Hate You, Love You.

Chapter 55 - CRAZY

''When I said I wanted answers, this isn't exactly what I had in mind.''

He puts the car in park, turns off the ignition and motions for me to get out. I roll my eyes at him and it dawns on him that I can't actually get out without assistance.

''Oh right,'' he says bashfully. ''Sorry, I forgot.'' He rounds to the passanger side and helps me up, then leans to get my bag and crutches. ''Thanks.''

''Don't mention it.''

I see the familiar building of the local police station and my stomach twists in knots. I knew the day was coming, the day I had to face the music, but denial had been my safe haven for so long. If you pretend it never happened, maybe you'd start to internalize it and it'd become a reality. 

If I pretend that there wasn't a shootout, I wasn't injured and Bob may or may not be a new addition in heaven, then maybe it'll be true,

But this is my reality and the crutches are a cruel reminder.

Much like when I came here to report Khalil, I'm a combustion of nerves and my first instinct is to run away, but I can't under Officer James' watchful eye. With a comforting squeeze of my left shoulder, he says. ''Don't be nervous. You wanted a follow up on your case? Well, the answer is waiting for you inside those double doors.''

''So your plan all along was to pretend to be a student and kidnap me?''

He throws his head back laughing and I can see his intricately defined jaw. It's official, the girls at Adelaide are going to leave Jason's altar and start worshipping at his temple. ''It's not kidnapping if you came here willingly.''


''Let's go.''


''Nice to see you again, Miss Jones. I'm Officer Louis,'' he points to himself. ''If you recall, we met at the hospital.''

How can I forget?

''Nice to see you again although I'm really uncomfortable right now.'' I point to the cameras at the back of the room. ''I'm not a criminal. Are all these necessary?''

His lips curve a little, but his partner, whose name is Detective Anderson doesn't seem amused. Leaning casually on the wall with his arms crossed above his chest is Officer James who prior to me being led into the interrogation room had changed attire. The Adelaide getup is long gone, replaced with a button down trousers and a red checkered shirt.

''You are a prime witness and a victim in an ongoing investigation,'' Detective Anderson answers tightly. The sooner you co-operate with us, the better.''

Who shit in his cereal?

Detective Anderson opens a file which I assume is my case file and looks up at me. Adjusting his glasses, he writes down a few things. ''Officer James and Officer Louis have briefed me on your statement at the hospital. But, I want to question you again, if you don't mind. Walk me through what happened on the night of September 7th?''

I walk him through the events of that day, painful as it is to recall. Much like what I had said in my earlier statement, I was at work, Bob was on his way to drop me home, someone decided to play Russian Roulette and Bob is nowhere to be found. While he is questioning me, I can tell he is analysing me, like how Judge Judy analyses the plantiffs and defendants who come to her court. He wants to know if I'm lying and I know it's a very common trait with detectives. 

I watched Sherlock so I'm not stupid.

Sucks for him though because thus far, I've been nothing but truthful.

''Have you had any contact with Mr Bob Stewart after the accident?''

Careful not give anything away, I mask my sadness with nonchalance. ''No. Why would he contact me?''

Detective Anderson's suited body leans forward, his eyes focusing on mine from opposite the table. ''Funny how you should ask that question. In the earlier statement given to Officer Louis and Officer James, you claimed Mr Bob Stewart is your boss and 'nothing more'.''

I don't react or say anything, not sure where he is going with this. ''In one of the cars at the scene, the red Jeep to be precise, we found something very interesting while we were gathering evidence.'' He slips a picture in front of me and my eyes widen.


''Do you mind explaining that?''

How do I explain it? A picture is worth a thousand words and it's already damning. I had taken that picture when Bob and I went on our first date. We were both so happy and carefree at the park. The lighting was perfect with just the right amount of sun and the picture was taken: my lips pressed against his right cheek as he sticks his tongue out.

We took a bunch of pictures that day, but that picture he liked in particular and asked me to send it. And I did.

How was I supposed to know he was going to have it in printed format?

You know, this just sends our 'being careful' mantra straight to hell. 

I ponder a bit about my next response. If I lie, I may not get the answers I seek. If I tell the truth, then God knows if the media or any other person would get wind of the news. I'd be humiliated, or worse, publicly ostracized and be the subject on everyone's lips.

High school student, Melody Jones was dating her boss who as of now is nowhere to be seen.

The reactions will be one for the books.

Grandma Maggie always told me that when in doubt, I should follow my head and not my heart. My head is telling me to confess everything, but my heart is telling me to shut the fuck up and request for a lawyer.

''Bob and I dated for a few months,'' I confess. Detective Anderson doesn't flinch or bat an eyelash and neither does Officer Louis. I take a quick look at Officer James and he has an unreadable expression on his face. ''We were happy too until the incident occurred.''

''For a few months? How many?'' I motion my hand to sign the number five and they nod. I'm not ashamed of the fact that Bob and I were dating, but looking at Officer James' face again is making me feel like maybe it wasn't the smartest decision I've made.

''When did the both of you meet?'' I look up at Officer Louis. ''Last year at Club Scandal. We weren't dating at the time. We only got together five months ago.''

The best five months of my life.

''During the duration of your relationship, was there any sexual contact?'' I knew this question was looming, so it doesn't surprise me when Detective Anderson asks, albeit in an accusatory manner.

''No, there wasn't.'' 

We knew the consequences of having sex. Even though it wasn't really explicitly stated, we had a silent agreement that there would be no sexual activity between us because if word got out, our relationship would've been exposed. He'd go to jail and I'd be heartbroken. 

''Are you sure, Miss Jones?''

I nod affirmatively. ''I'm being totally honest. He's not a monster.'' 

Even though he's nowhere to be seen and even though I don't know what the future holds for our relationship, I will still defend him. Why? Because I love him. Sitting here, in front of these detectives and being interrogated is not how I imagined spending my Tuesday evening after school. But, I need to know why we were targeted. In order for me to know that, I have to be calm, honest and cooperative despite my nerves.

Officer Louis whispers something in Detective Anderson's ear and I take a quick glimpse at Officer James again who is still leaning on the wall at the corner. Our eyes meet and I furrow my eyebrows because he still has a frown on his face. I know that what he heard is a lot to take in , but come on, if anyone should be frowning, it's me.

I'm the one who's a witness in a shooting and being interrogated. 

''Miss Jones, have you ever heard of the mafia?'' I shift my attention back to Detective Anderson. ''Yes, in books and movies.'' I am a big fan of 365 Days after all.

He finally cracks a smile and I do a happy dance in my head. A little comic relief is needed to diffuse tension. ''I'm talking about in real life. Have you heard of them?''

I frown deeply. ''No, I haven't. I don't believe they exist.''

What has this got to do with my case?

Officer Louis writes something down on his notepad and continues. ''Did your boyfriend ever mention anything to you about the mafia?''

Where are they going with this.

''No, he didn't. What has that got to do with Bob?''

The two men look at each other and then at me. ''Bob Stewart has been under investigation for having affiliations with the mafia.''

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