Hate You, Love You.

Chapter 27 - HEART OF GLASS

Test week is old news.

It came and went by faster than the speed of light along with Adelaide tenagers' apprehension as to what their grades would be. I wish Jason and Ryan nothing but the best in English-Lit and I hope they ace it because I'd feel like a failure as a teacher if they get less than a B. 

It's funny how teenagers-or should I say humans-are so fickle minded. All it takes is a little bit of juicy gossip or a present distraction to take their minds off important matters.

''Phaedra is pregnant.'' Paris announces as we make our way to our lunch table. Sarah, Taylor, Derek and Easton are already seated and talking animatedly amongst themselves. Sarah, Taylor and Derek have always sat at the same lunch table that Paris and I frequent for as long as I can remember. We call it 'our' table because no one bothers to sit there, asides from our group, probably because we've 'staked our claim' on it. The table is at a corner, a few feet away from the vending machine and water dispenser, yes I said water dispenser (this school is loaded) so it makes it easy for us to grab a snack or water whenever we please.

Easton is a new recruit to the table. He joined our table a week ago, which by the way is utterly suspicious considering the fact that he seats with Jason and the rest of the basketball team at the centre table. I made no mention of his sudden change of heart and eating position because he did help me with Algebra and he seemed to get along well with everybody.

''Who told you that?''

''Get with the program, Melody. It's all everyone is talking about.'' She settles her tray of roasted lamb and caesar salad on the table. ''Hey, guys.''

They all mumble 'hey's' at our direction and continue whatever it is they were talking about before we arrived. ''Phaedra is pregnant and the rumour going around school is that Jason is the father.'' Sarah says in an animated manner, her dark hair, which she fixed into a ponytail, bounces with each gesticulation she makes.

I nearly choke on my water.

''What the fuck!'' I exclaim in shock. I quickly clear my throat, one because water accidentally makes its way down my throat, and two because they all turn their heads to look at me. ''What? None of you are surprised that Jason is a potential baby daddy?''

''Oh, we're shocked alright,'' Paris says with a hint of amusement. ''Although your reaction was rather…shocking.'' I give her a 'don't start' look and she shrugs lightly with a smirk on her face.

''Excuse me for being surprised that a classmate of ours could potentially have a kid next year,'' I retort back. Now, I know Jason sleeps around with a lot of girls, but I didn't think he'd be stupid enough to leave a loophole, if you know what I mean. I'm no expert in the sex department, but I'm pretty sure there are such things as condoms and birth control. Last week, in health class, we were all given condoms to take home along with a very strong lecture about why having unprotected sex is disastrous.

''Poor Jason,'' says Derek as he adjusts his thick rimmed glasses. ''Now I see why they say you need to strap it before you tap it because I can't imagine being a daddy at my age. I'd literally freak the fuck out.''

I snort out loud and take a forkful of salad. ''Does that look like a face that cares?'' I nod my head towards Jason's table. He, along with Ryan, and some others from the basketball team are seated at the popular table, talking about something I don't care about. Of course, there's Mariah, being more desperate than a housewife, latching on to Jason's arm and tracing her manicured fingers on his lower body. She, along with Lianna and Stella, laugh out loud at something that was said. Jason and I make eye contact for a brief moment, but I divert my eyes quickly so I don't start feeling things I'm not supposed to be feeling in the first place.

Plus, he's a rumoured baby daddy which makes it even more of a reason to stay away. I do not want to be caught in baby mama drama.

''Poor Jason?"" Sarah questions with all the sarcasm in the world. ''He's a player and we all know that.'' Some of us nod in agreement. ''What you should be saying, Derek is Poor Phaedra. If the rumours have any substance, her life is about to take a dramatic turn and I don't know if it's for the worse or for the better. Having a kid as a teenager is no joke. In fact, I swore off boys in general once I started watching Teen Mom on MTV. I think it has scarred me for life,'' she shudders. ''Not to mention, Phaedra's parents are literally going to kill her. Her dad is a pastor and her mum's a senator. Her dad would probably have had a heart attack by now considering the fact that sex outside of marriage is a big no no in the Bible.''

''That is true.'' My family and I may not frequent churches nowadays, but I still remember some of the things that were preached to us, one of which is sex before marriage is a sin. A lot of teenagers have sex before marriage, a lot of Adelaide teenagers have sex before marriage, hence the reason for the mandatory health class, so they don't care about what the Bible says. Most of them aren't even religious. But, despite the fact that I don't go to church, that notion of no sex before marriage has always stuck with me for some reason and is the main reason why I refuse to have sex with Bob. I want my first time to mean something, you know? I don't want some lousy hookup at a bar or a drunken one-night stand at a high school party. Sex, to me, should be organic, and it should be with someone I love…and potentially marry. 

''Guess being a basketball groupie ain't shit after all,'' Taylor says with an eye roll. ''They make it look like it's all fun and games hanging around the popular table and being a handbag to basketball players who don't give a fuck about them, but guess who's laughing now?'' She flips her pink dyed hair to the side. ''Of course, no offence, Easton.''

Easton has been noticeably silent the whole discussion. He doesn't talk a lot, but he'd always chip in a word or two during our conversations. I doubt he heard Taylor's remarks because he's poking at his roasted lamb with a fork, a frown now visibly prominent on his face. I nudge him silently with my elbow and he blinks. ''Sorry, what where we saying?''

''Are you okay?"' I ask, my tone laced with nothing but concern. It's not like Easton to space out at all. 

''Yea, man,'' Derek adds. ''Are you straight? Because you blanked out on us.''

''I'm good,'' he replies with a forced smile. ''I'm just worried about Phaedra and the rumours going on around school because I've known her since we were kids.''

That seems to convince the others and they change the topic, but it doesn't convince me.


Classes are over now and I'm heading to work but I happen to catch a certain someone I've been itching to question ever since lunch. His behaviour was odd, almost like there was something that was bothering him, and it has something to do with the Phaedra situation…I think. I'm not entirely sure and my postulations may be wrong , but it wouldn't hurt to ask.

''Hey, Easton,'' I greet and tap him on the shoulder. He gives me a small smile. ''Do you have a minute?"' I ask.

''Sure, what's up?''

''In private,'' I whisper. ''These walls talk and they speak volumes.''

He chuckles a little. ''You wanna talk in my car?'' he offers.

''Yes, please.''

''Alright, let me grab my keys.''


''So?'' I start awkwardly. God, this conversation was all planned in my head. But now that we're here in his car, I can't seem to form the words. I don't want to be intrusive. We may be friends, but our bond isn't close to what Paris and I have, at least not yet. At the same time however, I can't overlook the fact that something is going on with him.

''So?"' he asks, amused by my silence. ''You summoned me, and now I have beckoned your call,'' Easton jokes. ''Spit it out. I won't bite.''

''Promise you wouldn't get offended?''

''Scout's honour,'' he pledges.

''You were a boys' scout?''

''Na. I just think it's cool when people say it in movies. It gives the conversation an air of seriousness and my guess is this is going to be a serious conversation since we're in the student's parking lot.''

I laugh a little at that.

''You're right. This is a serious conversation and I don't want to be rude or anything or overstep my boundary but…''

''Melody,'' he puts his right hand on his chest. ''Breathe.''

I take a deep, long breath. ''So I noticed you were a bit down when the Phaedra situation came up. Just wanted to know if you are okay and if there's anything I can help you with.''

''You caught that, huh?" I nod wordlessly. ''You really are observant.''

That I am.

He sighs and runs a hand through his hair, the lines on his forehead creases like he's about to drop a bombshell. ''What I'm about to say may take you by surprise. Promise you won't tell anyone.''

''Scouts honour, my lips are sealed.''

After a beat and an internal battle within himself, he says. ''That baby, if the rumours turn out to be true, is not Jason's.''

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