Hate You, Love You.

Chapter 9 - PROBLEM

Ryan makes a turn to a dark, deserted and unfamiliar street with a sign post that says: "Welcome to Charlotte Bay"

I know what you're thinking. You're probably wondering why I'm tailing Ryan like a dog based off an assumption.

Well, I promised myself, I'd find out who the real Jason Blunt is, and what better way to do it than listen in on a conversation about (maybe) drug exportation and following your enemy's best friend?

He keeps driving forward until he makes a left to a building that looks like a warehouse in the middle of nowhere. There are no surrounding houses or buildings, just vegetation and a dirt road. It's dark out and the only light that can be seen is the measly light bulb that hangs loosely in front of the warehouse. I park a safe distance away from Ryan's Porsche which is situated in front of the warehouse and turn off my headlights in order to avoid detection.

I can't see very clearly, but from what I can make out, Ryan is sitting on the hood of his car, typing on his phone. Sure enough, a second figure approaches Ryan and they begin to argue.

Who is that?

I get out of the car and hide behind a tree, close to the warehouse in order to listen in on their conversation.

And boy, are they loud.

I'm not even that close to them and I can practically hear them screaming their heads off.

"Jason, I don't have time for this. You were meant to handle it."

Ah! Jason.

"I did handle it damnit,'' Jason says exasperatedly. But there was a problem with the shipping company, something about them having technical difficulties so the drugs would get to Vladimir a week from now."

"A whole week! Can't you like bribe them or something to make it any faster?"

"I did just that, which is why it's going to be delivered in a week."

"We are so fucking screwed. How do we explain to a Russian mafia boss that his good won't be delivered on time without having our dicks fed to vultures?"

Russian mafia? Holy cow.

"I have no idea man, no idea at all."

"Did you contact Janet and Pearson though? They're meant to be here since we have a crisis" Jason demands.

"Texted them on my way here and they said they'd be here."

"They better get their asses over here because I hate tardiness."

"Yea, yea, you're Mr Grouchypants when shit doesn't go your way,'' Ryan mocks.

"Well things always go my way. Why do you think we're the most respected gang in Bridgewood?"

"Can't argue with that logic"

They're a fucking gang! As I move forward a bit, my foot collides with a stone and I groan in pain. I quickly shut my mouth with my hands and scream into it instead.

That hurts.

"What was that?" Jason asks while his eyes roam the area, searching for where the noise came from.

"We're in the forest Jason. It might have been a deer or a rat or something.''

"I could've sworn that that didn't sound like a rat though."

"Stop over thinking it man," Ryan says. "What you should be thinking of however is how we are going to explain to the big bad wolf that his drugs aren't going to be delivered on time."

"I guess you're right,'' he says unsurely.

Whew chile!! That was close.

Just when I thought I was in the clear I hear a female voice say from behind me. "It looks like we have a lil Miss nosy-pants in our midst."

Uh-oh. Busted.

I try to make a run for it but she holds my hand firmly in her death grip and then places a white handkerchief on my nose.

Everything suddenly goes black.


''Where am I?'' I question to no one in particular. My head hurts like hell and my body feels like it's been given poison.

''You're awake,'' a familiar female voice says.

''Where the fuck am I?'' I scream at the woman.

''You're in hell,'' the same woman says.

''Very funny. How about you untie me and switch the lights back on so I can introduce you to my two fists, then you'd really be in hell.''

''Feisty, I like you."

''Is tying her to a pole really necessary, Janet?'' Another familiar voice says as he switches on the light. Ryan stands by the door with a frown on his face and his arms crossed. ''Wasn't drugging her enough?''

No wonder I recognized her voice earlier. It was the last one I heard before I was…you know.

''I only follow orders. Jason instructed me to tie her, so I did,'' Janet answers nonchalantly. ''It's nothing personal.''


''Well can you untie her now? She doesn't deserve that.''

Yea, what he said.

''No, let her stay there. We need to have a long and nice chat.''

The man of the hour finally graces us with his presence.

He is dressed in a plaid white shirt and khaki pants as he approaches me. When I think about it, this is actually humiliating. Why am I being tied to pole and made to sit on the floor like I'm some sort of cow waiting to be slaughtered?

A chair would have been nice.

''What the fuck, man?"' Ryan yells. ''I thought we agreed that we should let her go?''

''Have you met her?'' he points at me and I narrow my eyes. ''She'll escape if we don't do this.''

''And if she runs to the police? Think, Jason for one second. If she runs her mouth to the police, we're screwed.''

Jason's blue eyes turn to me as he scrutinizes me head to toe. I give him my signature poker face and he shows me his pearly whites. ''Something tells me she won't sing like a songbird. I'll make sure of that.''

''Look Jason,'' I add, finding my voice. ''I don't know what stunt you're trying to pull or if you think drugging and tying me is funny but know that you won't get away with this.''

''Princess,'' he mocks. I hate it when he calls me that. ''for someone who's at a disadvantage, you talk a lot.''

With a snort, I roll my eyes. ''I'm getting bored here and you're not in the least bit interesting so again, let me go.''

''Listen here, the Janet woman says, grabbing my chin. ''we call the shots so either you zip it or I taser you, your choice.''

Janet is what I will call intimidatingly tall. She looks like this no nonsense type of person, someone who didn't know how to take a joke or two which is quite sad because she's really pretty-crystal green eyes, dark brown hair and a model like body.

Too bad she's a criminal.

I dismissively respond. ''Whatever.'' If shocking me with a taser is her idea of punishment, then too bad for her. I will not be intimidated, and I sure as hell won't cower in fear just because of a taser. When you live where I do, a lot of things don't faze you anymore.

I've watched a man being gunned down right before my eyes and she expects me to be scared of a taser?

I think not.

My gaze falls to Ryan who is looking at me apologetically but I give him a disgusted look. I refuse to be friends with anyone who is involved in criminal activity. I mean, where is the love? If he wanted to, he could've released me, but of course he won't because he's kissing Jason's ass.

Just like everyone at Adelaide.

''Janet, Ryan, you may both take your leave.'' Jason instructs, his eyes motioning towards the door. With one last glare, Janet leaves first, Ryan however lingers for a bit, eyes blazing with anger, before exiting the room, closing the door behind him.

''So Princess,'' Jason says after a beat. ''we're going to play a game called twenty questions. I'll ask the questions and you'll provide the answers. If you're good, I'll release you.''

''Do I have a choice?'' I sigh.

''Why don't you start by telling me how you got here.''

''Why don't you start by letting me go,'' I shoot back.

''Wrong answer.''

''Next question. Who do you work for? The CIA, a rival gang or the police department?"

''I work for Jesus,'' I deadpan.

''Wrong answer.'' He leaves the chair which he is seated on and walks over to me. Squatting, he fetches a weapon from his pocket. ''Do you know what this is, Melody?''

''A switchblade.''

He nods, ''Good girl.'' He places a fallen lock of hair from my bun behind my ear. ''I've had enough of your games and sarcasm. I am one of the most feared gang leaders in Bridgewood, so when I ask a question, I expect a response.''

His eyes look...dark. The way he's staring at me right now is scaring the living daylights out of me. The Jason I know from school is long gone and is being replaced by someone I should stay away from, no matter how handsome he looks in those khaki pants. ''Now let's try this again, shall we? And this time no funny business or this,'' he motions to the switch blade in his hand. ''would carve your name on your neck.''

Now I'm actually scared, and I'm usually fearless.

''See, I like this version of you: mute and tame.'' He stands up and takes his original position on the chair. ''Again I'll ask, who do you work for?''

This is a pretty shitty way of him saying thank you after I had just played surgeon and let him sleep on the couch days ago. I even got grounded because of him and this is how he repays me? Threatening me with a switchblade?


''I don't work for anybody Jason. Long story short, ever since I stitched you up that day, I knew that something was fishy so I followed Ryan all the way from detention and it led me here. You're a gang leader and Ryan, Pearson, and Janet are a part of your crew.''

He smiles satisfactorily. ''Very good. Since I am a man of my word, I'll untie you but no funny business; if you try and run, Janet and Pearson are situated outside and they will catch you and you and I both know that Janet really doesn't like you.''

I visibly gulp as he walks towards me again with the switchblade in his hands, He moves close to my face so that we are only a breath apart. My heart almost leaps out of my chest and I facepalm myself internally. This is not the time to be turned on by a criminal mastermind. He threatened to hurt you for heavens sake. He notices the effect he had on me and just smirks before cutting the rope with the switchblade. He leans back and I stretch my limbs, trying to resuscitate them back to life. Turning my gaze angrily at him, I pick up the first object I can find, which funny enough happens to be an empty bottled water and angle it at his forehead. I miss that shot and it ends up falling to the ground with a loud thud.

''Nice aim, Jones.''

''Fuck you.''

''Before I release you out into the world, let's get something straight. You are not to speak to a single soul about what you've seen or heard tonight.''

I snort. ''Why should I listen to you?''

''Because Princess, if you open your pretty little mouth, I'll be forced to open my pretty little mouth. After all, we all have skeletons in our closet.'' he pauses for dramatic effect. ''But some skeletons are more...deadly than others.''

''What exactly could I possibly be hiding Jason? Aren't you the one who's a gangleader?''

He dodges my question and opens the door for me. ''Some secrets are best left dead and buried, while some need to be resurrected from the ashes.''

''Can you like give me a straight answer'', I say frustratingly. 'You're no Shakespeare and this isn't the 17th century.''


''Boss, Vladmir is on the line.'' a voice interrupts. An African-American male with a lean but muscular build enters the room and hands Jason a phone. ''It's on hold.'' he confirms.

''Thank you, Pearson. Please escort the lady outside and make sure she gets to her car safely.''

''Will do, Boss.''

''And remember Princess, some secrets are best left unsaid.''

With those parting words, he exits the room, leaving me puzzled and confused.

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