Hate You, Love You.

Chapter 62 - SO WHAT!

A throat clears rather loudly, interrupting and bringing us back to reality. Jason slips his hands from my waist and steps back, leaving a healthy distance between us but I'm too flushed to move.

I want to protect you, Princess.

That line is going to play in my head for a really long time, I just know it.

''Am I interrupting something?'' Theo asks, rather angrily might I add as he stares Jason and I down. Mostly Jason if I'm being honest because if looks could kill, then Jason is as good as dead.

''Yes,'' Jason replies rather smugly. ''You are.''

Theo narrows his eyes and turns his attention to me. When he sees my face, his expression softens. ''Did he do anything to you?''

So he hadn't been watching all this time?

''Why are you crying?''

''I'm not crying, Theo.''

He turns his gaze to Jason but he simply shrugs. ''You said something to her, didn't you?''

''I didn't tell her anything that wasn't true,'' he answers cryptically. We share a look, a silent understanding of the sorts. We are not to breathe a word about what we talked about to anyone-it's our little secret.

Much like my first two secrets, the former being Bob and the latter being Officer James, I intend to keep my mouth shut, at least till things blow over or spiral out of control. 

Theo looks at us again and sighs in resignation because he knows he won't get a straight answer from anyone. 

''Mel, can we go?''


He casts a lingering, almost threatening last glance at Jason before walking in the direction of the car with me in tow. As I follow closely behind him, I can feel Jason's stare on my back, his prickling stare that makes me want to run back to him just to feel his hands on my waist again.

But, I don't go back. 

We make it to Theo's car and he opens the passanger's side for me and I get in. He moves into the driver's side and backs out of the parking lot, speeding (within the legal limit) into the freeway. The car is filled with silence and tension, unwarranted tension. Even the radio can't do a great job at diffusing the tension which is saying something because I love listening to music on the ride home.

Theo has a frown perched on his face, a 360-degree turn from his mood earlier in the day. His jaw ticks slightly with each turn he makes on the road leading to my home and his hands grip the steering wheel a little too tightly.

What the fuck is his problem?

''With all due respect, Officer James,'' I say jeeringly. ''what the actual fuck is your problem?''

''I don't like that guy,'' he says flatly.

Really? What gave that away?

''The only thing you know is his name! Seriously, what is the issue? Because you barely know him.''

''I'm a cop. I know bad company when I see one.''

That earns him an eyeroll but too bad he can't see it. ''I know we're playing pretend siblings, but you can quit the big brother act now. If I wasn't there, you probably would have had his head on a stake. What did he ever do to you?''

He doesn't answer my question initially, instead there's a pregnant pause and a quick glaze at me. The glaze is followed by a shake of his bleach blonde hair. 

''I just don't like him. Plain and Simple.''

Something tells me he's lying but I don't want to push it. He may know that Jason is in a gang. In fact, I believe that's the reason for his hostility. Either that or he may just not like Jason. Either way, it's best if I keep my mouth shut. If I push it, he'd get curious and then he may realize that I know that Jason is in a gang but withheld that information during my interrogation.

''You don't know him,'' I respond coolly.

''I know enough,'' he mutters under his breath. I cast a questioning glance at him but he waves it off. ''It's nothing, but believe me when I say this, you're better off not liking the guy.''

Too late for that.


''Something tells me that what I'm telling you is going in one ear and coming out the other,'' he jokes, in an attempt to make light of the situation. I laugh, grateful for the change in mood.

''I'm serious, your warning has been noted.''

And thrown outside along with a hobo that just threw a bottled water on the floor and crushed it with his bare feet.

''Not just noted,'' he warns again. ''Taken into account.''

Yea, sure.

''Can I ask you something?'' I say as we park at Aunty Fiona's bakery. He must have sensed my hunger because good Lord, I can't wait to eat! The bakery isn't as elaborate as the one in Paris' neighbourhood, but it's just right: small, quaint and it always smells like baked goods.

I've known Aunty Fiona ever since I was a little girl. I remember she'd always give Khalil and I pieces of her famous chocolate cake anytime we run errands for her. I still have a picture of me in this bakery. I was about five at the time, with a cake in my bare hands, a gap-toothed smile on my face, and cake residue dripping from my mouth.

Those were the good old days.

''Why are you smiling like that,'' Theo asks, amused. I shake my head and put a hand to my lips, realizing that I am actually smiling.

''This bakery is an integral part of my childhood. It holds a lot of memories because I used to come here often when I was little.''

He nods in understanding. ''I'm glad I chose it then.'' He unlocks the door automatically. ''Come on.''

With my jacket securely tightened, we rush into the bakery, hearing the familiar 'ding' of the door as we enter.

Aunty Fiona has her back towards us as we near the show glass. ''Welcome to Fiona's World, what can I get you?'' she drawls in a monotonous tone.

''A hug would be a start.''

She whips her body so fast and her eyes widen in surprise. ''Is that my Melly Mel?''

This is where the nickname comes from.

''In the flesh, Aunty Fiona. It's been a while.''

She has aged a bit from the last time I saw her; the dark hair that once decorated her head has turned grey, her once smooth, chocolate skin has started showing tell-tale signs of wrinkling and fingers aren't as smooth as they once were.

But she still looks as beautiful as ever, even moreso now that she's smiling.

''Melly Mel?'' Theo whispers beside me.

I nudge him in the ribs and he holds back his laughter.

No one is allowed to call me that except Aunty Fiona!

''I can't believe it's you, she says, bewildered. ''You've grown so much. Come give me a hug.''

I walk over to the door where she comes out from and give her a bare hug, careful not to squeeze her small frame too much.

''You're so big now,'' she pats my cheek. ''And so beautiful too.''

I blush a little at her compliment. ''You don't look a day over fifty.''

''You flatter me, dear. I'm sixty-five already. I'm getting old.''

''You don't look it.''

''Tell that to my back,'' she jokes lightly. Pulling me to a table in the empty bakery, she pats the leather seat. ''Come have a seat.'' As if just noticing Theo's presence, she casts a glance at him, then at me, a mischievous glint in her eye.

''You must be the boyfriend,'' she waves him over. ''Come over and have a seat also.''

''He's not my boyfriend,'' I explain as he takes a seat across from me on the round table. ''He's a friend.''

''So he's a boy and a friend,'' she reasons. ''That makes him your boyfriend.''

''That's not what I-''

''Don't worry. I won't tell your mother,'' she winks. ''It's our little secret.''

I just drop it and decide to let it slide because knowing Aunty Fiona, she'd come to her own conclusions no matter how many times I deny it. Theo doesn't even hide his amusement and I narrow my eyes at him. This earns me a stick out of his tongue and I shake my head.

''How's school?'' she asks lightly and I'm grateful she dropped the boyfriend subject. ''I'm guessing you're a senior now.''

''I am and school's going great. I'll be graduating next year.''

Her eyes light up. ''That's wonderful. I'll be sure to send a graduation cake your way.'' Yum. ''And a few gifts because I know for sure you're getting all the A's.''

Her gaze falls on Theo. ''I hope you're not distracting her from her studies?''

''No ma'am.''

He didn't even deny it!

''You look like a responsible young man,'' Oh, he's a man alright. ''So I'm sure she's in good hands.''

Her focus shifts back to me and she rapidly fires questions. ''How's your mum?''

''Amazing. She's still at St John's.''


''Also good.''

''And Khalil? I haven't seen him in a very long time.

My smile drops instantly and I tightly respond. ''We're not on speaking terms right now.''

''Oh,'' she responds, oblivious to my mood change. Theo however sends a questioning gaze my way.

''Did you two have a fight?''

''Something like that.''

''Well, whatever it is,'' she responds chirpingly. ''I'm sure you'd resolve it.'' Never in a million years. ''You two were so close when you were younger. Always running around this checkered floor and causing a ruckus.''

That's the version of Khalil I like to embed in my brain, the innocent and kind one who didn't try to rape me.

''We were a bit much, weren't we?''

''You bet your brown sugar.''

She dips her hand in her apron and brings out a pen and paper. ''What can I get you both? It's on the house.''

Free food!

''I'll have your famous chocolate cake and an iced tea if you don't mind.''

We both turn to Theo. ''I'd like a doughnut and a cup of coffee. Dark.''

Dark coffee? Really.

''Coming right up.''

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