Hate You, Love You.

Chapter 56 - DIANONDS

Everything I ever knew was a lie

Our relationship was built on a foundation of lies and I was too blinded by this stupide emotion call love that I didn't realize I was being played, strung along like a fucking guitar.

I should have been smarter, wiser. For God's sake, I'm in the race for valedictorian and yet I couldn't see what was right in front of me.

After our encounter with Patricia and the conversation I heard at the diner, I had my suspicions that he was keeping secrets from me. I just didn't know what it was. But now that I know the severity of it all, I've come to a realization:

I am stupid.

Plain. Fucking. Stupid.

''Bob Stewart has been under investigation for having affiliations with the mafia.'' Detective Anderson puts it bluntly. ''Of course, we don't know the severity of his ties, but he's a prime suspect and we've been keeping a close eye on him.''

He slips a picture in front of me and I look down at it in intrigue and disbelief. ''What the actual hell?'' I whisper. Before me is a mugshot of Bob. It's definitely him because I could spot his overgrown hair from a mile away even though in the picture, he looks worse for wear.

''Last year, he was arrested on drug and weapon related charges. We tried to tie him down for good by linking him to the mafia, however we didn't have enough evidence. Thus, he was let go.'' Officer Louis explains.

''I need a minute.'' I say, dizzy from the information overload. Things are starting to make sense now. A lot of sense. When he was on the phone requesting for weapons to be delivered, it was all for his nefarious activities. And when he said he had a 'business trip abroad', I'm pretty sure that was a lie too. 

He said he loved me. Was that another one of his lies?

''Miss Jones, did you not suspect anything while the two of you were together?'' Officer Louis asks, his eyes trained on me again. I'm about to mention the incident at the diner but I bridle my tongue. If my suspicions are correct, and Jason Blunt is the one he was on the phone with, then I don't want him dragged in this mess.

Why am I protecting him?

''I didn't,'' I affirm in a strong voice, tugging at my school sweater. ''I didn't even know he had this other life or that mafias existed anywhere outside of movies and books.''

For a smart girl, I really am naïve.

''They exist,'' the rugged voice of Detective Anderson voices out. ''In fact: we have two on our radar in the US: The Floretini's and the Sidenno's. We suspect that your boyfriend may be associated with one of them.''

Just great.

''The reason why we are telling you all this is because we strongly believe that you are in great danger. The fact that you were both targeted is no mere coincidence. Somebody wanted you both dead.'' Taking deep long breaths, I try to steady my breathing as my blood runs cold. Of course they'd want me dead. I'm dating Bob who is apparently in the mafia, so by association, I'm a 'threat.'

Who the fuck did he piss off?

''Judging by the nature of the attack, it looked personal.'' My mind goes back to that night. The attacker knew exactly where we were going and may have probably been tailing us but we were too busy having an argument.

What if he/she knows about my family? They could be in danger too.

''I don't know what to say,'' I admit. ''This doesn't feel real. None of this looks normal.'' When did I go from a high school student with a boyfriend to a high school student who has a target on her back?

Officer James, who I forgot was even in the room, walks over and places a bottle of water in front of me, eyes looking sympathetic. I thank him and unscrew the cap to take a long sip of the cool substance.

''I know this is a lot to take in, but from now on, you have to be very careful.'' Officer Louis warns. ''It's the mafia we're dealing with here and they are known for being ruthless when it comes to committing crimes and leaving no evidence of their involvement.''

He motions for Officer James to join us. ''That is why we enlisted the help of Officer James. I'm sure you were quite startled when he showed up as a student at your school?'' I honestly don't want to know how the detectives knew I was a student at Adelaide.

A ghost of a smile appeared on his lips and I smile too like we were sharing a secret that only we knew. 

''Officer James recently moved to Bridgewood and he's going to be an undercover cop.'' I furrow my brows in confusion. ''Think of him as your new bodyguard until we can wrap up this case.''

No way.

''This means that he'd be watching your every move and going everywhere with you. Think of him as your shadow for the meantime.''

''I know we're dealing with the mafia, but is a 'bodyguard' necessary?'' I reason. ''I'm pretty sure the person that wants to kill me is not at Adelaide.''

The only person I can think of that would want my head on a chopstick is Mariah, but she's all bark and no bite. The only murder weapon she has is hairspray.

''We can never be too careful,'' Officer James says for the first time since the interrogation. ''Experience will teach you that you can never rule out any possibilities till you're completely sure.'' I narrow my eyes at him. ''Do you know the kids at Adelaide? How do I explain that I suddenly have a bodyguard if we start showing up together?''

''I have a solution for that,'' he responds cheekily. ''Just tell them I'm your stepbrother.''

''That makes sense.'' Detective Anderson says. Officer Louis nods in affirmation and I look at the three in disbelief. It doesn't make an iota of sense!

''Just tell them that your dad remarried and I'm your step mum's son,'' he explains like it's the most reasonable thing in the world. ''Problem solved.''


Detective Anderson clears his throat and we turn our attention to him. ''Like Officer James said, you can't rule out any possibilities. Miss Jones, I want you to know the severity of your situation and why it is highly important that you have a 'bodyguard'.'' I nod and slump back in the chair. Whoever tried to kill Bob and I before failed and may try again. The next time, he/she may succeed and that's what the detectives are afraid of. I understand all that but that doesn't mean I'm not a bit weirded out. 

Bodyguards are only for rich heirs and heiresses like the ones at Adelaide not for a regular girl like me.

''I understand.''

He smiles, satisfied. ''Glad we are on the same page. Another issue of importance is your discretion,'' he adjusts his glasses. ''For your safety and that of your loved ones, we would appreciate it if you don't say a word to anyone, not even your own family, until we wrap up this investigation. The less people know, the better.''

Great, more lies.

''This is a secret investigation, hence why we have refused to release any other information to the media. We would soon, but don't worry, your identity and involvement in the case would be protected as your safety is paramount to us.''

Shit, this is real.

Officer Louis continues. ''Surveillance would be discreetly set up around the surrounding areas of your home in order to keep a close eye on your family. We don't know how much the assailant knows about you. From now on, Miss Jones, things are going to be different, but know that these adjustments are for you and your family's good.''

Detective Anderson turns to Officer James who looks stoic. ''You know what to do. She's your priority so keep her safe.''

''Yes sir.''

They pack up the pictures and papers strewn on the table into the file. ''Thank you for your time,'' Detective Anderson says in a tone of finality. ''Stay safe.'' He gives a curt nod to Officer James who nods back. The two men, Officer Louis and Detective Anderson proceed to leave but I stop them. 

I need to know something, something that'll guide my decisions moving forward since my life will never be the same again.

''I just have one question.'' I swallow the lump in my throat and glance at the three men. ''Is Bob dead or alive?'' Despite all the revelations today, I still have feelings for him and it isn't something that'll fade overnight.

''There were no bodies found at the scene, however we did find traces of blood.'' I blink back the tears threatening to spill. ''We don't know if he's dead or he's in hiding.''


As promised, Officer James resumed his duties as my bodyguard and drove me home. After the bombshell that was dumped on me, I don't have the energy to do anything. All I want to do is curl into my blanket and cry.

How could I be so stupid?

''Are you okay,'' he asks sympathetically as we approach the familiar, dull brown colour of my apartment building.

''No,'' I whisper as the tears threaten spill for the umpteenth time. ''I'm not okay.''

I don't think I would be for a while.

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