Hate You, Love You.

Chapter 64 - BISCUITS

''It was horrible,'' Paris exasperates. ''Absolutely and utterly horrible.''

''Why don't you calm down and tell me what's up,'' I say calmly as I hand her a bottle of water. Thursdays are my favourite days of the week for a couple of reasons: I only attend a few classes and Maths isn't one of them and it's close to Friday which is close to the weekend.

But nowadays, my Saturdays, along with that of Theo's, are preoccupied with preparing for the big performance at the Adelaide charity event. The class settled on a song by the Beatles, one from Anita Baker and one from Michael Jackson for the Classics so we've been hard at work stressing our vocal chords. The next meeting is this Saturday and I couldn't be happier. I need a distraction, a healthy distraction.

''Mrs Finley called my parents and scheduled a meeting like she said she would and they actually showed up!''

''And that's a bad thing?''

''Yes! You know they never come to any of my shit.''

For as long as I've known Paris, I've never seen her parents show up for anything school related. I've never seen them at parent-teacher's conferences, or at games or even at the annual charity event. Instead, they send her favourite aunt, Rinata, in their stead. Paris stopped caring a long time ago claiming it doesn't matter but I've seen the sad look in her eyes when they miss events that are important to her.

They are not bad people, Mario and Antoinette. I've met them a few times and they've been nothing but kind and hospitable, but they're just too busy.

''Anyway, they came in today and I got pulled out of class. At first I thought I was in trouble but then the kid who called me was like the counsellor wants to see me.''

I nod and take a bite of my pizza. ''Go on.''

''So, there they were, in the flesh. Mind you, I haven't seen them for three days because Vitali said they went on some business trip or whatever. Mrs Finley told them I was doing great in school and all that jazz. She showed them my test results and they were impressed,'' she explains animatedly. ''Then she asked them if they've discussed college with me and shit. Do you know the next thing my father says?''


''He was all like, 'My daughter is going to Yale and she's going to be a surgeon just like me,' '' she mimicks exaggeratedly. ''Then he blatantly lied and said we've discussed the Yale thing when I swear on my life, the conversation has never been brought up. The only conversation we had is the one where he said that he wants me to be a surgeon!''

Paris continues. ''And my mum, she just sits there and nods and I look at them like they're fucking crazy because there's no way I'm going to Connecticut and I'm pretty sure I don't want to be a surgeon.'' Uncapping the bottled water, she takes a small sip. ''My future has already been decided for me! Theo, can you imagine that?''

Paris and Theo have become fast friends. Dare I say, I think she likes him more than she does me because according to her, it's nice to get a 'male's perspective' on matters. Now our squad of two has become three.

''You must be living in a nightmare,'' he responds cheekily. I didn't even realize he has been listening in on the conversation.

''I like your brother, Mel. He actually agrees with me.''

''You like anyone that agrees with you.''

''You don't agree with me on a regular basis and I still like you.'' 

''You don't have a choice,'' I tease. ''You're stuck with me.''


''Moving on, what did Mrs Finley say?''

''Right. so when he said the Yale thing, she nodded her head and asked him again if he's sure that that is what I want.''

From the corner of my eye, I see Jason and the rest of the basketball team walking in in their signature uniform. Ryan roughens Jason' hair and whispers something in his ear. Jason nods absent-mindedly and his eyes fall on me. I want to look away, slightly embarrassed that he caught me staring. He sends a flirtatious wink my way before taking his seat at the popular table in the middle of the lunch hall. As I avert my eyes, I meet Theo's stone cold stare.

Here we go again.

''…and that's how my meeting went. Like I said, it was absolutely horrible. Remind me to never see a counsellor again.''

I really missed half of what she said.

''Why is your face flushed?'' she asks concernedly. ''Theo, is she sick?'' He looks at me with narrowed eyes. ''She's not sick. She just has a hearing problem.''

Paris gasps. ''You do?''

''Trust me, I don't. Can you stop saying that?'' It's getting annoying.

''I'd stop when you listen to me.''


At some point, the hostility towards Jason has to stop.

''Okay then,'' Paris interrupts awkwardly. ''I can see that this is a sibling fight. You two never fight so what gives?'' She directs the question at Theo who shakes his head. ''It's nothing of importance.''

''Hey guys.'' We turn our attention to Easton, Ryan and someone I hadn't expected to see. 

Ryan gives Paris a peck on the lips and they all settle on the empty chairs on the round table. For some reason, Sarah, Taylor and Derek are conspicuously absent. Ryan sometimes sits with us you know, because he's dating Paris. He tries his best to shuffle between the popular table and our not so popular table. 

''Hey, Phaedra,'' I greet specifically with a smile because I can tell she's extremely nervous. It's the first time I've seen her since the rumours started spreading about her pregnancy.

''Hi,'' she responds shyly, unconsciously stroking her baby bump. I turn to Easton who is holding her hand and I raise a brow. ''So?"' I direct at him. ''Are you going to say it or?''

''We decided that we should work things out,'' he announces. Yes! ''Not just for the baby, but you know, for us.''

They make a really cute couple. I'm especially glad he took my advice to not chicken out and be a man because like I said, every kid deserves a father. The journey is going to be tough, but he'll be alright-they'll be alright. And if anything, with the way Easton is looking at Phaedra with those googly eyes, that baby is going to be loved to death. 

And spoiled because I've been elevated to godmother status!

''That's so cute,'' Paris coos. ''And Phaedra, you're actually glowing from head to toe. How many months along?''

''Three,'' she says softly. The bump isn't all that prominent in her school uniform because she's still in the early stages of her pregnancy but if you peer in closely, it's noticeable. ''And I can't believe it. Seems like yesterday when I found out.''

''Any cravings?'' I ask.

''Not serious ones. Just the occasional ice-cream and chocolate in the middle of the night,'' she giggles. ''Other than that, nothing at all.''

''If it isn't the pregnant girl.'' We all stop our chit chat and I groan out loud. Can this girl leave me and my friends alone?

''Hey, Mariah,'' Easton responds with an air of civility though his eyes are telling a different story. She ignores him and turns to Theo. ''Hey, Theo. I offered to let you hang out on the cool kids table but you never showed up.''

''I'm not really interested,'' he deadpans. ''Thank you though.''

Always so polite.

She doesn't take a hint and is still drilling him as to why he didn't come sit at the middle table. I almost feel bad for him. He was sent here to protect me from some mafia people and now he is being hounded by a teenage girl with no scruples.

I decide to help him since his eyes are literally screaming for a saviour. ''Mariah, leave my brother alone. He said he's not interested so take a hint.''

''Step-brother,'' she corrects sassily, turning her attention to me and flipping her blonde hair. ''There's no way he can be directly related to the likes of you.''

''Did you need something, Mariah?'' I'm in no mood for her drama. ''Because it looks like you came here on a mission with the way you charged at us like a bull with no reigns.''

Ryan and Paris snicker and she sends them a glare. ''Actually, I wanted to say hello to the pregnant girl.''


''She has a name and it's Phaedra, not the pregnant girl.'' I may not know Phaedra very well, but I won't sit here and watch Mariah bad mouth her. She's currently dating Easton, and she's carrying my godchild.

If she's insulting Phaedra, she's insulting my godchild and I'm not here for it.

''I don't care enough for names.'' Turning to Phaedra, her lazer green eyes scrutinizes her and it lands on her belly which she's cradling. ''You're off the cheerleading squad by the way. God knows you can't cheer in that state. Anywho, I just wanted to tell you congratulations since you ruined your future.''

''Watch it,'' Easton warns angrily I've never seen Easton angry before. Note to self: Never get on Easton's bad side. ''That's my girlfriend you're talking about and she's carrying MY child.''

Mariah laughs sarcastically. ''I'm sorry. I was really supposed to say you both ruined your futures. Hope you have money for diapers.''

''Come off it, Mariah,'' Easton retorts back. ''The only one who has a ruined future is you because you're a bitch.''

All eyes are on our table now, no one moving a muscle or saying a thing. I hate to be the centre of attention and from the looks of things Phaedra hates it too because she's holding Easton's arm and telling him to calm down.

Either Easton doesn't get the memo or decides to ignore it because he continues. ''Does it make you feel more of a human being when you downgrade others? 'Don't answer that because I know it does. You know, you prance around like you're some sort of saint when you're really a trust fund baby with no manners.''

Go Easton!

''You think you're so perfect. You think everyone is afraid of you just because you're a bully. I hate to break it to you but enough is enough.'' His voice rises by an octave, enough for everyone to hear. ''Since you're so keen on belittling my girlfriend, let's play a game of Dirty Little Secret.'' Never heard of the game before. ''You started this, Mariah so I hope you can finish it.'' he looks directly at her, unafraid.

''You had an abortion last year at Sidai Phi Clinic.''

Holy mother of all revelations.

My jaw is on the fucking floor and so is everyone's jaw on our table along with those who were paying attention to the altercation.

That would mean everyone who decided to not skip lunch because I thought there was silence before, but this silence…let's just say I've never heard silence quite so loud.

Mariah looks gobsmacked and tries to open her mouth to say something, but she quickly closes it. From the looks of things and the fact that she's not denying it, it's a hundred and ten percent true. Easton is not the type to spread meaningless gossip.

''Need I go on?"' he taunts.

She walks away without saying a word and I'm sitting here, stunned and numb to the core.

Last year, Jason and Mariah were perceived to be a couple and although he denies they were ever an item, they were probably fuck buddies.

Does that means that baby belonged to…

No, I don't even want to think about that possibility.

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