Hate You, Love You.

Chapter 91 - HOT 'N' COLD

Paris and I spend the next hour and a half watching the basketball team practice- more like I was busy ogling Jason and Paris was busy doing the same with Ryan. Apart from that, I learned the names of a few basketball moves from Paris. I had no idea she had knowledge about the sport but she did.

I guess when your boyfriend is on the team, you tend to pick up on a few things. For example, there is something called the Crossover Dribble. It's a relatively simple move in which a player bounces the ball in front of them from one hand to another and is used when a player wants to change directions or confuse the opponent. I saw Jason do it a few times on the court.

Coach Blake blows his whistle and the guys stop their game. ''Well, done boys,'' he commends gruffly, his Texan accent becoming prominent. ''Y'all did good today and I'm impressed. Remember we have a game against Standrid in two weeks so I want you to bring your A game.'' 

Coach Blake has been the basketball coach for as long as I've been a student here. He's a former NBA player and played for the Lakers in the good old days. I don't know how Adelaide was able to bag a former NBA player but hey, when there's money available, anything is possible. 

He looks like a man in his late forty's (I should really check his Wikipedia page) and boy is he tall. I thought Jason was tall, but Coach Blake puts everyone to shame really. He's a good five inches taller than him. I'm pretty sure if I stand next to him, I'd look like a mouse.

He's a good coach. It's my first time coming for practice but I can tell a good one when I see one. Apart from watching Jason, I was also watching him and how he was controlling things on the court from the sidelines. Sometimes he'd pause the game and tell them to improve on something, but it's never in an 'improve or you die tone', it's more of in a loving tone, like the way a caring father would caution a child.

Not to mention he's very meticulous and pays attention to every single detail. No wonder our team is the best in the district.

Coach Blake pats Jason's sweaty back. ''Good work, Blunt but work on your Spin Move.''

''Yes, Coach.''

He and Ryan high-five and the team disperses, some heading towards the gym exit, others talking amongst themselves, while there's another group lying down on the court, resting their sore limbs and muscles.

Ryan and Jason jog towards us and I tell myself to calm down so I don't make it too obvious that I was fangirling over Jason's body and his abilities on the court.

Breathe, Mel. 

Don't embarrass yourself.

''Babe,'' Paris squeals as she leaps into Ryan's arms, sweat and all. She doesn't seem to mind though because she moves straight to his lips for a chaste kiss. ''You were amazing out there.''


I divert my eyes away from the happy couple and sigh. That could be us but I'm undecided. I turn and I'm greeted with the sight of Jason sitting next to me.

Double breathe, Mel.

His smile deepens as our eyes lock.


I smile back, trying to contain myself and disguise the fact that I spent an hour and a half ogling him. Knowing me and how transparent I am, I'm probably failing miserably.

''Hey,'' I whisper. ''You were great out there. I don't know a thing about basketball but judging by the amount of times the ball fell into the hoop thanks to you, I can see why you're captain.'' I commend with a blush. 

He grins. ''Thanks. I'm happy you came.'' He's happy I came! ''I haven't seen you here before.''

''Yea, well I figured there's a first time for everything,'' I explain. ''Wanted to figure out what the hype was about you-'' he catches that little faux pas and smirks. ''I mean I wanted to know what the hype was about basketball.''

''So you came here for me?'' he questions with a grin that's so big, I think his face might explode.

''No,'' I lie. ''I just said I wanted to know about basketball.''

Up close and personal, with the sweat dry on his clothes and clinging to his body like a second skin, I could see the definition of his abs. Though this isn't the first time I'm seeing it, nor is it the first time I'm feeling it (the kiss, remember?) I really want to inch closer and touch it, as crazy as that sounds.

''Sure,'' he drags, following my gaze. ''I'll pretend I believe you.''

See why I said I'm as transparent as glass?

He runs his fingers through his unruly hair, trying to make it a little neater and I almost sigh in bliss watching him. ''So, where's Theo?''

Mood killer.

''He's not in school today,'' I simply say. ''Family emergency.''

He nods a little and I hear a throat clear. We both turn to look at Paris who gives me a knowing look with her green eyes. ''I hate to interrupt your moment, but Mel, I'm about to leave. I'll drop you home and then I'll head to Ryan's house since we have a date planned.'' Ryan squeezes her hip affectionately. 

It's been a while since Paris and I actually rode to school together so we did this morning. She picked Sophie and I up from home, dropped Sophie at Linkdale and we headed to Adelaide.

''If you're going on a date, I don't want to impose.'' I tell her. ''I can always order an Uber.''

''It's really no problem,'' she insists. ''I don't mind.''

''I'll drop her home.,'' Jason says abruptly.


I stare at him, trying to see if he's playing but he's actually serious. ''I don't want to inconvenience you,'' I object. ''It's really not your way.''

I can't be in an enclosed space with him without feeling the need to kiss him again!

''I don't mind the commute,'' he shrugs.

Paris and Ryan look between us before Paris cuts the pregnant pause with a clap. ''I guess it's settled then?'' she looks at me for confirmation, her eyes pleading for me to say yes. 

''I guess so,'' I answer unsurely.


She takes a few steps forward and gives me a hug and a peck on the cheek. ''Be good.'' Leaning into my ear, she whispers. ''Try not to jump his bones like you did last time.''

''Paris!'' I whisper harshly.

I did not tell her that so she'd throw it back in my face.

She withdraws from me and they both say their final goodbyes before going down the steps and out of the gym doors.

''Would you mind if I change?'' Yes, I actually do mind because I love your sticky clothes, thank you very much. ''I stink and smell like basketball.'' he jokes.

I crack a smile. ''Take your time.''

''Cool. I'll be right back and then we can leave.''

''Great.'' A thought pops up in my mind. ''Won't it be weird if people saw us together?'' We know our feud is over, but the rest of Adelaide don't. The school may be cleared out, save for a few people, but they have eyes. One word about us getting in his car together and it'd be spread like wildfire.

He pauses for a bit, pondering my question. ''I don't give a fuck what anyone thinks,'' he flashes me a mouth-watering smile and leans closer to me in a whisper. ''Do you?''

Thriple, breathe, Mel.

''No,'' I respond, breathless. What was I supposed to say, yes? If Jason Blunt is close to your face and he's giving you his signature smile that can melt hearts and water panties, you'd agree with him too.

Heck, if he tells me to put my hand in fire, my foggy brain may end up following his command.

Jason and I alone in a car. What could possibly go wrong?''


I have never been inside of Jason's Veyron before, but now that I am, fuck I don't want to leave. 

When they said this was a luxury car, they really meant it. I was almost afraid to touch the aluminium door handle because I thought I'd break it.

The interior is decked in thick red leather, from the comfortable seats down to to the dashboard. I'm guessing red is his bias because the shoes he wore on the court earlier were also red. 

The first thing that caught my attention when I climbed into the lowered passanger's seat was the centre console. I had only seen it in movies but seeing it with my very own eyes and touching it is a whole other experience.

This car must have cost a fortune, but it's probably a drop in the hat given his background.

''You're quiet,'' Jason observes, his hands poised on the leather steering wheel as we zoom past the other cars. One thing about a Veyron, it's fucking fast and with the roads being freer than an empty parking lot, let's just say I think he's going past the speed limit.

But I don't mind.

''Why aren't you mad at me?''

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