Hate You, Love You.

Chapter 63 - YIKES

''So Khalil?'' Theo asks, trying to make conversation. That is definitely one subject I do not want to talk about over sugary snacks.

''I really don't want to discuss it.''

Thankfully, he drops the subject and we eat our snacks in silence. Aunty Fiona's chocolate cake tastes better than I remember it. The way the chcocolate, along with whip cream since I requested for it, melts in your mouth is a spiritual experience.

''Tell me about yourself. If you're going to be my bodyguard, we might as well get to know each other.''

He looks up from his plate and places the doughnut down. ''You know enough about me as it is.''

I wag my middle finger. ''Nope. I only know the story we created. The only thing that is true is the fact that your name is Theodore Clayton James.''

He nods. ''Fair point. Quite frankly, I'm supposed to divulge as little information as possible. It's for your safety, but since we have an understanding between us. I might as well.''


He leans back into the chair and shrugs his jacket off. ''What do you want to know?''

''Where are you from?''

''Born and bred in Austin, Texas.''

A cowboy, huh?

''High school?''

''Westlake High.''

''When did you join the police force?'' He's only twenty-five so my guess is he entered the force straight out of high school.

''I joined the police academy at eighteen, got promoted, joined the ATF, so here I am.''

''Why did you move to Bridgewood?'' I still don't understand why anyone would leave Texas for Bridgewood. Far as I'm concerned, this town is as good as dead. I'll take living in the city over this place anytime.

''And that, Melly Mel,'' I send him a threatening glare. ''is where the questions end.''

I groan. ''Oh, come on. You're not going to tell me.''

''It's classified information.''

Classified my ass.

''Here are your drinks.'' Aunty Fiona announces as she places the iced tea and coffee on the table straight from the tray. She sends me a wink before leaving to attend to other customers.

''So if you're not going to tell me,'' I continue. ''At least tell me about the Sidenno's and the Floretini's.''

I've been curious about them ever since the interrogation. I would have checked the internet but I want the answer straight from the source, and what better source than a police officer?

''You never heard about them? No even from Bob Stewart?'' he asks, bewildered. I shake my head in the negative. ''I wasn't lying,'' About everything. ''when I said I had no idea about who or what they were. Again, up until the interrogation and shit hit the fan, I did not know mafias existed.''

He opens his mouth to speak but I cut him off. ''And before you tell me it's 'classified information', know that I need to know what I'm up against since I'm somehow mixed up in all this mess.'' And got dragged into this mess by someone who claimed to love me. ''You might as well tell me why they're trying to kill me.''

We stare at each other, my gaze determined and unwavering. My resolve is stronger than steel and I will not back down. If I want answers, best believe I'll get them. After a beat, he responds. ''We don't know for sure if the ones who attacked you earlier were trying to kill you or you were just collateral damage. Like it was mentioned during your second interrogation, your boyfriend has mafia ties, but we don't know how deep those ties run.''

I bet I know who would.

''Whatever the case may be, I have no doubt in my mind that what happened that night is connected to the Sidenno's or the Floretini's, maybe both.''

He searches my face, maybe for a hint of fear or trepidation, but I don't show it. Hours ago, I was a bit overwhelmed, but now, I'm going to take every bit of information in like a big girl.

''The Sidenno's and the Floretini's are powerful Russian mafia families based in the US. They've been deemed a criminal organization by the Department of Homeland Security and are currently active in forty states. They've been a pain in the ass for investigators ever since the sixties and as their clout and influence increased, so did their criminal activity.''

He pauses. ''Are you sure you want to hear all this?''

''I'm sure.''

''Alright then. They've been accused of racketeering, murder for hire, arson, drug trafficking, illegal arms dealing, you name every crime in the book, they've done it.'' Folding his arms together, he says bitterly. ''Of course, we've never been able to prove all these because they're very careful and they cover their tracks well. Members of a mafia operate on a code of silence known as the Omerta, so they don't speak to anyone about their activities, much less to investigators. The consequences for breaking that code are brutal, even more brutal than going to prison. Over the years, the ATF have been able to arrest some individuals who've been suspected of being involved in the mafia, as you saw with Mr Stewart, however without concrete evidence, then it becomes an arduous task for us to pin such individuals down so they're let go,'' he takes a sip of his coffee. ''It doesn't help that individuals who may know something are not usually forthcoming with information because they fear for their life and that of their families. Mafia's thrive on intimidation, and that's been a powerful weapon they've utilized to their advantage for hundreds of years.''

And you just had to get involved with a mafia affiliate, Mel. Great job!

''Also, the Siddeno's and the Floretini's have been rivals for as long as I can remember. I don't know what caused the bad blood between them, but that's how it's been. I'm not supposed to tell you this because it's inside source information,'' I put a seal motion to my lips. ''but recently, there was some sort of war that happened between the two groups in Arkinsas. It left about twelve individuals dead and the rest fled the scene before investgators came in.''

I take back what I said earlier, maybe being involved with Bob wasn't the wisest decision I've made thus far.

''Wow. That's a lot.''

''That's why I'm here,'' he leans in. ''Undercover.''

''So basically, a member of either the Siddeno's or the Floretini's is trying to kill me. Wonderful,'' I remark sarcastically. ''Remind me to never again get involved with an older man.''

''I don't blame you,'' he says. ''I blame him because he was older and more mature. Talking from an officer's perspective, I think he took advantage of you.''

Why does everyone think he took advantage of me? Sure, it may not have been wise to get involved with him, but everything was consensual. He didn't force me at gunpoint to go out on dates with him or threaten to kill me if I don't kiss him. This is my fault as much as it is his.

''Do I look like someone that can be taken advantage of?''

I look seventeen but I believe I've had life experiences to last me for…well a lifetime.

He laughs. ''I haven't known you for long, but no. However, he was the adult and should have known better.''

''Let's say he was here now and he was arrested. How many years would he get.''

''His offence is statutory rape. Give and take, he's looking at twenty years behind bars.''


''If we can link him to the mafia, then life.''


''But isn't statutory rape sexual intercourse with a minor? We didn't have sex.'' He raises a brow. ''TMI, I know, but he wasn't pushy on the sex subject.''

''Tell that to a judge.''

''All I'm saying is, he isn't necessarily the villain in this messed up story.''

I take a sip of my iced tea and watch his expression. ''Even after everything I just said,'' he starts, lips forming into a firm line. ''You still defend him?''

''I'm not defending him,'' I backpedal a bit. ''I'm just telling it like it is. He didn't force me to do anything I didn't want to do. Yes, it may be frowned by law, and I probably should not even be telling you this cause of what you are-''


''No offence, but the bottom line is, everything was consensual on both sides.''

Yes, he lied to me, and yes, he is the main reason why some sicko is out for my blood and I should hate him, but I don't. First love isn't that easy to discard in a heartbeat. I wish I could wave a magic wand and make everything go away: this whole mess, my feelings, my reality, but I can't.

Even though it only lasted for five months, I still maintain that I love him.

Or loved him because now, I'm not so sure where or with whom my heart lies with anymore.

I'm just so confused.

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