Hate You, Love You.


Wait, what?

''I'm not following, Easton.'' He runs his hand through his hair with a sigh. ''I fucking messed up, Mel. I messed up big time.''

''I'm still not following.''

He looks me dead in the eye. ''I think that baby is mine.''

Holy fuck.


Jenna, Taylor, Fabio and I are the only ones working tonight and it's cool, well as cool as you get when you're on your feet all through with angry and hungry customers breathing down your neck. Not to mention you have to deal with kids who make a huge mess with…almost anything. There was this curly haired toddler who spilled milk all over my shirt. Luckily I had an extra pair in my locker and changed.

Just a typical work night in Melody Jones' life.

''So Fabio, are you putting a ring on Suri's finger before she gives birth or are you going to put it off again?'' Jenna asks while scrubbing the tables. The diner is closed so we are cleaning the place before we head out.

''I don't know Jen. Suri and I are pretty happy with where we are at right now and we're trying to take baby steps.''

I roll my eyes at that. ''Have you actually asked her if she wants a wedding or do YOU want baby steps because let's be real, you got a dip in her fountain, knocked her up and now she's four months pregnant so, which is it?

Fabio is a twenty-three year old third generation, Hispanic male. We met at the diner and we've been friends since then. Suri, his girlfriend, is Korean and one of the nicest people you'll ever meet. Everytime I go over to their apartment, she makes the tastiest Ddukbokki. The taste, flavour, spices and sauce are always blended perfectly. She sure knows how to throw it down in the kitchen.

''Do you know something I don't?''

Slyly I say. ''Nope. I do however know that most women who are in a relationship want a ring. It's a security kind of thing to make sure that you're all in and won't back out. Trust me when I say this, Suri needs that reassurance right now because she's pregnant with your baby.''

Okay, I lied. I do know something he doesn't. Suri has confided in me and told me that she really wants to get married to Fabio but the dumbass thinks it's 'too soon' . She also said that she feels that Fabio has doubts and isn't really fully committed to the relationship so she's afraid of raising a baby by herself.

He pauses for a while, almost like he is digesting what I had said, then he smiles. ''When did you become so smart?''

''When you watch one too many movies, you tend to pick up on a few things.'' Looking at my watch, I realize that it is 10:00pm which means it's time for me to leave, like now, else I wouldn't get any homework done.

''Well guys, I'm tired and hungry so I'm off.''

''Do you need a ride home since you walked here?'' Jenna offers. I shake my head..''No thank you. I live close by so it's not a long walk. Give Roman a big kiss for me.''

''Of course, love.''

Making a turn towards the basement, I walk to my locker and dump my apron in it. Removing my black flats and replacing them with black sneakers, I proceed to double check every item in my bag: phone, hairbrush, pack of mint, wallet, keys, hairband, pepper spray and whip cream.

Yes, I keep pepper spray and whip cream in my bag, sue me'

I hear the locker room door open slightly, then a click. ''Are you leaving without saying goodbye?'' I smile brightly, knowing exactly who it is.

''Who said I was leaving?'' I joke.

''The bag on the bench.'' He walks over to me with a grin on his face, his white tee flexing with each step. I bite my bottom lip and he effortlessly picks me up and my back hits the cold meta of the lockers. His hands are firmly planted on my ass as I encircle his neck. He gives me a quick kiss on the lips. Mhmm, minty. ''And you changed your flats to sneakers.''

''Ever the observant one, I see.'' His sexy lips curl into a smile and he kisses me again, this time more intensely than the first. ''Didn't we say something about touching and kissing in the diner?'' I pant, my tone of a teasing nature. 

''Couldn't help myself, I guess.'' Bob and I came up with a list of rules in order to keep our relationship on the down-low, the most important one being no PDA in public. Funny how he came up with that rule but ends up being the one breaking it.

Life is a plethora of ironies.

''You do know it's,'' I look at my watch. ''10:10pm right? Shouldn't you be heading home?''

He laughs and puts me down, his hands still on my waist. ''I have a little bit of work to do, but I'll be heading home soon.''

''Says the workaholic.''

''You're always so good with the comebacks and I love it.'' 

I peck him on the lips. ''I wouldn't be me without the comebacks.'' He runs his left hand through his silky hair. ''I have a question for you though and I need a man's perspective.''

''So you think I'm a man now,'' he teases. ''Oh, you are.'' My eyes trail down to his visible hard on and he follows my gaze. ''Your friend down there thinks so.''

''How about this,'' he says with intensity, his orbs fixed on mine. ''My friend and I can show you how much of a man I am. Trust me, you'd…scream.'' 

Oh my God.

I visibly blush and he leans in and kisses both of my red cheeks. ''I'm just teasing you, love. I would never pressure you into having sex with me unless you want to. What'd you want to ask?''

''Let's say I know someone, and this someone just so happens to sleep with this girl, and they've been screwing around for a while now and the girl ends up pregnant, but then the problem is he's 70% positive it's his baby but isn't entirely sure because she has screwed some other guys. What does one do in that type of situation?"

That pretty much sums up Easton's dilemma.

''Well, he should talk to her,'' he starts. ''See if he can make sense of the whole situation. You said she's been screwing other guys, right?'' I nod. '' He should get a paternity test also, you know to know whether he is or he isn't.''

''That makes sense.''

''He places a feather kiss on my forehead. ''Does this 'someone' happen to be a friend from school?"'

''Yea,'' I sigh. ''It's so fucking crazy at Adelaide. Everyone is freaking out about the rumour of the 'pregnant girl','' I air quote. ''My friend, his name is Easton, thinks he's the baby daddy and he's freaking out because he's not prepared to be a dad right now. He wasn't specific about all the details, but he asked me for advice and I was completely blank, like I spaced out and said nothing.'' Bob laughs a little. ''My mind was still reeling from the news, and then he dropped that bombshell. I almost died.''

''If the rumours are true, and he ends up being the father, tell him to take responsibility for his actions. Having a baby, talkless of having one in your teens, is certainly not a walk in the park, but he'll survive. He just needs to be there for his kid because no child deserves to be without a father.''

''I wish my dad could've heard this,'' I whisper as a few stray tears fall down my face. ''Fuck, I'm crying now.'' I try not to think about my dad abandoning us because it happened a really long time ago, and I honestly thought I was over it, but I guess not. It sucks that even after all these years, it still makes me emotional and I absolutely hate crying in front of anyone. 

His strong arms move and his thumb wipes the treacherous tears off my face. ''Hey, don't do that. I'm sorry if I made you cry.''

''No, it's not you,'' I sniff. ''It's just that whenever I think about my dad, I get so upset and I thought I was over it and l shouldn't let it affect me so much, but fuck.'' He pulls me closer to him and I lay my head on his chest, my tears wetting his shirt. ''Shhh. It's okay, babe. I got you. Your dad is a fucking asshole for abandoning you and we both know it.'' I mumble something incoherently and he strokes my hair with his fingers. ''You're smart, strong, beautiful, brave, bold and a full on firecracker.'' I giggle. ''Any man who abandons you is a fool because you're a rockstar, and I keep telling you that. Don't let his bad decisions affect you because you have your whole life ahead you and a marvellous future. I say screw him because I don't like seeing you like this.''

He lifts my right hand and circles the ring, then brings my knuckles to his lips. ''Remember when I gave you this ring?''

''How could I forget?'' I mumble quietly. ''You asked me to be your girlfriend.''

''Yes, one of the best decisions I've made in my life.'' He lifts my head off his chest and our eyes meet. I can feel the raw emotion emitting from his body so I know he's being sincere. Those emeralds have never lied to me. ''I promised you that I'll always be there for you, no matter what. Diamonds need to be cared for, but you deserve to be worshipped, love and I'd make sure of that.''

That's my boo.

I lean in close and peck him on the lips. ''Thank you. I really needed to hear that.'' It's comforting to know that Bob is always rooting for me. Sometimes, I ask myself what I've done to merit an emotionally intelligent man like him because he's so amazing. ''Anytime, babe. Just wipe those tears and kiss me.'' I smile, a big one, probably the biggest smile I've dawned in days and do as he asks.

I think I love this man.

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