Hate You, Love You.

Chapter 92 - CANNONBALL

''You're quiet,'' Jason observes, his hands poised on the leather steering wheel as we zoom past the other cars. One thing about a Veyron, it's fucking fast and with the roads being freer than an empty parking lot, let's just say I think he's going past the speed limit.

But I don't mind.

''Why aren't you mad at me?''

Judging from the expression on his face, my question caught him off guard. ''Do you want me to be mad at you?''

A little. ''Yes,'' I answer. He gives me a weird look then turns his attention back to the road. ''I mean no.''

''I'm really not following, Princess.''

I need to be more articulate when I'm around him. ''What I'm trying to say is why are you being so…normal to me after I said no that night at my house?'' When a girl blows a guy off after they were all over each other, I'm pretty sure they don't react like Jason and pretend that everything is dandy.

He doesn't answer my question immediately as we zoom past Aunty Fiona's bakery, the candy coloured building making me actually miss work. I know it's just for today but still, I really do like working at a bakery than I do a diner.

''Define normal,'' I see the corner of his lips twitch. ''at least from your perspective.''

''Well, you're being cool,'' I start. ''And it's not that you're not cool all the time, but it's just that you're acting like all is fresh roses and kumbaya when I know that there's an elephant in the room.'' It's not a big elephant, probably a baby one and maybe I'm the only one taking note of it or maybe I'm way in over my head but I still feel a very slight tension.

''Princess, I'm not mad at you.''

''You're not?''

He shakes his head. ''I can't be mad at you, even when you'd push all my buttons back when we were at each other's throats, I still wasn't mad at you. I won't start now.''

I guess that answers my question. ''Oh.''

''However, you did bruise my ego a little bit and I'll admit it stung when you said no.'' He checks my facial expression. ''You're blowing hot andcold for some reason, or it may be a couple of reasons, but I can't seem to figure out why.'' 

I want to tell him all the reasons why I'm hesitating-guilt, fear of the unknown, the lingering threat on my life and uncertainty. 

Despite all that, I'm not one to go down without a fight.''

''What do you mean?'' I question, even though I know exactly what he means. 

''It means that I like you,'' Gosh, I don't think I'll ever get used to him saying that. ''and judging by the blush on your face and the fact that you confessed it that night, you like me too. I didn't know you had it in you when you-''

''Don't complete that,'' I answer embarrassment sweeping through me like a cold wind. ''I can't believe I did that. High-key, I'm a little embarrassed.''

''You don't need to be embarrassed about how you really feel, Princess,'' he glazes over at me, showing his perfect set of thirty-two's. ''If it's any compensation, I liked it a lot, but I had to stop it before it went too far. I didn't think you would have wanted it that way.''

''How do you know what I want?''

''I don't,'' he simply says. ''and quite frankly, you're a funny and complicated puzzle that I can't wait to complete.''

''No one is as complicated as you, Jason.'' Seriously, no teenager is as complicated as this boy, or should I say man, because there's nothing boyish about him at all. How many teenagers can boast about being a gangleader and a street racer?

''I guess we're both complicated. That's why we fit so well.''

''Are you flirting with me, Blunt?'' I tease lightly.

''Trust me, I want to do more than just flirt with you.''

My breath catches in my throat at his blatant admission and my body becomes completely aware that this hot male enemy-turned-friend-turned-flirting partner-turned almost date actually wants me, even more than I do him at this point.

''But I'll take it slow,'' he completes. ''If that's the pace you want to go, then it's fine by me.''

The familiar coloured block of the apartment clouds my vision and I'm keenly aware that our conversation is about to come to an end. It saddens me because I really like talking to him. If we had been civil with each other from the beginning, who knows what could have been.

He parks the Veyron near the apartment and I sigh, not wanting to leave the comfort of the leather seats. ''Remember what I said back at Ryan's party?''

''You said a lot of things,'' I joke.

''You called me a psycho,'' he teases back.

''And I re-called you a psycho." I laugh at the memory. Time flies so fast because I can't believe that was last year, August to be precise.

''Those where the days,'' he muses. ''But, I'm referring to when we were alone in the bedroom.''


He unfastens his seatbelt and leans to the side, his hands resting on the centre console. My breath hammers in my throat because he has a smirk on his face and knowing Jason the way I do, he's up to no good. I watch him with my brown eyes, anticipating what he'd do next.

''There where a lot of things said in the bedroom,'' his silky voice says. ''But the one thing I remember saying clearly was you are mine, no one else's.''

I was pressed up against the door, his hands on my waist, our faces nearly inches away from each other. If he wanted to, with just one move, he could have claimed my lips that day. His tall frame was caging me to the door and I was rooted on the spot because my brain could barely process what was going on. The sexual tension was high, much like it is now, but I was adamant to admit that I felt something for him.

''I remember,'' I whisper, our faces so close now. I can see everything, from the way his cheekbones curve to his connecting jawline down to those lips that I've kissed. ''I also remember saying I belong to no one.''

His fingers lean in to stroke my face, slowly, surely, like a guitar being stroked by its owner. His stare is intense, everything about him is intense if I'm being honest, but his aqua blues have a way of captivating me. I don't know what it is about it, maybe it's the colour or maybe it's because they belong to Jason, but if his eyes were an ocean, I would swim in it for a lifetime.

His gaze falls to my lips and I follow him with my brown eyes. ''Do you still feel that way now?''

''No,'' I answer in a heartbeat. ''I don't.''

Because deep down I know I'm his; even if I said no that night, I'm utterly and irrevocably smitten.


Just when I think he's going to close the barely there gap between us, his fingers move from my face to my side and he unfastens my seatbelt. I blink repeatedly, disappointment rippling through me like a current. His smirk grows even wider. ''You're not getting a kiss on the lips,'' he bluntly states. ''However, you get this.'' 

He plants a kiss on my forehead and I flutter my eyes closed, savouring the feeling of his lips on my skin, even if it isn't on my lips. He lingers for a bit, before detaching his lips and leaning back into his seat.

''You have some things you have to figure out, Princess.'' I stare at him. ''I can tell. When you're done doing that, I'll be waiting.'' He takes my hand and I observe our laced fingers. ''I've made my intentions clear and I'd like you to do the same, but not just for me, but to yourself. I know what I want and what I want is you.'' He doesn't take his eyes off me. ''I'll probably tell you that a million times so get used to it.''

I stifle a blush.

''When you figure your shit out and you're willing to go on that proposed date, I'll be here.'' 

He lifts our interwined fingers from the centre console to his lips, my hand being on top of his. ''I'll get the door for you.''

I can't breathe. Scratch that, I can't even think straight. I thought the kisses on the lips were enough to give me a heart attack, but the one on the forehead and now at the back of my palm is enough to send me to my early grave.

Can't he see what he's doing to me?

He gets out of the car and jogs to to the passanger's side, opening the car door for me. ''Thanks.'' I clutch my bag close to me like a form of shield to stop my hammering heart. Steadying myself and calming my breathing. I approach the familiar steps of the apartment.

I look back at him and he gives me a small wave.

God, he's sexy, even in our basic uniform.

Before I get the keys from my bag, I hear a bunch of keys jiggle from inside and the door opens. Sophie comes out, looking panicked. ''Where have you been? And moreso, why haven't you been picking your phone?''

''What happened?'' I ask, panic also settling in my brain.


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