Hate You, Love You.

Chapter 49 - SHATTER

In the thirty minutes I've been plopped on the floor, I haven't been mauled or shot. That's a good sign, right? I can't play any games on my blasted phone because my battery is low and to make things better, I don't think I can walk properly. Might as well use sarcasm to make myself feel better.

''God,'' I pray. ''I know we're not on speaking terms right now, and that's my fault, but I beg you, please deliver Bob from this cup that refuses to pass him by.'' I know I should be praying for myself, but I can't, not in this situation. At least I'm alive and there's a possibility that I may be found, but Bob, I don't know if he's alive or de-''

I have to think positively.

''If you do, I promise to be a good kid; I'd go to church on Sundays and give to the needy. I'll even make sure he goes to church too so please don't let him die after he just said he loves me.''

He fucking loves me and I didn't even get the opportunity to say it back.

''I love you too, Bob,'' I say in the darkness as the tears roll down my face. ''I love you so much so please come back to me like you promised.''

Despite the age difference, despite the fact that our relationship is frowned at, despite not trusting him completely, I still love him. I've known this for a while now but I was too ashamed to admit it, mainly because these feelings are novel to me so I don't know how to react. I love his smile, I love how his eyebrows crease when he is confused, I love his blue eyes and the way they twinkle when he looks at me, I love how he's so sweet and patient towards me, even when I'm being a complete bitch.

Most of all, I love the fact that he loves me.

And now my fairytale may have already ended before it begun.


Footsteps are approaching. I can hear it, sense it, feel it and the hairs on my neck are raised up. The gun which Bob had given me is in my hand and I point it directly in my front view. ''Is anyone here?'' A gruff voice says. I put the gun down and breathe.

''Yes, can you help me? I think I'm hurt.'' I yell. My phone battery is long gone now, not being able to hold out for much longer. I'm in pain, dehydrated, tired and hungry. To make matters worse, I have no idea what the time says.

''What is your name?''

''Melody, Melody Jones.''

I drop the gun when I see the silhouette of a man holding a flashlight. As he comes closer, I can tell that he is a police officer judging by his attire. ''Ma'am are you alright?''

Of course not. 

''I'm hurt on my leg. Probably a fracture,'' he nods his head and says to the radio that is fastened on his waist. ''This is Officer James, I've found her. She was in the bushes but is badly injured. Looks like a fracture…'' He flashes the light to my face then to my leg. ''Can you walk?'' I shake my head in the negative and he continues. ''I would need an ambulance. Over.''

Officer James…

''The ambulance would be here soon. In the meantime,'' he removes his jacket and hands it to me. ''You need this more than I do. It's getting quite chilly.''


''You caused quite a scare back there.'' He continues. ''A search party's been out looking for you for hours.''

For hours? ''What time is it?'' I question hoarsely, my throat severely parched from lack of water. ''It's 4 :00am.''

''What!'' I exclaim in disbelief. ''My mother is going to kill me.''

His lips curve slightly. ''Went out without permission?'' 

Something like that. ''How did you get here?''

''I-'' the words form in my head but I decide to keep silent for fear that I may say more than is necessary. I don't trust police officers so I'm keeping my mouth shut till I know Bob is okay. ''I don't know.'' I respond weakly.

Officer James nods, but I'm pretty sure he knows I'm full of horseshit. His face says it all, but he doesn't push the matter further and for that, I'm grateful. The radio buzzes lightly and I perk up. ''Officer James, over. The ambulance would be arriving at your location in two minutes.''

I can hear the sirens of the ambulance and I heave a sigh of relief. My body is already weak from exhaustion and I don't know if I can hold on for much longer. I'm trembling and quivering with each second that ticks.

5, 4, 3, 2, 1.


He shakes my body but I'm not paying attention. The darkness seems more attractive, more comforting. At least, I could pretend that everything in my life is okay. At least I could pretend that Bob is safe and sound. ''I-I.''

Then I plunge into comfort.


''Where am I?''

I glance at my surroundings, confusion making its way to my face. Why is everywhere…white? I look at my right hand which is hooked to a machine and gasp. ''Great, I'm in the hospital.'' That's not the only thing I noticed: My muddy shirt and faded jeans are long gone and have been replaced by a granny-looking gown.

''I'm not dreaming. This is definitely a hospital.'' 

How did I get here? The last thing I remembered was someone asking me a question.

Was that a figment of my imagination?


The memories rush back to me in hot flashes and I slump back in the spring bed, tears slipping from my eyes again. Lakedale Road was where Bob and I had an argument. Lakedale Road was where the shootout occurred.

Lakedale Road was where I last saw Bob alive.

''Melody, you're awake.'' My mum says at the doorway with a Starbucks coffee and a brown bag which I assume is food in her hand. She glances at the news which is still airing the Lakedale fiasco and shakes her head. Dropping the coffee and brown paper bag on the table, she switches off the TV. ''You shouldn't watch that.''

''What happened? What's going on? Where am I?''

''Slow down, honey.'' She sits down on the chair next to me. ''You gave me quite the scare back there. You're in St John's and you've been asleep for about a day. The doctors said you fainted from exhaustion and you had lacerations on your body, along with a fracture. Here.'' Mum opens the paper bag and hands me a bottled water. Taking it gratefully, I unscrew the cap and take the whole bottle in at once, grateful for the coolness. ''I needed that.''

Mum looks exhausted. Clad in her blue nurse outfit, her eyes are hollow but she still has a glow on her mocha skin. ''God, Mel what is going on with you? Sophie called me by 12:00am because she hadn't seen you and then I called the police who said they couldn't file a missing person's report yet. Then, I get a call saying that you're being taken to the hospital and…'' Her tears have also begann to fall and I feel extremely guilty. ''I'm sorry for making you worry.''

''It's fine,'' Her hands hold mine. ''The most important thing is that you're safe and healthy. Although I have a few questions to ask, I'd wait till you're better.''

One thing I would forever be grateful to God for is for giving me a mother who understands me enough to know when I'm in the mood to talk and when I just need space. ''Where's Sophie?''

''She's over at Brittany's house.''

We hear a knock on the door. Two officers come in, one of them looks familiar although I can't quite place my finger on it. ''Good afternoon, Mrs Jones.'' The tallest of the duo motions to me. ''Melody, glad to see you're awake. I'm Officer James and this is Officer Louis and we are in charge of investigating the incident at Lakedale.''

Officer James…Right!

''You're the one who saved me,'' I blurt out. He chuckles with a nod. ''I take it you remember now. Glad to see you're doing alright.''

I'm itching to ask him about Bob's whereabouts but I know it would raise suspicions. There's already enough coal in the fire so there's no need to create a volcano. They've come to question me-that much is obvious-so I'm just going to keep calm and tell them the parts they need to hear.

''If you don't mind, we'd like to ask a few questions.'' They get their little pads and pens from their pockets, ready to jot down what I had to say. ''With all due respect, officers,'' Mum starts with a frown on her face as she checks my temperature. ''I'm her mother and she's not in the right frame of mind to answer any questions.''

Officer James nods in understanding. ''We completely understand, ma'am. I was the one who found Melody in the bushes,'' a ghost of a smile appears on his face. ''However, we have to do our jobs. The sooner we get the information we seek, the better.''

''It's fine, Mum.'' I sit up a little, despite the pain I'm feeling in my joints. ''I'll be willing to answer any questions.''

''Are you sure?'' I nod and angle my face towards the officers. ''Fire away.''

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