Hate You, Love You.

Chapter 65 - THE STORY OF US

The rest of the day is filled with chatter about Mariah's supposed abortion. I shouldn't even call it supposed because her face was an indicator of that fact. Everywhere I go, someone is talking about 'The Queen of Adelaide' and how she had an abortion. I haven't seen Mariah since she walked out, humiliated no doubt, at lunch. My guess is she went home. 

As much as I would like to gloat over her humiliation, I can't. It just doesn't feel right. I know what it's like to be humiliated. Mariah did a number on me when I first arrived at Adelaide until I stopped taking her bullshit, but anyways, humiliation in front of the whole school is no joke. That shit does serious damage to your self-esteem and to your mental health.

I can't believe I'm sympathizing with my nemesis!

Anywho, the talks aren't only about Mariah. Jason is being brought into the mix and is rumoured to have fathered that child. I won't lie and say that it doesn't affect me. I know it happened last year when they were a couple (I have no idea if they still are) and we were still enemies, but I feel funny, sad even. 

I have started falling for him and now this curveball is being thrown my way.

First it was Theo, and now it's the abortion story. It's like the universe is against us. 

Well, there is no us, but there could be.

Of course, there is always the possibility that Jason did not father the child. Mariah isn't exactly a saint, and neither is Jason, but the point is, the baby daddy could be any male in this school.

The only way to know the truth is to ask Jason personally but I can't because I'm avoiding him. I avoided him for the rest of the day and I plan on doing so until further notice. I'm not exactly in the best of moods. It's not everyday you find out that the guy you like would have been a father but then his girlfriend/fuck buddy had an abortion.

''You know, when I was sent here to protect you, no one ever gave me the heads up that high school, much less an elite one would be like this.'' Theo says, attempting to make a joke. Classes are over and we're headed home. The arrangement that we have is still ongoing-he drops me off at home and then goes back to wherever it is he goes to.

I've known Theo for a few weeks now and I have no idea where he lives. Making a mental note to ask him about it later, I balance my books on my arm and sigh. Today has been the longest Thursday of my entire life.

''Times have changed. Roll with it,'' I deadpan. Pushing the wooden and metal double doors, we step into the cold November air. As the wind slaps my face and almost carries me along with it, I realize I should have brought a scarf with me.

''You've been in a pissy mood ever since the incident at lunch,'' Theo points out as he looks at me. ''And it's because of that Jason guy.''

''I wasn't in a pissy mood. I just didn't feel like talking.'' We descend the steps, walking side by side and head towards the student's parking lot.

''You're a bad liar, you know? I've been trained to sniff out liars and you are as transparent as glass.''

''Lucky you,'' I say sarcastically. ''Do you want a medal?''

He lets the jab slide as he puts his hand in his pocket. Like every other day, the student's parking lot is full of Adelaideans, some talking with their friends, others backing out of the parking lot heading home while the other majority are just loitering around.

''Where's Paris?'' Theo asks as we make our way to his car. ''I thought she was coming with us.''

''She's with Ryan.'' Another reason I'm in a pissy mood: Paris ditched me for Ryan. She was supposed to come with me so we could do homework together but she said Ryan had planned a surprise date for her today. I'm happy my best friend is happy and Ryan makes her light up like a Christmas tree, but before Ryan, there was me so it kind of sucks that she chose him over me.

But I understand. It's young love.


''Can we stop at Aunty Fiona's to grab a snack.'' God knows that after the day I've had, I need a sugar high. ''If you don't mind.''

He bows with a smile. ''Your wish is my command.''



As promised, Theo stops at Fiona's world and I buy a chocolate cake for me and a red velvet cake for him. He declines and offers me both but I shove it in his face and practically beg him to take it as a token of my appreciation. What he's doing is incredibly risky. I've watched one too many crime shows to know that undercover agents sacrifice a lot. Theo is sacrificing his safety, his adulthood, his life just to protect me and I know it's a job, but he could have easily declined.

He didn't and I'm really grateful.

I can't imagine someone else being my bodyguard at this point.

''Where do you live?'' I ask randomly as we round the corner of my street. ''You drop me home and then you zoom off but I have no idea where you go to. Are you married?''

His lips hold a ghost of a smile. ''I live at Sunnyside.'' That's an hour away from here. Even more reason to be grateful to him. ''And no, I'm not married.''

''Do you have a girlfriend?''


''So you've never dated anyone?''

''I didn't say that.'' He glances at me briefly before focusing on the road. ''What's with all the questions?''

''I just want to know my bodyguard,'' I respond cheekily. ''Sue me.''

''I have dated in the past, but nothing serious ever came out of it.''

''When this is all over, do you think you'd date anyone?''

He sighs. ''When we get to the river, we'll cross it.''


I lay my head on the door and focus on the peace and tranquillity the car is offering. Maybe if I fall asleep or I close my eyes, everything I heard today will be nothing but a bad, tasteless dream.

''I know you're thinking about him.'' Theo starts. I raise my head up and place it on the head rest.

''I don't know what you're talking about.''

''Again. You're a bad liar.'' He parks in front of the apartment and I place my hand on the door handle, ready to bolt because I don't want to have this conversation with him...again.


''If you're going to tell me that he's bad news and you don't like him, then you can save it.''

''I was actually going to tell you to talk to him,'' What? ''about the rumours.''

I look at him like he has grown two heads or a third eye and he rolls his eyes. ''As a law enforcement officer, when a charge is brought against someone, you have to hear from the 'horse's mouth' in order to figure out what is going on. You are basing your emotions off of rumours that may or may not be true.''

''You avoided him for the rest of the day,'' he continues. I open my mouth to deny it but he cuts me off. ''Yes, I noticed. Usually you'd steal quick glances at him and sometimes you two would make eye contact, but you avoided him like a bubonic plague.''

Damn, he's observant.

''My point is, there are two sides to every story. I don't like the guy and I have good reasons not to-''

''What reasons?'' I interject sharply.

''None that are of your concern for now, but before you start passing out judgement, talk to him, for your sanity because this side of you is depressing as fuck.''

I giggle. ''You cursed! You said fuck.''

He shrugs with a hint of a smile. ''You're a bad influence.''

Stepping out of the car, I get my keys from my school blazer. Theo follows and my right eye catches something unusual. A package is placed in front of my doorstep. I don't remember ordering anything. Mum doesn't do online shopping and Sophie wouldn't order anything unless she gets permission from me or mum.

As we walk towards the front steps, I draw Theo's attention to it and he tells me to step back. His expression is hard as he squats and examines the brown cardboard box. My eyes roam the area, looking for a sign of anyone who had maybe dropped it, but there's none.

''What is that?''

''I don't know but it smells bad.''

I take a step forward but he raises a hand. ''I'm going to get a pair of gloves from the car, but step back. We don't know what it is.''

He jogs to the car and gets the gloves. Still looking at the package curiously, he puts on the gloves and feels around it. ''Doesn't look like ammunition. Certainly doesn't smell like it too.'' he scrunches up his nose in disgust. The smell is really bad up close and personal and I'm wondering what the fuck is in there.

If this is a prank by the neighbourhood kids, it's not funny.

Carefully, Theo unseals the box and what I see next makes me want to throw up in my mouth.

''What the actual…''

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