Hate You, Love You.

Chapter 90 - LASTING LOVER

Mariah calls an impromptu meeting of all volunteers for the Sadie Hawkins dance. For the past week, Paris, and to an extent, Mariah, have been trying to convince me to come but I'm firm on my resolve of not going. I'm not interested in participating in a sexist tradition.

''Couldn't Mariah have held this meeting on any other day???It's Friday and I want to go home. Who likes to be stuck in school longer than necessary on a Friday? No one.'' Paris groans. The meeting is being held in Mrs Gomez's classroom so that's where our boot clad feet are currently dragging to.

Rolling my eyes at Paris' complaint, I comment. ''You were the one who volunteered us-volunteered Theo and I involuntarily. If anything, I'm the one who's supposed to be complaining because I'm not going.'' What's the point of volunteering for something when you're not even going?

She knows I'm right, and the sticking of her tongue is an indication of that. ''You're seriously not reconsidering?'' she asks hopefully. ''Nope. I haven't attended a Sadie Hawkins dance ever since I got here.'' I've attended prom and homecoming, never the Sadie Hawkins. ''I'm not going to start now.''

''You have a reason to start now,'' she answers??with a sly smile. ''You have someone you can go with. Jason and Melody sitting on the tree.'' She pauses. ''When you think about it, it actually makes sense because he was in a tree and you-''

''I get the picture.''


I shove her a little and??turn the door handle of Mrs Gomez's classroom. ''Whatever.''

We enter fully and I scan the classroom. There are about ten people seated on the desk chairs, some I recognize from our classes together. Paris and I sit down next to a girl who looks familiar, although I can't place my finger on it. She's doodling in her notebook with earbuds firmly placed in her ear. Because I sit next to her, I can hear the song emitting from the buds: Monsters by All Time Low.

She turns to me and her eyes widen in recognition. Pulling off the earbuds she says. ''Melody?''

''Hey???'' I trail off.

''Nina,'' she completes.??''I'm Nina??and we met at Ryan's party.''

Oh, right. The conductor of the truth or dare game!

''I knew I recognized you from somewhere. The teal hair is unmistakable.'' She laughs a little. ''Right. I haven't seen you since the party.''

''Same. I guess we're not in the same classes?'' She nods. ''I'm in the 11th grade.'' No wonder. ''So we're not in the same class. I saw the signup sheet for volunteers for the Sadie Hawkins dance and I just had to,'' she says animatedly. ''My parents are big on volunteer work and helping out the community so I thought I'd follow in their footsteps.''

''That's amazing,'' I commend. ''Volunteering for the community is admirable.''

''Thanks.'' Paris gives her a wave and I introduce them. They exchange pleasantries. ''It was nice to see you again, Melody and it was nice to meet you, Paris.''

''Same,'' we chorus and she puts her earbuds back in her ear.

''Before I forget, where's Theo?'' Paris asks curiously. ''I haven't seen him all week.''

Beats me. I haven't seen him all week either. He sends me the occasional texts to check up on me but I don't know where exactly he is or what he's doing. I've asked him but he has been evading the question.

''His aunt is sick,'' I lie. ''So he has to take care of her. He's living with her after all.''

She frowns. ''I didn't know that. I'll call him today and see how he's holding up.''

''Sure,'' I drag. ''You do just that.''

Note to self: Tell Theo to fake his aunty being sick.

The door handle opens and we all turn our attention to Mariah who just walked in. I still can't believe that the Mariah I'm seeing now is actually the same Mariah from the beginning of the school year. Sometimes I pinch myself so that I know that I'm not dreaming when she stops by my locker to chat with Paris and I or when she compliments me on a new accessory I'm wearing.

I'm not the only one who is shocked by her change. She volunteered to be the date to the dance of this kid with braces and a mole the size of a zit. His name is Darwin and he's in a grade below us, probably in Nina's class. No one wanted to go with him so she did much to the surprise of everyone. It happened last weekend and I found out about it on social media because she posted pictures and videos from the event.??

People change but I don't think any change is as drastic as Mariah's. I don't know who or what knocked sense into her but whatever it is deserves a big thumbs up.

How does one go from a bitch to not a bitch in the span of a year?

Standing in front of us, makeup-free with a smile on her face, she addresses us. ''Hey, everyone.'' She adjusts her glasses and clears her throat to fully get everyone's attention. ''Sorry, I'm five minutes late. I had a few things to discuss with Principal Grande. I won't take much of your time, I promise. I know it's Friday and everyone is in a TGIF mood,'' she jokes. Some of us crack a smile and she continues. ''So, let's begin???''


''I don't want to be on decorations duty, Mel.'' Paris complains. ''Can't we switch places?''


As Mariah promised, the meeting didn't take up much of our time. It was ten minutes and she just assigned us to different tasks. Paris and a guy named Dwayde, I've never seen him before, are on decorations duty. I don't even know why she's complaining...again. She did sign up for this. Plus, she isn't actually on decorations duty. All she and Dwayde have to do is buy the decorations, and it's just a portion of it. Mariah handed them a list.

Some other people were assigned to actually decorate the gym and that in itself is a lot of hardwork.

''You just have to buy the decorations, not actually decorate the gym, you know that right?'' I reason. She shrugs and we make our way to the gym. Why are Paris and I heading towards the gym? To watch the basketball team practice. I know that's the last thing I want to do but I don't exactly want to go home just yet. Aunty Fiona's bakery isn't open today, she said something about Joe having a doctors' appointment, which means I have a day off.

In the four years I've been at Adelaide, I haven't watched a basketball practice, neither have I actually watched a basketball game live. I see it on TV but I scroll right past it because sports isn't necessarily my forte. If it's any compensation, I know a few basketball stars: Tristan Thompson (he's dating Khloe Kardashian), Lebron James (one of the greatest basketball players of all time) and Dwayne Wayde (he's married to Gabrielle Union, one of my favourite actresses of all time).

That's about as far as my basketball knowledge goes.

''I know. I'm just being lazy. You and Theo are so lucky because all y'all have to do is buy snacks.''

Though in absentia, Theo was assigned snacks duty and since we're siblings', Mariah said we should do it together. It sounds simple enough if you ask me. I love snacks so it doesn't even feel like a chore. I go to the grocery store to buy snacks on a regular so this should be a piece of cake.


If I'm being honest, my desire to go to the gym had less to do with the urge to cure my basketball watching virginity and more to do with seeing him. I know for a fact that he'd be here, he's the captain after all, so when Paris suggested it in Mrs Gomez's classroom, I said yes in a heartbeat.

We meander towards the bleachers and then I see him, the object of my fantasies. ''Holy shit, Ryan looks so hot.'' Paris gushes.

Holy shit indeed, but it's not for Ryan.

It's for Jason.

There's an intense game of basketball being played in front of me. I know nothing about the sport but judging from the yells by Coach Blake at the sidelines, the game is fierce.??

He is wearing a blue T-shirt with the sleeves ripped off, a similar coloured pair of shorts, the logo of a wolf encircled in fire embedded at the tail end of it and a pair of sneakers which looks like it has seen better days.??

Sweat runs through his body, covering him like an ocean. His entire body is gleaning as he dribbles the ball down the court, positions his body, takes a shot and the ball falls into the net.

''Score.'' I say, impressed. They don't call him the captain of the Adelaide Wolves for nothing.

Ryan gives him a high-five and they continue their game.??

''Go, Ryan and Go, Jason.'' Paris cheers excitedly as she claps for them like their own personal cheerleader. We're the only ones who showed up to watch them practice today. Like I said, it's a Friday. No one wants to be stuck in school longer than necessary.

But, I do. As long as I get to see his sweaty body glisten and his muscles flex with each pass of the ball, then I have no problem waiting.

Their heads turn in our direction; Ryan blows Paris an air-kiss and Jason looks at me in surprise, but then he quickly recovers and sends me a wink before they go back to playing their game.

I have to remind myself to breathe.

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