Hate You, Love You.

Chapter 10 - OATH

Nothing happened.

Nothing happened.

Nothing happened.

That's what I've been telling myself ever since that fateful night. I guess saying 'nothing happened' is my brain's way of healing and coping with the fact that I was kidnapped by Jason and his cronies.

I never reported the incident to the police. I don't know why I didn't but I guess something about Jason's parting words keeps ringing in my head, almost like he knew something I didn't and that alone makes me curious, yet scared at the same time.

'Some secrets are best left unsaid.'

What is that? Moreso, what could he possibly have against me?

Anywho, for the past week, I've been avoiding Jason, Ryan and yes, Mariah like they are bubonic plagues. Ryan has tried to reach out to me on several occasions, but I just give him the cold shoulder.

I do not want to be associated with criminals in any shape, way or form.

Jason noticed that I've been avoiding him too but I guess his ego is too big to tell me a quick, 'hey, sorry I kidnapped you and threatened you with a fucking switchblade.'

But it's fine. I've made peace with the situation and now I'm just focused on my grades and getting the hell out of this school.

And I'm also focused on my…sort of relationship with Bob.

I don't know what we are yet. Friends with benefits? No, we haven't had sex yet.

Boss and employee who happen to like kissing each other…a lot? Yea, that's more like it.

We decided to not put a label on it just yet. I'm fine with that because I don't like labels when it comes to relationships, especially new ones. Why can't we just vibe and like enjoy each other's company without having to say 'this is my girlfriend or this is my boyfriend?'

Today is Saturday which means it's our first official 'outing'. Some would like to call it a date, but I'm sticking to the no labels theme. He asked me out at work on Wednesday, and of course I said yes. We like each other enough, so why not? Bob and I have an unconventional relationship, trust me, I know. A lot of boundaries are being crossed and a lot of rules are being broken. Again, I know, but I'm tired of being the badass goody-two-shoes, the girl who does no wrong but has a foul mouth. I want to live life on the edge and be a rebel sometimes.

Quick note, before anyone goes on to say that he's 'taking advantage of me because I'm younger', please note that the relationship is purely consensual on both sides and I came unto him first, not the other way around.

My mum decided to 'unground' me on the basis of good behaviour which means I'm free to go on that date without the feeling of guilt for sneaking out and lying.

Bob didn't give out too many details about where we are going or what we are doing, but he did say I should dress casually and that we'd meet at the back of the diner by 3:00pm.

The time on my bedroom dresser reads two pm which means I have to start getting ready. Mum went to visit Aunt Georgina who lives two hours away and Sophie went to her best friend's house.

''Just, keep breathing, and breathing and breathing,

You know you're gonna keep, keep on breathing.''

I pick up my phone on the bed and frown when I see a message from an unknown number. Tapping it, I see it's a message from Ryan who's asking if I'm still coming to the library.

The real mystery is how he got my number in the first place. Oh right, I gave it to him so that we'd be able to talk about our assignment, the assignment I completely forgot about because I'm too busy sight-seeing La La Land.

Let's not forget the fact that I refuse to associate with Jason, Ryan and their goons…ever. I will not be mixed up with criminals who kidnapped me and threatened my life.

I didn't stutter.

I type a quick 'No, maybe next time' and get ready for the one thing that would get me out of my already foul mood. Jason isn't even physically present, but saying his name is already making me angry. It's like he's living in my head rent free and I don't like it.

Think about baby cats on Youtube, Mel. Think about baby cats.

I pick out a white button down shirt and pair it with a light blue jeans and a black and gold sandal. I make my braids into an Ariana Grande-resque ponytail and apply light makeup on my face. I'm a firm believer in less is more, so I always opt for a natural-makeup look. Giving myself a once over in the mirror, I grab my car keys, lock the apartment and off I go.

Twenty minutes later, I get to the designated meeting spot and spot Bob sitting on the hood of his car and looking as handsome as ever. "Am I interrupting?"

He looks away from his phone and gives me a once over, smiling, "You look beautiful."

With a slight blush, I tuck a loose braid at the back of my ear, ''Thank you. You look good as well."

And he did look good... and yummy enough to eat with his fitted black T-shirt and baggy shorts. His hair is packed in his signature man bun and his Ray Bans is perched perfectly on top of his head.

He grabs my waist and pulls me closer to him and I wrap my hands around his neck. "How about we just skip the date and we go back to my place?"

I shake my head. "That is uncharted territory and you know that,'' he nods. ''Isn't there a rule that says no sex on the first date?"

''Who said we were gonna have sex?''

''Who said we weren't?''

''I did.''

''Bob, going to your place would be cool and all but I don't trust myself enough to not jump your bones. Let's just avoid temptation and stick to the rules, yea.''

Did I just admit I wanted to have sex with him?

''Y-Y-Y k-know what,'' I stutter. ''Forget I said the first sentence.'' Me and my big mouth. ''A date is what you planned, and it's a date you'll get.''

He smirks at my mumblings and I blush. ''So you want to jump me, huh?''



''Alright,'' he drags. ''But if you want to play by the 'rules', then let's play.''

When have we ever played by the rules?


We end up going to Dianopolis Central Park two towns away because we didn't want to arouse any suspicion. Bob planned a picnic for us which is really sweet considering the fact that I love open sceneries and food.

It's the perfect combination.

Children are playing on the swing sets while their parents watch them, a couple of doves are on the floor, perching on leftovers. Over at the fountain, there is a bench with a couple sitting and taking pictures.

On the grass are some other couples with blankets and picnic baskets, laughing and generally having a good time.

We find a good spot under a tree which provides shade from the sun. Bob sets up the blanket on the grass and brings out the picnic basket which he had prepared, "So, you like the location so far?''

"It's so beautiful. I didn't even know a place like this even existed. How did you know I loved the open air sort of thing?''

"Well, you did mention to me that you like taking walks in the park and 'feeling nature kiss your skin' so I figured I'd take you to this park instead of the Mexican restaurant I originally planned. Plus, let's be real, a date in a restaurant is cliché as hell.''

Can't argue with that.

"Aww, how sweet."

"Anything for you."

"I have to be honest though,'' I continue. ''I wasn't really sure if I was going to make it on this date partly because mum grounded me and also because I was a little apprehensive. I've never been on a date before, as silly as that sounds, so I don't know what to do.''

He grabs my hand and kisses my knuckles. ''You know the one thing I like about you?''


''You're always so open and honest about your feelings. It's so refreshing to see.''

I blush for like the umpteenth time today again. Can he stop saying all these sweet things that turn my inside to mush? ''Well, I really have a hard time bottling stuff in.''

''See, just be you and have fun, because this date is meant to be fun.'' He opens the basket and brings out a sandwich bag. ''I made your favourite sandwich.''

''A jelly bacon sandwich?''

He nods and I grab it from him. ''Thank you so much,'' I open the wrap and breathe in its yummy goodness. ''I can't believe you remembered.''

I always pack this sandwich to work and eat it during my break. I guess he's more observant than I thought.

I take a bite of the sandwich and sigh in total bliss. ''This is so foodgasmic.''

He laughs and hands me a bottled water. ''I'm glad you like it.'' I take more bites and he watches me. With a raised eyebrow, I ask. ''What?''

''Nothing. I just love seeing you happy is all.''

Can he get any more perfect?

''So, should we play twenty questions?''



"Wait, so you crashed your dad's car into a tree when you were thirteen." I laugh out loud while he's telling me the story.

"It's funny now but back then it wasn't. I wanted to go to this cool kids party but he didn't let me so I snuck out and took the car,'' he takes a bite out of his chicken sandwich. ''I didn't even make it to the party cause I crashed the car and the police got involved. It was a red Hyundai something, can't remember the brand, but anyways, I was grounded till eternity and he made me work in his company to pay for damages."

"But what exactly made you think it was okay to drive?''

"Hey, I was a thirteen year old kid who loved the Fast and Furious franchise. I thought it'd be easy like the movies."

"Boys.'' I say with an eye roll.

"Has there ever been a time you were scared of losing someone you loved?" He asks.

"I've never told you this but my sister has Type A Sephiligitis and its kinda like this thing that eats her immune system alive. My mum and I work our asses off so that she gets the right treatment and medication and you know, increase her chances of survival, but I fear that one day….''

Talking about Sophie's condition always brings me tears. It hurts that I can't do anything about it because currently, there's no cure, just medications to lessen the symptoms. Moreso, I hate that it's affecting my baby sister. I'd gladly trade places with her if it means she'd be free of the pain and the trauma that comes along with Type A Sephiligitis.

''Fuck,'' I sniff. ''I'm sorry. I'm ruining the whole date.''

He gave me an encouraging smile and holds my hand. "No you're not, and don't be sorry. You and your mum are one of the strongest people I've ever met. Sophie will be okay, and you want to know why? Well she's got two amazing women who always have her back.''

"I honestly needed to hear those words. Thank you."

"If there's anything you need help with, even if it's financial, I'm always here for you.'' He cups my face with his hands. "I need you to turn that frown upside down and be the Melody that is sassy and doesn't give a fuck.''

I smile in between tears. "I actually got you something,'' he takes out a black box with a baby pink bow from his pocket. "Open it.''

I carefully unwrap the bow and open it. Gasping, I look at the box, then I look at Bob. Embedded in a cushion is a silver ring with diamonds encrusted in it.

"Woah,'' I say admiringly. ''this looks so expensive. I can't accept it.''

''It wasn't that expensive,'' he replies and puts the ring on my middle finger. "I had a lot of time to think and I realized that I really like you, Mel. Now I know we agreed to not put a label on it, but God, you're amazing. I love your laugh, and how you smile and how you keep your head held high even when life's being a bitch.''

I laugh at that.

"I love how sarcastic and funny you are and how you always put others first before yourself. This is not an engagement ring, so don't worry. It's a promise ring. I'm promising you that I'd never make you feel insecure in our relationship and I'd always be there for you. I know we may still have to keep things on the down low until you graduate but Melody Lianna Jones, would you make me the happiest man in this park right now and be my girlfriend?"

"Heck yea, I'd be your crazy-ass girlfriend."

Okay, I lied. Maybe I do want to put a label on us.

"Good, because I'm pretty sure the jewellery store has a no refund policy."

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