That's my daughter. But you will tell me when things get out of hand, right?''

''Of course.'' I go to the kitchen and get the kettle. ''Mum, you want coffee?''

''Yes, please.''

I make two cups of coffee and put the brewing liquid in a tray. I hand my mum a cup and she mouths a thank you.

"Did you double check everything?"

''I did."


"In hand."


"In my bag."

"Purse filled with cash, plus the house keys?"




"Jeans, underwear, blouses, pajamas, phone charger, ear piece, flashlight with batteries, makeup bag, power bank?"

"They're all in the suitcases."

"Just making sure because you can be really forgetful."

"Yea, yea.'' I look at my watch and sigh. Can't time move any slower? ''Can you drive me to school? I haven't gotten enough sleep and I'm afraid I'd crash the car or fall asleep on the wheel."

"Sure. Say goodbye to your sister and we'd be on our way.''


"Paris", I yell.

" Bitch", she yells back. ''Where have you been? I've been waiting for you.''

''It's just 6:30, you know.''

''Just? The parking lot is literally packed with people. Guess we are all excited for the trip.''

''Well, it is summer after all, so I guess we can use a little vacation.'' I turn to my right and greet a mutual friend of Paris and I.

"Good morning Shanna.''

" Hey Mel."

''Are you excited, because I am. I was just telling Shanna about how beautiful the Canabary Islands is. My parents and I vacationed there last summer and it was divine.'' Paris says excitedly.

"Hopefully the place lives up to the hype."

"Of course it will. When have I ever been wrong?" She sassed.

"Well there was this time when you said..."

"It was a rhetorical question, shut it."

I stick my tongue out. ''Whatever.''

"I ran into the Wicked Witch of the West this morning and she's such a drama Queen. Her driver, Pietro, dropped her off and guess how many suitcases she brought?"

"Four?" ,

"Six!'' she exclaims. ''Six bloody suitcases for a three day trip, like talk about being extra.''

"That girl needs Jesus at this point,'' Shanna adds. ''She threw a fit when Pietro accidentally dropped her box full of makeup and went on and on about how she can get him fired and all that."

I'd rather lick dust for a whole year than work for Mariah.

"Right and she…'' Paris' eyes move to the school gates. ''Your boyfriend has arrived.''


''Jason, of course.''

I turn around and sure enough, Jason's new car, a Bugatti Veyron, is speeding towards an empty spot in the parking lot. He zooms right past Paris, Shanna and I, making our hairs slap us in the face. ''For the record, he is not my boyfriend. I don't date people who drive past the speeding limit.''

She smirks. ''Keep telling yourself that.''

My eyes can't help but move towards the direction of Jason who was just getting out of the car. His sunglasses is perched on his face as he opens the boot to get his suitcase. He catches me staring at him and then winked at me. I roll my eyes and turn my attention back to Paris. ''I saw that,'' she says.

''Saw what?''

''The wink.''

''You need glasses.''

''Jason and Melody, sitting on the tree, K-I…''

"Oh look, they're taking attendance.'' I point to the line already in formation. Let's join the queue."

I feel a tap on my shoulder and turn around. "Hey Mel, can I talk to you for a sec?"

"Ryan, I have nothing to say to you."

"Well it seems like you two have some unresolved matters,'' Paris says and unloops her arm from mine. ''I'll just sign your name for you." With that, she leaves me and joins the queue.

Thanks for having my back bestfriend!

Ryan and I managed to schedule a date after I blew him off that Saturday to complete our homework. It was awkward to say the least considering I refused to say more than three sentences to him. He has tried calling and texting me, but I just want to be left alone. It's better that way.

''Ryan, I honestly don't want to talk to you.''

He looks down ashamed. "I'm really sorry that Janet drugged you and Jason threatened you with a switchblade. I should've stopped them before it went too far.''

"All is forgiven and forgotten. Now if you excuse me, I best be on my way.''

I step to the side but he grabs hold of my arm. ''Please wait.'' I sigh and look at my phone. ''You have two seconds. Make it count.'' He nods and continues. ''Jason is an idiot and his pride wouldn't let him apologize but I'll make sure he gives you a formal apology."


"Also, I'd ask that you please not tell anyone about what you saw or heard that night. Trust me, it's for your own good."

"And why should I trust you?" I sass.

"I'm serious. Do not breathe a word to anyone. Bad things can happen if you do."

Truth be told , I wasn't going to breathe a word to anyone in the first place but now I'm curious. What could possibly happen?

"Is that a threat?"

"No, it's just a warning, you know, as a friend?'' he asks hopefully.

"I'll think about it."

Ryan will be back in my good graces soon. I can't stay mad at him because back then, he was the only one who stood up for me, albeit he was a chicken, but still, he spoke up. I'm saving up my anger and range for a certain eighteen year old boy who thinks he's the king of this school.

"Alright then, see you on the bus.''

"Everyone in the bus now,'' Principal Grande yells. ''And do so in an orderly fashion.''

I jog towards Paris who is frantically waving at me. "Wanna tell me what that conversation was all about?"

"It's a long story, Paris."

"Well lucky for you, you have a whole seven hour drive to fill me in on the details.''

I cringe. ''Lucky me.''

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