Hate You, Love You.


''We found your belongings in a red Jeep belonging to Mr Bob Stewart. Your I.D happened to be among the things we retrieved at the crime scene, thus we were able to link you to the happenings of that day.'' Officer Louis starts, his stern face looking at me intently. ''Would you mind telling us exactly what happened on the 7th of September?'' 

''Well,'' I begin nervously, my nail polish suddenly becoming of interest to me. ''I went to school, came back home and got ready for my night shift at Bob's Eat 'N' Grillz.'' Now that I think about it, I should have been a lot smarter after the incident with Khalil. Night shifts are cursed for me and I should have removed my name from the roaster. 

''The diner was packed so it was a rough day. My boss, Bob Stewart, offered to drive me home since my car was still at the repair shop and it was getting late. We were on our way when someone in a black sedan pulled up and started shooting,'' I swallow the lump in my throat. ''Bob, my boss, defended me and told me to run into the bushes. So I did because I was scared.''

Officer Louis nods and takes down a few things, his head hanging low. I use that as an opportunity to scrutinize him: dark uniform, light greying stubble, a mole at the corner of his mouth and a receding hairline.

''What is your relationship with Bob Stewart?'' he asks all of a sudden. I gulp internally and meet his eyes, ready to put on an Oscar-worthy performance. ''Like I said, he's my boss. Nothing more.''

''Are you sure about that, Miss Jones.'' My mum shoots a glance at me but I pretend to not see it. ''Yes, Officer Louis, I'm sure.'' I divert my eyes away from him and mum squeezes my free hand as if saying 'Everything will be okay, you'll get through this.'

''Did you see who it was? The shooter?''

I try to rack my brain to see if I remember anything, maybe a facial feature or a description or something that would be useful but my mind comes up blank. In that moment, all I heard and saw was gunshots. That alone is enough to traumatize anyone. The tinted windows of the sedan rolled down and bullets came flying everywhere.

The only reason I don't have a bullet in my brain is because of Bob.

I shake my head in the negative and lace my fingers together after I realize that I haven't responded to the question. ''No. I was too scared to see who it was. Plus, from my angle, I couldn't get a good view. I was mostly on the ground the whole time per Bob's orders.'' 

I meet Officer James' eyes for the first time and they are an impressive shade of hazel, the brightest I've seen on any male before. I never thought I'd ever see a police officer that is good looking in person before, but I guess I finally have that chance. His eyes compliment his light skin tone perfectly.

Truth be told, he looks more like a male model than a police officer.

Even Jason can't compete with him.

He catches me staring a little too much and clears his throat loudly. That snaps me out of my daydream and I give him an apologetic smile. He nods curtly and continues from where his partner left off, lips forming into a thin line. I wonder what he's thinking right now because it's very hard to tell with his facial expression from across the room. ''Surveilance footage from the scene showed that the both of you were in some form a disagreement.'' Mum raises her brow at me. ''It seemed pretty heated.''

''It was a disagreement about work,'' I downplay, careful not to out Bob and I's relationship to the police. ''Nothing serious.''

Officer James scrutinized me with his gaze, but I refuse to budge. Keep calm, Melody. Either I was a good liar or he wasn't a good detective, because he drops the matter. I heave a sigh of relief internally. ''After the argument, that was when the dark sedan pulled up, right?"


''Did you observe it tailing the car you were in before?''


''Do you know why it was following you?''

Of course not, officer. Why exactly would I have a clue as to why a crazy person decided that a rain of bullets would be the perfect way to ruin my night.

And my happiness.

''No idea.'' 

''Do you think it has something to do with Bob Stewart?'' Officer Louis asks, his tone gruff in contrast with Officer James' silky smooth baritone.

''I-I'' I stammer. ''I don't know.'' Truth be told, I really don't know. I had my suspicions that we were targeted because of Bob's dealings, but without evidence, I really can't accuse him of anything. ''I'm not aware he had people who were out to get him.''

''We're about to wrap up,'' Officer Louis says. ''Lastly, Melody, do you remember anything-anything at all-that would be useful to this investigation.''

''No,'' I lie, not meeting anyone's eyes. ''I've said everything I know.''

''Okay, then.'' The men stretch their hands to shake mum's hands and she takes it, but with suspicion. They both nod at me and I smile lightly at them, although it looks more like a grimace. ''Thank you both for your time.''

''Wait.'' They turn around and I bite my lip nervously. ''Is Bob alive?'' The question has been on the tip of my lips since I was alone in the bushes. 

I direct my question to Officer James, who in my opinion is a bit friendlier. He looks at his partner for what feels like hours before giving me an answer. 

''I'm sorry, Miss Jones,'' Officer James answers, a hint of compassion showing on his face for the first time since the inquisition. ''As this is an ongoing investigation, we can't provide you with any information at this time.''

Great, I'm back to uncertainty. ''Oh.''

With a final look my way, they leave and I heave a sigh of relief. How I got through that without wavering is a miracle. I've been told before that it's wrong to lie to police officers, but what was I supposed to do? Tell the truth and let Bob go to jail? Anyone in my shoes would have done the same. Besides, as teenagers, scratch that, as humans, when we're scared, we lie. It's a defense mechanism, a way for us to cope with our messed up reality.

But the thing about lies are they become bigger. One tiny 'white' lie can escalate into something bigger. Once it becomes bigger, there's the tendency to use another lie to cover that one up until it all explodes in your face.

This investigation is far from over, and judging by the media attention it's getting, it's going to be a hot topic in Bridgewood.

The last thing I need is the media being all up in my business.

''Are you okay, honey.'' Mum asks in a sweet tone. Funny, I forgot she was even in the room for a moment there. ''You have a frown on your face.''

I dab my face with my hands a little. ''It's nothing. Aren't you on duty? Not that I don't want you to stay here but won't the hospital get mad?''

She settles next to me on the bed. ''My supervisor knows you are here so she gave me permission to take care of you. I've buzzed the doctor to tell him you're awake so he'd be here in a short while.'' 


She leans over to the table and opens the paper bag. ''I brought some Jerk chicken and rice from this Jamaican restaurant that I've been telling you about.'' She hands me a plastic fork. ''You haven't eaten in a while.''

I open the lid of the food and my stomach growls. Mum laughs and I blush from embarrassment. ''Thanks, mum.''

''Eat up, and while you do, I want you to listen.'' Her expression turns serious and I drop my fork in my plate before I even take the first bite. ''I know I'm not home much and I leave you to take care of Sophie, but I'm still your mum, Mel. I love you so much and I thought I almost lost you.''

I almost lost me too.

''So I want you to be honest with me.''

''About what?''

''Why was your boss dropping you home? It seems odd to me considering you're an employee.''

I divert my eyes from her. This is the second time I'm doing that within a span of twenty minutes. ''He was just being nice, honestly. Kathy and the others had left and I had to stay to clean up the diner.''

''And there's nothing going on between the two of you? You and Bob?''


The silence in the air is deafening, you can hear it from a mile away. Not to mention, the tension is so thick, you can cut it with a butter knife. I can't meet her eyes, no I just can't. She gave birth to me and she's no fool. She'd see right through my lies and then it's game over.

After a beat, she says. ''You're lying, Mel. You divert your eyes when you're lying to me.''


''You did the same thing when the police officer asked you about your relationship with your boss.''

Busted again.

''Is there something going on between the two of you?''


''So there is?''


''Melody, don't leave me in the dark. I need to know what's going on,'' she pleads desperately. I finally meet her eyes and it almost shatters me to the brink of tears.

''I'm sorry, mum. I'm so sorry.'' I gather my face in my hands, struggling to keep the tears in but it's no use. I feel the salt water running down my fingers and hitting the bed covers. ''I'm so sorry.''

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